I have written probably 98% of the “Prologue” – all together a little more then 100,000 words.
The decision tree expanded a bit:
As you can see, nearly all decisions take place during the first day, the rest is story telling only. Each color represents one path to take. The player can decide between 5 different paths.
These paths will set the “mood” of the main game.
I did not want too many decisions… I did not want too fine tuned characteristics.
The two main characters will start the game as a couple… the prologue defines their basic relationship.
The main moral paths are now:
- “Harmony” (green)
They have their ups and downs during prologue, but in the end Ina and Ani are solid. They are in love and neither of them is thinking of any kind of betrayal or other partners. - “Little Harmony” (yellow)
Ina is a stuck up upper class, who really only accepts Ani after he proves to be intelligent. They are in the workshop to learn about sex – and she tries other men and sees Ani as one of many…
She is pretty emotionless and straight forward.
She develops feelings for Ani… but only recognizes them nearly too late… after she sleeps around and cucks Ani during her femdom session.
Ani is about to leave… when she begs him to stay.
Ani likes being controlled, Ina likes being in control.
In the end they appear to be pretty solid in this… - “Ani survived chastity” (orange)
A path that unfolds late… Ina is trying to make Ani her slave…
After Ani is put in “eternal” chastity… he manages to get rid of the cage… just in time before he truly would be condemned.
Despite of that… he still likes/loves Ina, who also really likes him… she just wants to have him for ever secured…
Ani gives Ina some of her own medicine (fucking around… cuckqueaning Ina…)…
Ina… then begs Ani to stop and to partner up.
Ina asks Ani to be her boyfriend… - “Ani is evil” (red)
After Ani is put into chastity… and Ina is about to have him transported to his eternal enslavement…
Ani can successfully convince Ina… that he will be the partner – REAL partner – she always dreamed of.
Ani converts to be evil… and they put plans in action to each punish the previous sex partners of the other.
They will be an evil and utterly ruthless pair… which (at least now) totally trusts each other. - “Ani & Ina – Fun” (blue)
They partner up – but each of them are open to have sex with other partners.
In the end it becomes more and more apparent, that Ina considers them to be “better” humans… and the lesser ones only exist to be used as tools… and to their advantage.
Ani does not fight these thoughts.
“The universe” – is not a constant among the different paths!
In one path Ina for example might be a virgin… in other paths… she might not. Players can not assume things learned in one play through to be consistent with a play through in another path!
Very little writing in the different paths is reused – there are some passages that are reused – but not many.
Some more story snippets:
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