(Working title)
I keep writing and writing… and keep postponing DAZ.
The image you see above is somewhat like the current “scene/decision tree” for the prologue.
Seven days and a handful of decisions – as of now about 50,000 words.
I estimate that I will need about roughly at least a thousand images – to get through the prologue the way I want.
In the last weeks I have done about fifty. Damn… DAZ is so slow… the results one produces are often fun – but the time needed… (loading time!).
I am not made for this kind of work. I like doing one thing after another… I like being efficient and fast – exactly the opposite of what DAZ is.
I guess it is possible to do about ten images a day… but the current speed is more like ten per week… I guess in about two years time – if I keep up – the prolog will be finished… hahaha!

Sunshine in the park!

They get to know each other.

That very much looks like a bad ending…

Life is not always easy peasy for Ani…

But things… can also work out just fine!
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