Chapter 3

Story walkthrough – Karlsson’s Gambit – Kane good/dom

I woke up, fleeting images of a dream still in my mind.
Mom and I, we were in a park. Blue sky, green trees, and her telling me to never give up. – Mom?
I had felt so protected, safe. Her voice still in my head. “Don’t ever, ever give up.

Reality caught up with me, trying to crush me. She was dead, several years now. I was in prison.
This was not the plan Mom had had for me. Locked away for trying to save my brother.
Beaten, used, treated like a slave because I wanted to protect our family.

Fuck – Get up! – Never give up!

Samantha: “Time to go!” – “You’re a free man…” – followed by evil laughter.

That bitch. Cute-assed black widow. It was probably the last time I would ever see her.
I wanted to say something – something that would make a lasting impression on her.
I was leaving her area of power – she had not bitten me, not poisoned me – I lived on.
It needn’t be true or sophisticated. I remembered the bed in her dungeon – the way she would indulge in the suffering of others.
I remembered her rubbing her pussy while she kicked the slave in the cage.
Fuck her! – Yes, exactly that – I would tell her “FUCK YOU!”
In other words – and the dumb bitch would even think of it as a compliment.
[Choice – Tell her how unhappy you are that you never got to have sex with her. Sam+1, Dom+1]

Damn – Sam really believed me. She even told me to not be surprised if we were to meet again soon.
I can’t wait.

Kitty was waiting for me.
Jake was chained to the floor, in the room there was something like a handcart – but with a cage on top – just big enough to stuff a person inside.
Was Jake supposed to…?

Oh, wow! If she had been a little purring kitty before, she was now a dangerous snow leopardess circling her prey – Jake.
She was clad in a short white dress and greeted me by congratulating me on my K6 rating.
I looked at Jake – he stared blankly at the floor, pretending not to notice me.

Kitty looked at me with huge, brown, almond eyes.
She wore makeup – blood-red lips, a little glitter around the eyes, her cheeks showed a hint of red rouge.
She could not possibly be older than seventeen or eighteen.
Pigtails added to her innocent appearance.

If he talks at all, he gets shocked by me! A lesson he already learned before you got here.

Innocent dangerous snow leopardess indeed.

At that moment I realized – she was another Sam. She looked so cute and innocent. Her inner darkness did not show on the surface – not yet anyway.
Kitty would be able to wrap men around her little finger and make them suffer. Someone had taught her well – Elena?

She seemed to be honestly interested in me though and inquired how I was able to obtain K6.
I believed her interest, since I knew she herself had been a K4 once and scrambled her way up the ladder.
I had the feeling she saw in me some sort of brother in arms. I had to be careful around her, to not fall for her charming side – and equally careful to not piss her off.
Our moral standpoints clearly differed hugely. I responded to her question rather restrained.
[Choice – Maybe I can’t trust anyone… KittyS+2]

Kitty had been promoted to Z1 rank.
That was the reason she appeared so radiant today – a blind and deaf man could notice how proud she was.
I would not have been surprised to see her jumping up and down in girlish glee.
I didn’t have a clue what a Z1 was though. I just had to ask!
[Choice – I should always try and take…… Veronica+1, ElenaMtg]

Z was the highest scale of the company, even board members – like Elena – had a Z rating, Z4.

We further talked about her promotion, her new duties, and that ‘Kitty’ had actually been Elena’s nickname for her. From now on, she wanted to be called by her real name – Katsumi! While talking, she steadily stepped closer until she even fondled my hair, touched my face. I only had eyes for her red lips – I knew what those lips felt like. My dick had been in that mouth. I watched her lips moving as she talked about her promotion ceremony, which was to take place later. I did not listen – I had only eyes for her pouty little mouth.

The spell was broken – she talked about travel arrangements, that I was still a prisoner, and how to proceed.

Katsumi made me pick up a gag and fasten it to my friend Jake.
[Choice – It might not help… Dmeet+1, Friend+1, KittyS-1]

I think I saw Katsumi roll her eyes when I tried to protest, after all, Jake would also be caged why gag him?. She told me that she WANTED the gag on him – and that was that.

Katsumi again showed her girlish evil side. She posed with her gagged “toy” – Jake – and I was to take pictures of them. She wanted memories of all her good times. I wondered – were Snow Hyenas a thing?

I put ‘little gagged Jake’ into his stroller. I tried to encourage him and give moral support, but Katsumi immediately cut me off.
[Choice – I should try and give… Dmeet+1, Friend+1, Kitty-1]

I had better be more careful around her – unless I wanted to make her my enemy. I don’t think a Z1 enemy would be a good thing in the upcoming rehab. “Don’t sacrifice yourself for him.” she said.

Soon we were aboard the plane. K4 people were securely stored within cages in the cargo hold, Katsumi and I in the luxurious rooms on the plane. She gave me a tour and I was blinded by the opulent wealth on display. There was even a fucking jacuzzi!

