New game?

I am contemplating on writing a Visual Novel myself.

Actually out of the blue I started to write down some ideas… and started sort of a prologue.

The prologue – as it seems now – will not have much to do with the story itself. Two of the main characters (male / female) will meet during a special kind of “workshop”. Both of them are sexually inexperienced and have the opportunity to visit:

“Sensual Basics: A Beginner’s Workshop on Kinks and Pleasure”

The introduction is thus very sex-oriented.

After the prologue the couple will work together mainly doing research in different areas.
They are both very intelligent… and fear, the world in the current state will likely cause much suffering for most of the population.
For the greater good – they will devise a plan to unite and rule the world.
To achieve that they will move out of the ‘normal’ ethical and moral code.

During the game – influenced by player choices – different paths can be followed that lead to different results (good/evil/corruption… etc).

The plan is to learn more RenPy and DAZ 3d during the prologue. Which I already started with.

For the first time I used the DAZ rendering queue – and about half the images had some fault… I have to be much more carefull, when constructing scenes.

Also – RenPy… I have to redo all current images, since I didn’t take into account that the RenPy text area will block quite a lot of the image that is displayed.
I will have to construct scenes where no important information is placed below a certain point.

That is not really a secret or a great discovery… nonetheless I did not think of it before.

As a placeholder both characters will be named “Ina” and “Ani” again… it is just so nice and short… and I am so used to it :-).

May I present… the new “Ina” – ready to seduce the new “Ani”…

Perhaps a few lines I wrote so far… that characterize the initial state of Ina and Ani:
(i = Ina, a = Ani)

i "Phhht - I have an IQ of 169... what would you know... you haven't even finished high school..."

a "I know you are arrogant... and biased... and I base that on experience... not what I interpreted into a few loose facts."

a "But you smell fantastic... "
a "Let me translate, so that a smart person understands..."
a "My olfactory senses stimulate my Amygdala positivly..."

a "... and you have the cutest little tits... can I... go further down?"

a "... ehm... smartass talk... "

a "I would like to examine your vulva to determine if vaginal transudation has occurred, ensuring sufficient vaginal lubrication for penile penetration."

i "Hmm... not yet... but I am sure soon..."

a "Gee... you didn't even get that I was making fun of you - did you?"

i "Hm? - Oh..."
i "You think I'm a ... how would one like you phrase it ... a bitch?"

a "Yep..."

i "But... are attracted to me..."

a "Ugh... I boy ... you girl ... we naked ... certainly I am attracted..."

i "Haha - not what I meant... if our MHC-profiles complement each other... then it is more than that..."


i "I am still in the mood for more experiments…"

i "Would you mind... "
i "I would like to experience penile-vaginal penetration now..."

a "Oh... sweetie... repeat after me..."
a "'Now - fuck me!'"

i "Please... just..."

a "Gee... one penile-vaginal penetration comming up..."


i "Ani!"

i "Hey... Ani! Wake up!"

a "Hmm?"

i "Would you... copulate again?"

a "What?"

i "I... want to engage in coitus again...."

i "Make me climax with your phallus..."

a "I am still asleep..."

i "Come on... wake up... please..."


i "You are so adequate at this... now... penetrate me..."

i "Hmmm... yes... your phallus fits just fine..."

i "Move now! ... move your penis... it stimulates me so well..."

i "Hmm... yes... I can't wait to try other men... "

i "How they feel... yes... hmmm... I read the male genitals differ quite a lot..."

i "Tomorrow... I'll get me another... I want to feel and experience different ones... "

i "Hmmm.... yes... hmmm... move... and don't go flaccid... first rule... your erection... hmmm..."

# after Ina climaxes...

a "It is not very considerate... to talk about other men... while being fucked by one... you know?"

i "Oh... is there some sort of coitus etiquette... sorry... I take it back then..."

a "You can't just take it back..."


a "I... ohh... god... I will.... cum... I..."

