Story walkthrough – Karlsson’s Gambit – Kane good/dom
Lunch time.
As soon as I saw the food, I immediately regretted turning down the good meal. It looked like the cook had diarrhea – and not enough time to actually cook. The taste was not much better than the looks. I gulped it down – I knew today I would need every bit of strength I could get. Written and physical exams were on schedule.
A little later Pat came by – how gorgeous she looked again. Black leather boots covering her legs to her upper thighs. Red shorts that showed her firm butt. Damn!
Looking at her, I had to suppress a smirk; she looked a little like a ladybug – all clad in red and black.
The top of her hair was black, the tips coloured red, a black shirt, red tie, black girdle, red shorts, black boots – I could not see the underside of her boots, but I would not have been surprised if they were red again.
She was her usual self though – taunting me with the shit I had to eat.
To my surprise, she suddenly stepped closer, caressed my head, and told me I really looked good. A few minutes earlier, another guard had cut my hair and beard – I had been made presentable. Obviously, Pat liked it – liked me!
She then went into lecture mode. She told me what to expect in the program and that today’s test results would greatly impact my future. The best thing would be to start as high-ranked as possible, since climbing the ladder later would be so much harder.
Lovely little Pat – while putting her heels on my balls – told me that she would be in charge of the tests today and that she could make me fail big time or help me pass.
My sarcastic remark from yesterday obviously had a great impact on her. She actually offered to help me today if I promised to remember her and to help her later on when I would be in a powerful position.
She also wanted a little betrayal on my part – I was not to support any of my comrades.
I agreed to her wishes, although I never planned on leaving Jake on his own. How would she know anyway?
First came the written test. We – the candidates – met in some sort of classroom.
Jake had arrived first and greeted me – he was his usual charming self. He had dirty thoughts about my sister and tried to engage me in sexually ranking our guards. He was such a child sometimes and did not take anything seriously. What am I to say though – my thoughts had often drifted off into exactly the same regions. “We are in prison, Jake! Wake up! We are under surveillance 24/7 – the guards are listening to us! Whatever we say, it will be held against us! Gee! Man!“
I could not help myself – I told him my thoughts, he seemed not amused.
[Choice – Give a little scolding… Veronica+1, Friend-1]
I had planned to disclose my conversation with Pat and my learnings from Elena. But Jake was such a blabbermouth, I trusted his good intentions but just could not trust him enough to not get us into trouble. I decided to not tell him anything. What good could it do other than to satisfy his curiosity?
[Choice – I better not say anything… Slave-1]
Soon after, Sam entered – she wore a nearly identical outfit as Pat. Where Pat reminded me of a lovely evil ladybug, Sam reminded me of a Black Widow – also black and red, but small and deadly poisonous. She tried to lighten the mood by calling us rats, guinea pigs, and “normal” pigs – we were apparently also stupid, pathetic, and weak.
I wondered why they needed to test us – Sam seemed to know everything about us. Why not just ask her?
We were sat down and made to start with the written exam – the psyche test – sixty questions in two hours.
The last three questions were all that I could remember afterwards. What strange questions! How to react to catastrophic events – when all given choices are bad, which kind of bad do you choose? Psyche tests – damn!
A tunnel of a mine collapses – a mine nearly completely depleted; valuable equipment and workers (yes, in that order) are trapped. What do you do?
Answer A and D were clearly wrong – they basically said, “save face to the public” and don’t do the sensible thing.
Answer B was purely cost-related – how much does a worker cost, how much is the equipment worth, is it worth a rescue attempt?
Answer C was not perfect since it sounded much like a cover-up strategy. But I decided to take answer C anyway because it stated, “before deciding anything else.”
Remaining calm and taking time to decide seemed like the most sensible answer in a situation like that.
[Choice – Quickly determine everyone who actually knows… Veronica+1]
The next question referred to research done in a secret lab – one worker had moral doubts about the project and wanted out. What do you do?
I answered that question on a whim – there definitely was no right answer, only different kinds of wrong.
Answer A still appealed most to me, even as the ultimate solution might lead to the man being killed. The point that convinced me to take A was the first part: Investigate everything about him.
Decisions made on facts and knowledge seem to make the most sense to me.
[Choice – Investigate everything about him (and make a…) Veronica+1]
The last question was a strange one… What kind of leadership to establish within the Karlsson Group after the death of Alexander Karlsson?