Katsumi was most interested in a surveillance room – there were audio recording devices in the K4 cages. She wanted to listen to Zach’s suffering and offered me to join in. I certainly didn’t want to listen to Zach’s torture. On the other hand, it seemed I already scored a couple of negative points with the Z1 bitch. For Zach, it would not make any difference whether I listened to him or not. So I decided to stay at least a little bit on the bad side of Kitty.
[Choice – I really don’t want to hear… Vmeet+2, Good+1]

We listened to Zach’s cries and pleas. Nothing that I enjoyed, but Katsumi savored every sound of it. Though I have to give her some tiny credit – she did not rub her pussy like all the other girls before.

I was left by myself. Finally, some alone time. Luxury all around me. I was exhausted, sat down on the couch, and a few minutes later I was fast asleep.

Junko woke me up. She was dressed as a sexy flight attendant but introduced herself as one of Dominique Karlsson’s servants. Why on earth would one of the Karlsson sisters care whether I had a pleasant flight or not?

I was a prisoner! I literally just stepped out of my cell! I was wearing nothing more than “underwear,” dirty and stinky, the same “clothes” I wore yesterday when I had run nearly an hour in the heat of the prison yard.

Now the servant of Dominique Karlsson attended to me on a luxury airplane and wanted to show me my room. I even was a “Sir” now. I guess I was still asleep – I better follow her, lest I wake up. Junko led the way to some kind of all-purpose office; it had a desk and right next to it a cozy-looking bed.

The ‘dream’ continued when Junko then offered herself to me. Lady Dominique – as I was to call her – wanted to reward me for my great test results. Apparently, with the Karlssons, it is normal to get a BJ in a limousine while being interviewed and equally normal for Junko to bare her breasts and offer a massage.

I had been in prison for over three months now. The prison guards had all been evil dominant girls, Elena had not been different – only had even more power, Kitty was a young Elena in an Asian body.

Junko seemed to be the first normal female in months. But I sensed sadness, loneliness – Junko had not smiled once yet. She was doing her job, nothing else. I certainly appreciated her offer but I knew it had been forced upon her. I did not want to take advantage – so instead, I asked her questions about the program, and we started to talk.
[Choice – I really could use some release. Dmeet+3, JRomanceOpn]

It was still a weird situation; Junko kept her breasts bare and they taunted me all the time. Whether willingly or not, I don’t know. She confidentially told me that the current program was not all about rehabilitation but something else as well, though she knew nothing more. We kept on talking for quite a while until her demeanor slightly changed and I could again see the sadness in her eyes.

She looked at me and asked, “Can I just get a hug…?
[Choice – It sounds like she is really lonely…]

With these six little words, she had opened her heart to me. I let those words sink in for a second or two. I was a total stranger to her – we had only met a few minutes ago. This poor girl seemed to have no one in her life that would care enough to give her a little human warmth. My heart suddenly ached for her. I wanted to hug her, put my arms around her, hold her head on my shoulder, and tell her that everything will be fine.

We hugged, we lay on the bed and held each other, comforted each other, and at some point, we fell asleep.

It was the best sleep I had had in three months. I even slept through the landing of the plane. Katsumi escorted me to my new “home”… a location where the rehab program was planned. I later learned the place was called “Joy Facility” – which certainly was meant as a joke.

Kitty took me to a medical area, as all prisoners were obliged to receive a checkup first.

The room had a bench and a large tube-like device next to it, much like an MRI scanner. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” A woman who identified herself as Veronica Karlsson welcomed me.

I certainly was important. First, a board member interviewed me in prison, then I flew here in the plane of Dominique Karlsson – and now I was to receive a checkup by the next Karlsson sister – Veronica.

I could barely make out her features as the two rooms were divided by a large window. Whether it was a safety measure against possible radiation or to keep a distance from prisoners, I could not tell.

She offered some strange reassurance. She said it was true the program was not all about rehabilitation and certainly dangerous, but I still had a chance to greatly improve my position. Thank you. What a precise explanation of what the program will be about – I feel much better now. I guess it was against some rule to just plainly say what would happen next. It was plain to see she would not offer any “relevant” information about what was to come. Rather than try to wheedle some more out of her, I decided to ask about herself.
[Choice – I doubt she will… Veronica+2]

It was hard to discern her features through the window – I could not really see much of her. I think she had fiery red hair. I liked redheads; I had a weakness for them. I couldn’t put my finger on why, but somehow I felt instantly drawn to them. And this Veronica – although I could not see her very well – her voice too rang a bell. There was something about it, as if I had heard her before. But that was purely nonsense – I had never met any Karlsson in my life.
[Choice – I’m worried about what this…]

What followed was the strangest medical exam I had ever gone through. A sexy nurse came up to me and told me to undress – naturally, after a couple of seconds, I had a boner right in front of the two women. Before I could react, Nurse Reyes took a syringe and injected something into my penis. Damn! Then she got me off two times with her hand and once with a blowjob. Veronica all the while watched us, murmured some medical stuff, and touched her cunt and tits while doing so.

