Story walkthrough – Karlsson’s Gambit – Kane good/dom (partly)
I woke up to the sound of a door closing – the door of my cell. Someone had just left.
“Ahhhrgg!” I yelled out.
There was something in my pants! Some sort of electronic bracelet – what the heck?
I didn’t know what it was, how to use it, or who placed it there.
If this was again some strange sort of sponsorship, I had no clue what it was for.
Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to stuff it in my pants; that much was certain.
I decided to hide it for now – perhaps someday I would know how to use it.
I got up and discovered the little table in my cell was overflowing with breakfast – well, overflowing for a prisoner like me. Pancakes, fried eggs with bacon, fruits. Delicious!
K6 – breakfast was served to my cell – I began to feel like a guest in a hotel.
I ate and showered. When I had finished, Chanel announced herself and entered, bringing Delilah – her assistant and fellow assassin – with her.
Assassin? Did I miss that somewhere? Chanel was an assassin? I’d better be careful around her – lest her mighty boobs kill me!
Delilah was another redhead and nearly as petite as Sam.
She immediately started flirting with me, and Chanel sort of supported her by saying that if I didn’t screw up, fucking was on the table.
“I’m sure you’ll do great, won’t you?” was Delilah’s response.
[Choice: I should be assertive in this environment and respond confidently… Delilah_p +1, Chanel_p +1]
The thought of fucking that cutie certainly inspired me to do well. The program threw incentives my way!
A few minutes later, I met Kwame. He was the only other guy in the program who started higher than K4 – he was a K5. We talked a bit, but since Chanel was around all the time, he wasn’t willing to disclose anything too private.
[Choice: Kwame could be helpful to talk to alone, but maybe better… Chanel_p +1, Kwame_p -1]
As it turned out, Kwame had been a leader of some uprising of workers in a mine.
Usually, he and his family would have been executed, but due to Dominique’s intervention, he was now given the opportunity to prove himself. If he failed, he and his family would still receive the death penalty. Talk about incentive.
Shortly afterward, Kwame and I went our separate ways again. I was escorted by Chanel to a recreation area – a staff pool.
The following hour clearly showed me the difference between being a K4 and a K6 – although none of the girls grew tired of warning me. To them, I was still a cockroach – I had to perform well, lest I lose all my privileges.
Five girls: Katsumi, Chanel, Delilah, Junko, and Nurse Mariah.
Two prisoners: Zach and me.
Zach was to be tortured for their delight, and I – that is, my cock – might also be used for their delight. These were the set roles.
When Delilah discovered that Mariah had already had the opportunity to ‘play’ with me, she started bickering about it. Katsumi, as the highest-ranking, intervened and shut them up, though.
I decided to side with Kitty – although Delilah was Chanel’s assistant, my calculation was that it was still better to piss her off than Kitty.
[Choice: I think it’s wise to strategically agree with Katsumi no matter what I think… Kitty_p +2, Delilah_p -1, Nurse_p -1, Junko_p +1]
Mariah had brought some new inventions from Veronica’s scientific lab – some sort of potions, a green one and a red one.
As it turned out, the red one enhanced the recipient’s pain perception, while the green lotion amplified sexual stimulation – they could be applied to body parts or, for more general means, they could also be applied orally.
Naturally, they treated Zach extensively with the red stuff, while Delilah and Mariah applied the green to themselves. Then they started touching, rubbing, and pinching Zach until they squirmed with lust and he screamed in pain.
Kitty decided she would give me a choice: Either retreat and not participate at all – which would most probably have a negative impact on everything – or indulge in the green stuff and fuck Chanel – oh God, YES! The drawback was that I would have to say no to the last offered option – to go sit with Junko and Kitty.
I really liked Junko – we had made a connection during the flight. Fucking Chanel right in front of her would probably make her hate me, as in her eyes I would be just another opportunistic asshole.
Fucking Chanel – God, I wanted it! – would most probably also estrange me from Kitty, and damn, she was the Z1 here. Everyone kept telling me to watch out for myself. Make the right decisions.
FUCK! My dick had to wait – a short but wonderful fuck now could worsen my position in the long run.
[Choice: Chanel is tempting, but I think I’d rather sit next to Junko and Katsumi… Junko_p +1, Kitty_p +1, Chanel_p -2]
If looks could kill, I’d be dead under Chanel’s gaze. She looked really, really upset.
But I also saw the relieved smile that Junko gifted me with.
I placed myself between Junko and Kitty, and the latter immediately began fondling my body.
We watched the two other girls as they applied the red lotion to Zach’s body – Zach kept begging and pleading. But all they did was apply more red on him and laugh with sadistic glee.
It was hard to watch Zach suffering. Most of the girls were not bothered by his tears, though.
Chanel had gotten over my rejection quickly – she was now rubbing her pussy and twisting her nipples as she started on herself, enjoying the sadistic torture.
Junko had a stoic expression – she clearly did not enjoy it, but she was probably the lowest-ranking girl here. So there was nothing she could do without losing the little standing she might have.