How would I know?
The whole Karlsson Group seemed to be evil, but I could not deny that Alexander as a solo player on top had done a great job in successfully establishing his business. I guess if the leader is a smart one, it may be best to let one person decide. Leading by committee might be a dream of some, but ultimately leads to conflict and paralysis.
[Choice – Simply determine as best as you can which child… SoloPlayer]
Done – I had been able to answer all sixty questions in time. Great! But what was that?
A hacker messaged me after I had done my test? Fuck – the message was some cryptic lines about Alexander Karlsson and unfulfilled wishes – and then it was all over. What the heck – was that supposed to help me? Or was someone only trying to confuse me? If the latter, then they succeeded!
I was deeply in thought when Jake called out to me. I was still confused – should I tell him about the hacking?
No – he already had accused me of being a VIP prisoner who got special treatment. Why was he such an ass sometimes? I got him delicious food and all he does is tease me and make sexual innuendos about my sister. No if I tell him that a hacker contacted me I’ll never hear the end of it.
[Choice – Don’t share what happened. HackerSecret]
Twenty minutes later our physical test started. I tried preparing mentally for it – and did not bother talking to the others. Even though – Jake could not refrain to tell me that he used the short pause to think about my sister and wank in the bathroom. Yea – he was such a good friend.
[Choice – I shouldn’t get too involved with others.]
Miss Ladybug greeted us outside and gave us another speech about the rehab program. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
“Any questions?“
[Choice – I have no questions, Mistress Patricia. Slave-1]
[Choice – Don’t take the risk of upsetting her by doing…]
The physical test – part one!
We had to run forty five minutes straight. Damn I was out of shape – in prison I had not been able to exercise. What was I to do?
[Choice – I don’t’ think I can jog for 45 straight minutes. I should run fast… Slave+2]
Damn. Phew. That was hard – running 45 minutes and barefoot. My feet were killing me!
The physical test – part two!
Miss ladybug enthusiastically told us about the last two physical tests – or games as she referred to them. It seemed she really looked forward to them since she was not able to hide a little devious smile. Soon we knew why Miss evil bug was looking forward to the next “test”.
We were to stand – legs spread – before her. She would kick us in the balls – and the first one to fall was the first loser of the game.
Wow! What clever genius invented these sophisticated “tests”?
I was lucky though – Pat remembered our deal – she would fake a kick when I would fake being hurt and in pain. Naturally, I agreed to this. The acting needed to fake a howl of pain was nothing I could not do… I guess everyone would have been able to pull it off. I might have had a slight advantage though. My sister had taken acting lessons – and sometimes I had watched her perform.
[Choice – Show your acting chops and sell the pain with…]
Zach – the other guy in our test group – and Jake were kicked to the ground – Pat smirked and belittled them.
Before she started the next round of “tests” – she again offered to answer our questions about the program.
I decided to venture on a “positive” rout and asked about how likely it REALY was to get promoted to a higher rank?
[Choice – Ask Patricia how often someone gets promoted. Dom+1]
The answer I got did not give me much hope to ever get promoted – but at least it felt like an honest answer, I appreciated that.
The physical test – part three!
The last so called test – was only being cruel.
Pat told us, that “they” had placed some sort of chip in our bodies, with which the guards – or any authorized personal – could deliver pain.
To test this out – and to satisfy her sadistic needs – we were to suffer several minutes of pain.
I lucked out on that test again – since I won the last round – the fake kick in the nuts.
Zach and Jake were to kneel in the yard while their chip gave them pain – they were not to give off any noise – nor move in any way. They just had to stay still and endure the pain.
Again – I was in awe about these very well thought out tests. These were certainly designed to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Once my two companions turned around – cute Miss ladybug – grabbed my butt and led me away – out of earshot of the two tormented guys.
Then she surprised me! She explained why she stuck her head out to help me – yes it was because I offered her a future job. But what on my part had been more a sarcastic remark, she took as an honest promise and now she explained to me why – and it actually made sense!
I had been the only prisoner Elena had met. I had been the only prisoner that Elena decided to mentor. I was the only prisoner that had received special treatment.
Pat didn’t have any background information – but from her view I clearly was something special – someone so special that later coming into power might be a real thing. I promised myself – if that ever happened, I would stand true to my word and help Pat.
