Chapter 1

Story walkthrough – Karlsson’s Gambit – Kane good/dom

It was just a day like any other.
I woke up in my prison cell, stared at the ceiling, and waited for time to pass.
It was early in the morning. The first thing I heard was the voice of guard Patricia.

Get your ass up!” she shouted.

All of the guards were female – all of them had a devil inside.
Yes, I was a prisoner, and they were guards. The justice system had put me in this facility.
But I had proven over and over that I was a pretty decent guy, so why couldn’t the guards be at least civil?

Hey! Let’s move it! Got a special visitor for you, maggot!

Despite the condescending tone in her voice, she smiled at me.

Patricia looked gorgeous as ever.
Her uniform flattered her body, gracefully hugging her figure and accentuating her endlessly long legs.
A delicate rose branch tattoo on her right thigh peeked out.

She seemed so young, much too young to serve as a guard. But all prisoners knew – she was neither too young, nor was she innocent.
She harboured her own devil, and with the technical support available to the guards, she had no trouble dealing with even the roughest prisoners.

All prisoners wore shock collars, and we were under surveillance 24/7. One word from her would leave me incapacitated on the floor, screaming in agony.

I got up and followed her.
On our way to meet my ‘special visitor’, gorgeous Patricia humiliated a fellow prisoner and, on a whim, additionally sent him to Samantha – one of her colleagues who specialized in cruel torture.

While she humiliated the man, she kept touching herself, playing with her breasts and rubbing her pussy – right in front of us.
I too am only human. While I was appalled at what she did to the poor man, I kept staring at her cute butt and couldn’t help noticing the rubbing motions of her hand.
Damn, that bitch was a hottie!
While I was still staring at her booty, the guy in the cell was crying and crawling on the floor, licking her boots in a desperate attempt to appease her – to no avail.

Afterwards, she was cheerful and even asked for my opinion:
I’m so good at my job, aren’t I, maggot?
[Choice – Call her out on her cruelty, Dom+1, Good+1]

One thing I learned from my mother, my sister, life in general, and this prison in particular – do not be intimidated!
Tell things by their name – so I told her that she is an evil bitch.

Wiggling her breasts at me and laughing, she just said: “Right you are!

A short time later I met Elena, my special visitor – the VIP!
She was a very confident, beautiful woman. She wore a provocative short, red leather outfit that emphasized her feminine attributes rather than concealing them.

She was not one to do much small talk; she cut straight to the chase and asked where I got my bruises from.
What the fuck. Why would she care? Never seen bruises or what?
I was attacked by another prisoner; I didn’t even know why. But that is life in prison.
I remained silent.
[Choice – Silent Treatment, Elena+1]

She kept talking, told me it was a wise choice to keep to myself.
Yeah! What a well-thought-out response of mine. Not saying a word. If she thinks that was smart – who am I to disagree?

Then she told me who she really was: Elena Caspari, Senior Legal Officer for the Karlsson Group.


The Karlsson Group – everything belonged to them, even the fucking prison I was in.
The world was fucked up. There were millions of slaves, thousands of free people, and very few higher class people.
That woman sitting next to me in this goddamn dirty prison was probably a multi-billionaire who could command millions of people to do her will.
What the fuck was she doing here?

In not so many words, I told her what I thought about the Karlsson business.
And again – as with Patricia before – she was not the slightest bit offended when I called her out.
All she said was that it was impressive what a quick mind I had for my peasant background.

Peasant yourself, lady!

Then she tried to butter me up and said how wonderful it would be if I could enjoy my life a little more.
She actually went all Sharon Stone on me, spread her legs, and presented her – shaven, beautiful, sexy cunt.
My thoughts drifted away from the conversation.
All I could hear was “Bla bla bla… bla… bla bla” as I kept staring at her sex.
Prison, a few months now – go figure!

She noticed that I could not concentrate anymore and hid her private parts. But I am certain she did it with some reluctance.

We further talked about why I was in prison in the first place and about my family.
She was just starting to talk ill about my brother when I snapped at her and told her to keep my family out of this.
[Choice – Interrupt her forcefully, Dom+1]

She kept her cool though and reminded me that she was the one in power and she could talk about whatever she wanted.
At that moment she reminded me of my sister – the expression she made when she nonchalantly told me I was in no position to demand anything – just like sis.