# she removes her hand to have a better look!    

i "Yes! Ejaculate! For me! - Fascinating..."

a "What? Please!!! Your hand... !!!"

i "Ejaculate! Let it out... I want to see it... show me your sperm!"

a "Arghhhs please!"

i "There it comes! Fascinating... !"

a "...please..."

i "Ehm... why does it dribble out... "

i "A healthy male... should spurt it out!"
i "I would have thought you could have hit the ceiling... but this... does not look like a healthy male at all!"

i "Do you have a disfunction in your genitals?"

a "No! Fuck! You are the disfunctional one... you fucking ruined my orgasm!"

i "What?"

a "You just stay away from me... and go find your next male... to fuck you... and experience all kinds of phallus forms you can dream of."

i "I don't know why you are getting so agressive all of a sudden... "

i "But fine... I see I was in error before... you do not appreciate me at all... "

i "I will conduct further copulation and climax research with a better functioning male."


i "Hold me… please…"
a "What's wrong... did something happen?"

i "I was with Peter..."
i "I find his phallus apalling..."
i "I am not attracted to him at all... "
i "He wanted to fuck me in the ass... I have such a nice vagina... why would he want to use my ass?"


i "... in return I ruined you..."

i "I'll make up for it... ok?"

i "Did you per chance eat pineapple today?"
a "No... why?"

i "I read... ejeculate tastes better when the male ate fruit... pineapple especially..."
a "We are near the sea... I ate sea food..."

i "Hmmm... that is supposed to taste the worst..."

a "Tell you what... we postpone the fellatio to tomorrow... and I'll only eat fruit..."

i "It would sound like a good plan... but tonight is already the second night with you..."
i "I want to experience other men... not only you... not meaning any offense..."

a "Yea... sure... no offense taken... certainly... other men promise new experiences..."

i "Exactly! I am so glad you understand... not all men can be as ugly down there as Peter..."
i "I am certain there will be others... who are at least as good as you... I would not want to miss out on them."

a "Yes... like I said... no offense taken... certainly others are better for you... then just me... I didn't even finish high school..."

i "Exactly... now that we are clear about these things... and you don't want me to taste your fishy ejaculate..."

i " about you make me climax a couple of times?"


i "You are so lucky..."

a "Hm?"

i "That I was your first girl..."

a "Why do you think I was lucky? You still did not let me cum once..."

i "Is that all you can think of? That will come in due time... and when you consider your diet better..."
i "... and don't make such a fuzz when someone stops touching your phallus..."

i "I mean... first impressions are so important... psychologically speaking..."

i "Your first girl... was very compatible with you... "

i "You are attracted to her... you like her smell... her taste... like to make her climax..."

i "The first impression you received of your opposite gender was filled with positive experiences..."

i "I however... got you..."

i "A pretty dumb male... with an average body... "

i "Not really considering the needs of your partner... I so wanted to experience the male climax... and investigate your ejaculate..."

i "But the first time that something comes out of you... you make such a fuzz... that I had not any chance to look properly..."

i "The next time... and you were lucky there was a next time... you ate stuff that makes your ejaculate all stinky..."

i "I want what you had! I want to like the male ejaculate... how would I ever come to like it... when the first experience ... would repulse me?"

i "I am so glad... that we have the opportunity to chose new partners each day..."
i "Tonight I will finaly get me a man who appreciates me... and who will climax properly... and with nice fruity tasting ejaculate..."

a "I... don't know what to say..."
a "I tried my best... I am sorry if you feel the way you do... just for the record though..."
a "How many times did you climax the last night... and the morning?"

i "Nine... no... ten times..."

a "I gather that counts for nothing?"

i "Obviously my body is easy to please... if you can make me climax... I guess the other males will have no problem either."

i "You obviously like to please... which is a good trade for one as you..."
i "Call it a bonus... I allowed you to participate in my climaxes... you like my taste... so I would say you got your fair share out of our meetings."

i "I know you would have liked to climax - I understand that... I would have gladly supplied help in that regard... but I could not - as I explained - and that again is all on you!"

i "If you ever have another woman beside you... you should perhaps plan ahead and be more considerate."

And one last:

i "Ani? What are you doing here?"
a "Reading!"

i "Why aren't copulating with... Jenny? You chose each other today... didn't you?"

a "I... just could not connect to her... she was babbling all the time about stuff... clothes... shoes... where to buy them... she just could not stop..."

a "Her body seemed ok... but honestly... I discovered... when I am with a woman... then I sort of want to care for her... like her... and I just didn't like her."

a "So I thought I might read a few books... given there is an extensive library..."

i "So you like me?"

a "... I guess so... in generel... there are aspects of you... I don't like though..."

i "What is there not to like about me! Even I like me... and I am very picky!"


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