Kitty was getting restless – she outright asked me if I wouldn’t want to please her.
Again, I had to choose.
Kitty, the high-ranking executive?
Junko, the low-level servant of Dominique?
My heart was clearly beating for Junko – Kitty was an evil bitch. But would it cost me too much to refuse her now?
I wanted to live! I wanted to thrive and not be a prisoner.
Did I have to throw my own values overboard? Should I force myself to please Kitty?
Or should I stay true to myself and try to build a true friendship with a person I knew had at least a little bit of human decency?
Fuck – fuck, fuck!
[Choice: I know it’s a risk to possibly make Kitty unhappy, but I want to talk to Junko… Kitty_p -2, Junko_p +2]
Kitty reacted as I had feared – with a thinly veiled threat. The second girl I had upset in the last few minutes. I don’t know whether these were good choices. Still, I too wanted to cling at least a little bit to my decency. I could only hope that both girls would not hold grudges and that there would be opportunities to get back on their good side – or evil side?
Junko suffered too, though differently from Zach – not from bodily pain, but she hated the sadism she had to endure watching.
I tried helping Junko – I held her hand and tried meditation techniques I had learned to keep her mind from the scene next to us.
I heard Kitty moaning as she watched Delilah and Mariah enjoying their cruel games with Zach. A few feet away, Chanel was openly rubbing her lovely pussy. I couldn’t hear her, but her mouth seemed to articulate soft moans as well.
Junko had her eyes closed now, and I led her with my words to another – peaceful – place.
I could see her trailing off – she wanted to escape, and that made it easy to lead her away – mentally. I kept talking, journeying further and further.
Suddenly, Katsumi interrupted us – neither Junko nor I had noticed that the girls were done torturing Zach. They had already left. I took my leave from Junko, and Chanel quickly led me away.
It was the first time our so-called “pod” was called together. Our pod had four members – Zach, Jake, Kwame, and me.
As a pod, we were to handle some tasks together as a group, but since it was still our first day, there were not many tasks ahead of us.
Chanel left and told us we would be picked up soon for our next task.
We kept talking and comparing our respective accommodations when two women entered the room.
The lovely long-legged ladybug! How did she get involved with the rehab program?
And one Sonya – A tall woman with ebony skin and a commanding presence – seemingly an assassin sister of Chanel and Delilah.
Pat got a promotion, and she was now in charge of coordinating our activities.
She looked good – more regal – as she was wearing some kind of uniform again. Only her head remained ladybuggy. But still – I might be sentimental, but I was glad to see her.
The girl in charge was Kiyomi, our head trainer. What would we be trained in, I wondered? Kiyomi immediately reminded me of Katsumi – she was also clearly of Asian origin, but they seemed to share more than just racial features. She was very tall and very matter-of-fact. I got the impression that she did not know the meaning of “fun” or “laughter.”
From their conversation, it was obvious that Kiyomi had been trying to get Pat to join her – in some sort of group – but clearly, Pat enjoyed her current freedom and declined her offer, seemingly not for the first time.
Pat already had long legs – but that Kiyomi woman – just wow! I couldn’t help but stare at them.
“Are you going to stare at my legs all day?“
Huh! Oh – shit.
It seemed Kiyomi did not appreciate me appreciating her legs.
[Choice: No use denying it, she caught me… Dominant +1, Kiyomi_p +1]
I decided to be honest and blunt – Kiyomi was a no-nonsense type of girl – she could probably handle the truth. She also probably knew on her own that she was attractive.
Yadda yadda yadda… pathetic… most of you will fail… you are a speck of nothing…
Kiyomi continued with her motivational speech.
We were brought before a small tribunal that punished everyone not K5 and higher by branding a loser sign on their ass. That meant Zach and Jake got branded while Kwame and I were left alone. Another bullet dodged – poor Jake, though.
The next real test was to follow soon – but since there were four pods, all had the same tests, and we were pod four – we had to wait.
Kiyomi singled me out; I was to see the warden of the facility. Shit – why was I singled out again? I wish someone would tell me why they thought I was something special.
We went upstairs, and I had a good overview of the room we had just been in.
From our vantage point, the room looked quite different – like some kind of arena.
Kiyomi told me that sometimes prisoners were made to fight for their lives below, as the elite watched, made bets on the outcome, and enjoyed themselves.
What a nice place! Fun Factory indeed!
[Choice: This sounds outrageous! Making men fight to the death… Good +3]
We kept talking – at one stage, she offered, provided I did well in my rehab, to actually train me. She was not only our head trainer but also the leader of the assassin squad – and the boss of Chanel, Delilah, and Sonya – and wanted Lady Bug to join her group.
It seems there was more to Pat than I had surmised.
We arrived at a luxurious suite; it was way up in some sort of tower. There was a pool – it was half inside the room and half on the balcony – or maybe it was the terrace, I couldn’t quite tell.
In front of the pool stood a young woman wearing only a bikini. My heart stopped for several beats. I knew her! I knew that woman – we had been close all my life. In front of me stood Olivia – my sister – she was the warden of this facility?
To be continued…