Certainly, she had an evil even sadistic streak. But at the same time, she was honest, seemingly not dumb – and definitely got a ladybug bonus.
She told me about her world – her view on the world, little people like the two guys suffering pain – on the ground below us. How she managed to climb the hierarchy in the Karlsson group – and that if I wanted to do the same – at times I had to be ruthless and think about myself.
While telling me those things she caressed my butt, touched my dick – feeling it and finally asked:
“Do you have the balls to take what you want?“
I was massaging her shoulders by then – and she was rubbing the front of her shorts.
“Do you have the balls to take what you want?“
Fuck – it was clear what she was asking. What she wanted. I remembered Elena – she clearly had said I might even get to fuck Pat. She knew all along where this might lead.
I saw the two guys below – I saw their muscles twitching in pain. My hands touching Pat, she wanted me to take her, to have the balls to fuck her right here and now.
I fought a battle within – fucking her with the two guys suffering below – or chickening out.
Their suffering would not lessen, whatever I did. Fuck it!
I wanted Pat – she was such a gorgeous ladybug, she was so hot – rubbing her pussy in front of me. I could still feel her hand on my dick.
I wanted her, here, NOW! I did not want to compromise or go slowly.
[Choice – Tell her your balls are big enough to fuck her right… Pat+3, Dom+1, Evil+1]
The next five minutes were crazy – Pat sucked my dick. I didn’t need it to get in the mood, but she wanted to. She told me, from the first day she saw me, she had wanted to. Soon she bent over the railing – I fucked her from behind while she watched Jake and Zack suffering. At that moment I did not care. It had been months since I had last been with a woman. My dick did all my thinking and it just wanted to move in her. A very short time later, we went downstairs and Pat relieved Jake and Zack of their suffering. I felt bad – but also – damn, I felt good.
All tests were done. Pat told us to wait for the results and shortly after, we would be shipped off to the actual program.
I could still feel the warm satisfaction of having fucked her – and now she told us farewell. I am sure the two others could not relate, but at this very moment, I was a little sad. I was not sure if I would ever see that devious, evil, and cute ladybug ever again.
I was alone in my cell. Contemplating my future, the so-called rehabilitation program, which I now was sure of, was little more than a scam.
What was I to do? I had always thought of myself as a decent guy. Today Pat made me fuck her while my best friend was suffering in pain only a few yards away. No – Pat didn’t make me, sure she had wanted it, but I made the decision, not her. It was me – or more precisely, my dick – who decided to go for the kill.
Damn – am I turning evil now?
Jake came by to tell me that I was next up to receive my test results. Jake turned out to be ranked K4 – the lowest possible rank to escape prison. But he DID escape prison – that was a good thing – wasn’t it?
Sam – the tiny black widow – greeted me.
Again, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Oh God, Sam, shut your mouth and tell me my results…
[Choice – Ask her directly how you did… Dom+1]
K fucking SIX!
I am top-notch! The best prisoner!
Oh god. Now I am glad to be the best prisoner… can it get any worse?
The highest ranking one can possibly get – at this stage!
Sam: “That hasn’t happened in years!“
Fuck yes! Pat! – I will get you soon!
Our transport was delayed – we needed to stay another night in prison – but first thing tomorrow, we were to be off to a fresh start in the rehab program!
But before – later that day – Sam fetched me for one last test. A special one for me!
She escorted me to her private dungeon. I was surprised to find Kitty waiting for us. Kitty was that cute Asian girl who had been with Elena in her limousine. The one that wanted me to take her virginity.
They were playing games again. A test directly from Elena – to see how I react.
Sam was to be secured – and I was allowed to spank her.
Either with little force, full force, or not spank her at all.
What shitty test is that? Why would I spank her?
Sure – she is an evil sadistic bitch – but no amount of spanking will change that.
Fuck – Elena is an evil bitch too. She said she is mentoring me – whatever that means.
I guess she expects me to hit Sam. Not hitting her would probably be seen as weakness in Elena’s eyes.
Everyone who was giving me advice always said, “Don’t show weakness!”
Fuck! Weakness in my book is to comply with others and not stand up for the things you believe are right.
Fuck – Sam really got a cute ass. I would rather squeeze it than hit it with a paddle.
Anyway – no, I am not spanking a bound, helpless girl just because I can. That is not me!
Fuck you, Elena!
[Choice – Is this a test on whether I would just punish… Good+1]