Anyway, this billionaire woman came to me from God knows what luxury home and now talked to me. Obviously, she wanted something from me; I was no fool!
[Choice – Argue that if she wants…, Elena+1]

Am I a dog to be trained? Her answer sounded just like that; she praised me for my thoughtful response and told me how smart I was.
What? I mean – WHAT?
Damn her brown eyes, when she looks at me – oh my god, I can’t get her pussy out of my head. Just looking at her makes me feel like I am on drugs. What has that damn prison done to me?

Bla bla bla…

God, yes!

She was offering participation in a training and pardon program. A chance for me to get out of prison.
Bla bla… six months… bla bla…

She sat only a yard away, her head supported by her hand, and she kept staring at me while she talked. She looked at me as if I was the most fascinating thing in the world. I felt so odd, so desired; if she could only have her will – she would just jump me and eat me up.
Being devoured by her could not possibly be the worst fate.

As it turned out, they were actively seeking out prisoners for their program since the tasks might involve questionable morality.
Prisoners – more or less – were set apart from general law regulations.
I got the notion that the program was even more dangerous than prison – but with some luck might actually be a way to move upwards in the world. It couldn’t get much worse than being in prison, amirite? – Afterthought, no I was not right!

That fucking horny bitch was playing games again! She conditioned my application on pleasing her!
I am not THAT stupid – the billionaire woman comes to prison to get me – and only allows my application when I lick her glorious, delicious, beautiful, sexy pussy?
Oh god! I so want it!
YES – I certainly want her!
But not this way. She will not bend me to her will! Gosh, but her gorgeous pussy, it calls me! It wants me! I see it!
[Choice – I don’t want to submit, but…, Elena+1, ElenaMentor]

I refused to lick her. My body wanted to – but my mind wrestled with my animalistic lick instinct and barely won.
I told her so – and I told her also that I didn’t believe she would refuse my participation in the program, after all, she came here personally and spoke to me.

Huh? Damn, she graded me – but at least I got an A+. My response had pleased her, and to her, all this had just been a game. A test to see how I would react.
A+ is a nice score – but I am still not sure if I should not have tasted her pussy.

Oh, night and lonely bed, I can’t wait till we are one – notification to right hand, do not get tired!

Elena then made some more cryptic remarks about power and struggle and mentoring – which I didn’t understand. All I understood was – there were more tests to follow.

I agreed to participate in the program.

Before we parted, she revealed that she had known all along how I got my current set of bruises.
All these tricks and talks – damn.
She offered the choice to decide my attacker’s punishment – another one of her tests, probably ‘morale’.
My mother had raised her kids to not be cruel and demeaning to others.
Although I thought my attacker deserved punishment – I was not one to pile on it.
In my experience, punishment had never set things right again. More often than not, ‘punishment’ was a disguise for revenge. From revenge, nothing good ever happened. So, I was very much inclined to lessen the sentence of my attacker.
[Choice – Give him a lesser punishment of one week in solitary. Good+2]

Elena showed no indication of what she thought about my choice. After giving some commands to Patricia, she left.

The next two days went by in a breeze. I was granted access to a computer and learned about the Karlsson group – and I met my buddy Jake.
The latter meeting was really strange – Jake was also in prison and had been for quite some time – but I had never seen him!

But now he too studied the Karlsson Group since he also received an ‘invitation’. It was good to talk to Jake again – even under these dark circumstances. We had known each other since we were little children. We decided to stick together and help each other out.

Later I met Samantha. I had heard much about her – how cruel she was, that she tortured prisoners to death. She did not “only” kill them – she tried breaking her victims first, playing mind games – confronting them with their hidden fears. She was so small – she was petite! But at that time, she wasn’t sent to be cruel – I was to make another choice – another test. Food! I could have delicious food brought to me – and only to me! I could give the food to my friend Jake – or to the other prisoners.

I didn’t really think too hard about it. None of the other prisoners had ever done anything for me – the opposite, now and then one of them attacked me. I could have eaten the food myself, but only minutes ago I had reunited with Jake and we affirmed we had each other’s back. So, I decided to give him a little surprise and let him have some luxury.
[Choice – Give Food to Jake. Good+1, Friend+1]

Patricia joined us shortly after – and we continued to Samantha’s ‘dungeon’, a gruesome place with torture devices – and a bed for Samantha to indulge in – while her playmates suffered. My attacker was held in a cage so small he could hardly stand in it, let alone sit or lie down.

