<<intSays "Cybele!">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina? how are you?">>
<<intSays "'been better - honestly">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh. Sorry, can I...">>
<<intSays "Cyb, you and I. We are something like friends, aren't we?">>
<<cybeleSays "Sure.">>
<<intSays "There has been a lot on my mind lately.">>
<<intSays "I have been thinking, some of it in regard to you.">>
<<intSays "Whatever I say next, please remember: I like you, and I am glad you are with us.">>
<<intSays "*sigh*">>
<<intSays "Honestly. I have mixed emotions about you. And you probably feel different things about me as well.">>
<<intSays "Can I be honest? I mean - even more honest than usual?">>
<<cybeleSays "O... k...">>
<<intSays "You know, I love Ani. I love him more than anything. He is my world.">>
<<intSays "I told you even on the first day you came here.">>
<<cybeleSays "I know.">>
<<intSays "You arrived - from my view - as a test subject for my studies.">>
<<intSays "I used you, manipulated you.">>
<<intSays "That is not exactly a foundation friendship is built on, even less on your part.">>
<<intSays "I let you sleep with my husband. My Ani.">>
<<intSays "You can't imagine how I felt about that, how I felt when I saw you.">>
<<intSays "The worst was not when you were fucking - the worst minutes were the end.">>
<<intSays "You asked him to stay a few minutes longer.">>
<<intSays "He then held you in his arms and he promised he would care for you, protect you and never let anything happen to you. You lay there, safe in his arms.">>
<<intSays "That nearly broke my heart.">>
<<cybeleSays "I...">>
<<intSays "No, don't. Not yet.">>
<<intSays "Ani - has a big heart - and there has always been a knight in him, a protector, especially in regard to his woman. Women. *sob*">>
<<intSays "I know he loves me - and he always will.">>
<<intSays "But, you are also in his heart. Otherwise, he would not have said what he did.">>
<<intSays "I am possessive and jealous.">>
<<intSays "There is a part of me that wants to hurt you. Destroy you. Make sure you never see my Ani again.">>
<<intSays "That is perhaps animalistic instinct. But I have it under control.">>
<<intSays "Some other part of me likes and respects you. You are safe - do not worry.">>
<<intSays "You have grown so much since then. You are cruel. You found different kinds of love and hate.">>
<<intSays "You paired up with Oedipus, and I know on some deep level you still love your husband.">>
<<intSays "One of your deepest desires is and always was - family.">>
<<intSays "We never discussed it.">>
<<intSays "Remember the surveillance?">>
<<intSays "Sometimes when you talked to your husband and he complimented your breasts.">>
<<intSays "You told him: 'only for you - and our children'.">>
<<intSays "Even then you wanted kids - you didn't say it out loud but it was always there.">>
<<intSays "You even built your husband a new penis, so he would be able to - someday - make your old dreams come true.">>
<<intSays "Even your AI knows this. He does not only call you mother because you created him.">>
<<intSays "Deep in your heart you always wanted to be: MOTHER. That is your deepest desire.">>
<<cybeleSays "What? Are you saying?">>
<<intSays "Nothing - yet.">>
<<intSays "...">>
<<intSays "Cyb, what do you feel - think - about me? Tell me, don't spare me.">>
<<cybeleSays "First - I always think: You are so beautiful!">>
<<intSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "I know I was a 'thing' for you at first - a test subject.">>
<<cybeleSays "I did not know then. Later when I learned, I did not care anymore. For that reason, I never begrudged you anything.">>
<<cybeleSays "Without you - I would possibly have gone through my life without ever having good sex - let's call it that.">>
<<cybeleSays "I was stubborn and blind. Even though I was only a test subject and you were toying with me.">>
<<cybeleSays "You enabled me. I owe you. I look up to you.">>
<<cybeleSays "Also - you were always open to me, more open than a researcher to their test subject. You disclosed very private things, even back then - I sensed some sort of trust from you.">>
<<cybeleSays "I know how much you love Ani. I can only guess how much it must have cost you to share him.">>
<<cybeleSays "I often wondered why you did that. Was there no other way to set me on the path you intended for me?">>
<<cybeleSays "You are his wife and rightfully so.">>
<<cybeleSays "I know he loves you - at least as much as you love him.">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes - he held me, yes he told me those things you mentioned. And I know he meant them - but nothing of this diminishes the love he feels for you.">>