Welcome again to the Joy Facility!” Veronica finally said. She was standing next to me now. I still lay on the bench, my dick fully erect, her only a few feet away. She was beautiful! She told me about some things: danger, pain, the program. I had only eyes for her though. The medication I had received left my dick throbbing for more, and I was lying there watching her provocative pose. She had the body of a goddess, green eyes, perfect features and cute little freckles all over her body. At the same time, I had the feeling of recognition – as if I somehow knew her. I was next to one of the most powerful women on earth, yet I sensed vulnerability and sadness behind her very matter-of-fact and strict demeanor. She was an enigma – and told me to rest a few minutes before I was taken to my room.

A tall, brown-haired woman woke me up. She seemed quite young, but lately, I found it harder and harder to tell the age of the women next to me. All the women I had met lately seemed to be young. Even Elena, who was in her mid-forties, had the skin of a twenty-year-old.

The cell I found myself in was better equipped than my last in prison. It featured a shower and even a laptop – civilization, welcome back!

Her name was Chanel, and she seemed to be of the same ilk as all the other women I had met so far. She warned me not to lose my status, as I was doing so well at the moment. She was the supervisor – for me that meant to put in extra effort to stay on her good side. All the guards were women, and they could hardly wait to get a man to play with – a ‘real’ man, not slaves like the men with status K4 and lower. While telling me this, she was examining her newest toy – me! She was touching me, licking my ear while whispering nothing of value – and of course her hand kept accidentally touching the front of my pants. Women! They are all the same. They see a man, and the first thing they do is feel the meat.

Anyway, I sure was glad to be K6. I had not yet seen what the program was really about, but if everything they had told me so far was true – hell, I should try my hardest to stay K6 or rise further in the ranks.

Confidence, intelligence, and judging situations right seemed to be the key ingredients for success.
[Choice – No time to be fucking timid… Chanel+1]

After Chanel finished feeling me up, she escorted me to a meeting – apparently someone wanted to see me.

I was a little surprised to find out that it was again Veronica. Intelligent as hell, but not very good at scheduling. We had talked a couple of minutes ago – why another meeting in such a short time span?

We met in a large science fiction-like hall. Strange cubicles were lined up – it looked like sleeping chambers or enhanced virtual reality devices. I didn’t know what to make of them.

The meeting started off ‘strange’, as Chanel kept calling Veronica “Mistress” – what?

Veronica dismissed Chanel shortly after. Once we were alone, she surprised me by declaring that she would sponsor me during the program. Sponsor? What? I kept staring at her beautiful face as she explained further. My thoughts drifted – she had awesome red hair, but at the same time her eyebrows were brown. What color would her pubic hair be? Her skin color, her eyes – I was certain she was a natural redhead, but what about her brows?

What? Oh, there she goes – she was also testing me, like everyone else here. Her test was not about my dick, my smell, or my taste. She wanted to see if I could think! “Why do you think you were given the offer to come here by ELENA?”
[Choice – I’m convinced there is something about… Veronica+1, VeronicaS+1]

Asking me a question like this – it was good to know that she didn’t think of me as being totally stupid. Veronica agreed with my assessment that I was “special” in some kind of way and that my mother had something to do with my situation.

She dropped the bombshell that her father, the almighty Alexander Karlsson – who died a couple of months ago – and my mother had once been a couple and had been very much in love. Holy crap! She continued that they had some serious falling out, and my mother had fled the Karlsson group and had been in hiding ever since.

I was set up and evicted to prison, dragged to this ‘Joy Facility’, and was now in God knows what cruel program – all because my mother had had trouble with Alexander Karlsson some twenty years ago?

Yeah – that totally made sense! Fuck no – it did not! What kind of crap is this? My mother is dead, her father is dead, and we – their children – now continue their feud? Me without even knowing anything about it?

Veronica made it clear that her sponsoring would only last as long as I was performing well. Once I displeased her, she would drop me like a hot – well, something hot. All of these people had some brain damage or didn’t know what normal human behavior was. Ever heard of friendship? Trust? Allowing people to make mistakes and learn?

No! I think you have potential – therefore I sponsor you. If you fare poorly – I will step on you like the bug you are. Thanks, Veronica – you are really a nice person. No – you are not! But I will keep up the charade, because that seems to be the only way to survive here.

She wants me to be intelligent, pragmatic, and not be disturbed by any strict moral code. In short – she wants me to be a robot.

Enough talk, as my sponsor, Veronica offered to help me directly with some kind of enhancement. I was to step into one of the devices and I would gain strength and mental clarity. I probably looked rather dubious – and as a result, she gave me the REAL reward. She took off her clothes – except her panties – and as proof that no harm would be done she stepped into one of the machines herself. God – she was so beautiful. I could not help but stare at her body.

I received my treatment. It felt great! I was escorted back to my cell by Chanel. I immediately drifted off to sleep.

A couple of minutes – or a couple of hours – later, Chanel woke me up again. I had not heard her enter. Damn, she was quiet.

She didn’t want anything special – she just showed me her large tits and told me I made her hot, her pussy and tits wanted me – but she was not yet allowed to use me. She had inspected the other prisoners and none of them were as fuckable as I – it would be fun to torture them, but for sexual pleasure, she was looking forward to using me.

Sweet dreams!