He was sentenced to be kept in that cage for several days – it was a cruel punishment. I could not help but ask to lessen it
[Choice – Try and lessen the punishment and object to this… Good+1]

Neither Samantha nor Patricia wanted to hear about any lessening though. They started taunting the guy, kicking him through the cage with their spiked shoes. Tiny ‘innocent’ Sam kept touching and rubbing herself while belittling her prisoner. I was appalled by her behaviour but sad to admit – also aroused. While Patricia led me to my cell, I kept hearing screams of pain – while Sam kept on kicking and torturing the guy and I think I even heard a slight moan of hers.

I was alone in my cell. Thoughts kept circling in my head: Elena, Karlsson Group, torture, slaves, Patricia, Jake, Samantha – and I in the middle of it all. A billionaire I had never heard of before visiting me in prison?

I fell asleep.

Samantha and Patricia woke me up. I looked at them. Now that I had seen Sam in action, I could recognize a cruel, sadistic streak in her features. I knew now why the other prisoners feared her. She was a sweet little girl on the outside – but had darkness within.

Patricia stood next to her. I liked her much better – even as a guard she seemed to have kept some little humanity – or her evil side had not marked her yet. Pat was more “playful” which could even be recognized in her hairstyle – it was dyed black, with the tips coloured red. It gave her a girly look. Her tattoo – the delicate rose branch – added to her “harmless” look.

Apparently Elena wanted to see me again – What? Why? What was so “special” about me?

Pat escorted me to the prison yard where Elena’s luxurious limo waited. On our way, Pat and I talked. She confided in me how she got to her current position and that she owed Elena big time for her support. Somehow I sensed on some level Pat actually liked me – even though she probably would never allow herself to say so.

I decided to boost her ego a little and complimented her. I told her I was impressed by how she handled herself – considering her background.
[Choice – Maybe I should try and compliment her…]

She was not prepared to take compliments though – and confused asked: “Oh, why’s that?” I was tempted to refer to her looks – and how hot she was and that as a little girl she never would have guessed… but – going after her looks seemed sleazy. I don’t think something so overtly sexual would have impressed her much. I decided to go with sarcasm instead.

I told her – if someday I were to come to power, I would certainly hire her!
[Choice – Let her know you would want to hire her if… Pat+2, PatSecPath]

Haha! Strangely enough, Pat didn’t catch the sarcastic undertone of mine – she took my word for it – and thanked me and even encouraged me to keep on impressing Elena to move up in the hierarchy. Pat – wow – nice body! But no brain at all – a pity!

I entered the limousine. To my surprise, it was not only Elena who was expecting me but also a bare-breasted Asian hottie! We talked a bit about “the world” and she kept making innuendos of different kinds about my future – but never anything concrete.

The whole situation was probably just another test of hers. She offered that her servant – the Asian chick named Kitty – give me a blowjob – while continuing her interview.
[Choice – I need some release, Badly.]

No way I would turn THAT down. Hell, I had been in prison for 3 months. All I got were thoughts and a right hand. Now that sexy, willing Kitty was begging me with her eyes to let her suck my dick! Yes – YES – YES! Suck it, baby!

While my body was in heaven, Elena asked questions, which some minor part of my brain processed and I automatically answered. While Kitty gave my dick her very best – it was divine – nothing short of divine! She asked about my mother – mother? Huh? I have a chick sucking my cock! I don’t want to think about my mother! Sister? Yea, yes! Kitty – hmmm – yes, you suck so good – your lips are so strong! Sister – What? Yes – also strong. Kitty, God Kitty!
[Choice – I think strong. SisDom+1]

FUCK! Kitty! Thank you, Elena! I needed that! I had never been treated like I was by Kitty. Damn, that was so hot, so good. She swallowed my load – and she smiled and grinned. She gave me the impression she loved every second of it. That was so hot. After Kitty finished, she even begged Elena to allow me to be her first man – apparently, she was a virgin still. Kitty wanted me to be her first? When? Where? Now?

Elena gave me one last piece of advice – or what she thought was advice. Anyone with a few molecules of brain in their head would figure it out on their own. The great advice: “Don’t show weakness. Don’t try to piss off the one in power. Be patient and cunning, find allies.” Thanks, Elena – now I know how you became a world leader!

One strange thing she said – I just could not figure out or make sense of: “… you will end up interacting with all of the Karlsson sisters…” What? Why? Why on earth would they be interested in me? What kind of special am I?