<<cybeleSays "You share an unbreakable bond; nothing can come between you.">>
<<cybeleSays "I hardly know Ani - he has kept his distance. I know and he knows - there is something and were we any closer it would grow.">>
<<cybeleSays "It would hurt you, we know that. We both choose to hold back.">>
<<cybeleSays "But Ina - I know nothing will ever lessen the depth of his love for you.">>
<<intSays "*sob* - are you jealous of me? My place beside him?">>
<<cybeleSays "As said, you belong together. That is clear to see.">>
<<cybeleSays "I am jealous of what you have. I want that - damn, everyone would want that.">>
<<cybeleSays "No, I am not jealous of you. Ani is yours and you are his.">>
<<cybeleSays "In another world where he and I had met ten years ago - perhaps we would have been a couple. Perhaps we would have something like you two have now.">>
<<cybeleSays "But these are fantasies. Not jealousy.">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "Why are you so sad? Why are you crying?">>
<<intSays "*sob*">>
<<intSays "I am - barren. *sob* I'll never...">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina, I...">>
<<intSays "...">>
<<intSays "*sob* Can you imagine, never a small Ani?">>
<<intSays "*sob* Never a baby girl with his eyes? *sob*">>
<<cybeleSays "Sweetie...">>
<<intSays "I am - so helpless.">>
<<intSays "This is... so unfair. Nothing I can do. Could ever have done.">>
<<intSays "*sob*">>
<<intSays "I have not been able to collect any coherent thought since I was told. I have been crying. A lot. Neglected my duties.">>
<<intSays "It - was just not possible.">>
<<intSays "...">>
<<intSays "I... the thought of being responsible for Ani not having children.">>
<<intSays "Is unbearable. I cannot live with that.">>
<<intSays "*sob*">>
<<intSays "I know, he would never hold this against me. He would accept it and learn to live with it.">>
<<intSays "*sob* But I can't bear it. *sob*">>
<<intSays "Nothing I ever experienced - or even can think of - comes close to the pain I am feeling right now.">>
<<intSays "Feeling the last weeks.">>
<<intSays "*sob* Cybele, I... I don't know if I have the right to ask this or if I even should.">>
<<intSays "*sob* But this pain, the thought that Ani will never...">>
<<intSays "That we'll never hold a child that's part of him. It's excruciating.">>
<<intSays "You don't need to answer, Cybele. Not now, or... or ever, really.">>
<<intSays "*sob* But if there were... If somehow, you could... *sob*">>
<<intSays "Is there... *sob* any chance you might... *sob* consider having a *sob* child with *sob* my...">>
<<intSays "or *sob* your - Ani?">>
<<cybeleThinks "WHAT?">>
<<cybeleThinks "Ina. I am so, so sorry.">>
<<cybeleThinks "It... tears my heart apart seeing her like this, knowing...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Oh god! What if I also can't have children?">>
<<cybeleThinks "No, no - I want... I must have children - no!">>
<<cybeleThinks " \*panic\*">>
<<cybeleThinks " \*panic\* \*panic\*">>
<<cybeleThinks " \*panic\* \*panic\* \*PANIC\*">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
<<cybeleThinks "No. I would know. Oedipus would know. He said I am healthy.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Oh god. Ina, this... this breaks her. She has known for weeks now?">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina, sweetie!">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes.">>
<<cybeleThinks "What? - What am I thinking. I can't...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes.">>
<<cybeleThinks "No. What am I feeling. I can't. I am no machine. I never had a child. I won't...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Stop! Stop thinking yes! I always wanted children - with Attis. Only with him - no!">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes.">>
<<cybeleThinks "John - uhm Ani. Go away! Don't look at me like that!">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes.">>
<<cybeleThinks "STOP IT!">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes.">>
<<cybeleThinks "A little baby - Ani? We could call him John!">>
<<cybeleThinks "STOP!">>
<<cybeleThinks "A girl would be Ina - of course.">>
<<cybeleThinks "STO... imagine - the first steps of a chubby little baby-Ani.">>
<<cybeleThinks "How would this work?">>
<<cybeleThinks "Baby-Ina - god, she would be so beautiful. And she would make our life hell with her moods, I love her already.">>
<<cybeleThinks "I never changed diapers!">>
<<cybeleThinks "Generations of women and men did. Can't be difficult.">>
<<cybeleThinks "What if it were twins...?">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Awww!">>
Thoughts continuing.
No further words spoken. Cybele holds Ina in her arms. Caressing her softly, as if comforting a child.
After an hour in silence.
Finally, Cybele whispers...
<<cybeleSays "Yes.">>
Ina's tears well up again at the single word, a fragile hope breaking through her despair.
<<intSays "*sob*">>
A few minutes pass, the room heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions.
Ina finally pulls back, her voice trembling, barely above a whisper.
<<intSays "*sob* I'll leave tomorrow. Please, take care of my - your - Ani.">>
<<intSays "*sob*">>
Cybele freezes, her arms tightening around Ina instinctively, her own emotions threatening to overflow.
<<cybeleSays "Leave? Ina, no - ">>
<<intSays "I have to. I don't want to stand in your way. Please, make him happy.">>
Cybele's grip tightens, her voice suddenly fierce, cutting through the silence.
<<cybeleSays "STOP!">>
<<cybeleSays "You will NOT leave. I won't allow it.">>
<<cybeleSays "You belong with Ani. You are part of him. Perhaps - perhaps I can join you - and we will become a 'we'.">>
<<cybeleSays "You stay. I will give birth to our child. Our child - yours, mine, and Ani's.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will love him or her. You will be their mother, as much as I am. You will care for them, protect them, teach them, scold them, and love them.">>
<<cybeleSays "This will be our family, Ina. All of us. Together.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will love our child, won't you?">>
<<intSays "With all my heart. I promise!">>
<<set $debug = false>>
<<set $isDouble = true>>
<<set $displayBoy = true>>
<<set $displayGirl = true>>
<<set $ageCheck = false>>
<<set $BiancaBTaken = false>>
<<set $girlIsMean = 0>>
<<set $manSub = 1>>
<<set $manBetraysTrust = 0>>
<<set $InaAniLoss = false>>
<<set $freewill = 100>>
<<set $key1 = false>>
<<set $girl = "Ina">>
<<set $boy = "Ani">>
<<widget "cybeleSays">>Cybele: <span style="color:#A0A0FF">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "cybeleThinks">>Cybele thinks: <span style="color:#A0A0FF">"//<<print _args[0]>>//"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "intSays">>Ina: <span style="color:#90C0C0">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "intThinks">>Ina thinks: <span style="color:#90C0C0">"//<<print _args[0]>>//"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "contract">><span style="color:#A0A0A0">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
// all from 0 to 100
<<set $ManBroken = 1>>
<<set $HisLove = 50>>
<<set $HerLove = 50>>
<<set $HisSelfless = 80>>
<<set $HisLust = 20>>
<<set $HerLust = 20>>
<<set $VN = 0>>
<<set $localAction = 0>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>>
<<widget "IncreaseHerLove">>\
<<set $HerLove = $HerLove + Number(_args[0])>> \
<<if $HerLove > 100>>\
<<set $HerLove = 100>> \
<<widget "IncreaseHerLust">>\
<<set $HerLust = $HerLust + Number(_args[0])>> \
<<if $HerLust > 100>>\
<<set $HerLust = 100>> \
<<widget "IncreaseHisLust">>\
<<set $HisLust = $HisLust + Number(_args[0])>> \
<<if $HisLust > 100>>\
<<set $HisLust = 100>> \
<<widget "wmanBroken">>
/* Initialize sexTracking array if not already defined */
<<if $ManBroken is 0>>
<<print $ManSelfless+$ManLust>>
<<widget "wmanBroken2">>
/* Initialize sexTracking array if not already defined */
<<print _args[0]>>
<<if Number(_args[0]) > 120 >>
Template.add('BrokenValue', function () {
if (variables().ManBroken == 0) return 1;
return variables().ManLove + variables().ManSelfless + variables().ManLust;
Define a function template with two names, ?color and ?Color, whose output changes based on its name.
<<wmanBroken2 <<wmanBroken>> >> /* this does not work! */
<<wmanBroken2 TestValue() >>