<<intSays "Welcome both of you, Cybele and Attis. Glad to have you here.">>
<<intSays "How was your journey?">>
<<cybeleSays "Great! I have never been to this part of the country - and especially not to such a remote area.">>
<<attisSays "Same here... haha, honestly it looks quite ominous. Really... you guys are the only ones in a ten-mile radius...">>
<<intSays "Us! - I am looking forward to it being 'us' guys soon!">>
<<intSays "I hope you will decide to join us - it will greatly benefit both sides...">>
<<intSays "Let me tell you about our goals...">>
<<intSays "... work for the betterment of mankind...">>
<<intSays "... need security which certainly leads to some kind of isolation...">>
<<intSays "... research in different fields... chemistry... psychology... biology... physics...">>
<<intSays "... new microprocessors...">>
<<attisSays "Wow!">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes - wow! That sounds quite overwhelming.">>
<<intSays "As I said before - glad to have you here.">>
<<intSays "You might wonder why we invited you... or why you never heard of us before.">>
<<intSays "We are - as of now - more or less a secret endeavor.">>
<<intSays "All our employees are hand-selected - since not many people know us - we don't get job applications.">>
<<intSays "We look for the best and brightest - we scan the 'market' - and approach suitable candidates.">>
<<intSays "We look out for our employees and we make sure they live in the healthiest and most productive environment.">>
<<intSays "That is why you both are here. We offer our opportunities to couples.">>
<<intSays "If you think about it - it makes a lot of sense, since most of the time you will be here with us in this place.">>
<<intSays "Having your partner with you ensures your happiness, it relieves you of travel stress... and many other things.">>
<<intSays "Cybele - you are brilliant with algorithms, mathematics... programming.">>
<<intSays "My husband spoke highly of you - and I can't think of a better recommendation.">>
<<intSays "Our offer to you... let me see...">>
<<intSays "At the moment your yearly salary is about... 85,000$.">>
<<intSays "Damn... THAT is what I call underpayment... - you poor thing.">>
<<intSays "Ok... here is our offer.">>
<<intSays "You get your own apartment - rent-free.">>
<<intSays "All 'normal' household expenses will be taken care of - like food, drink, electricity...">>
<<intSays "You are free to furnish your apartment according to your preferences, provided it stays within acceptable boundaries.">>
<<intSays "Clothes and luxury items - are your own expenses.">>
<<intSays "Your yearly salary will be 260,000$.">>
<<intSays "Certainly health insurance... and the usual will also be taken care of.">>
<<intSays "Attis, you are a very good engineer. We always need people like you.">>
<<intSays "Our offer to you... let me look at your sheet now...">>
<<intSays "At the moment your yearly salary is about... 125,000$.">>
<<intSays "Hmm.">>
<<intSays "I assume you two will share one apartment - so there is no need for a second - is there?">>
<<intSays "As you two will stay with Cybele - the 'extra' items do officially not apply to you.">>
<<intSays "Your current salary is already good - in addition to the already mentioned items, you will be way better off with our offer than with your current employment. As a little incentive - we offer you a salary of 130,000$.">>
<<cybeleSays "What? ... I...">>
<<intSays "Shhh... no need to decide just yet.">>
<<intSays "We will give you the grand tour of the facility, so you can see what life and work with us will be like.">>
<<intSays "As we stated in our invitation letter to you - we prepared everything for you to stay overnight.">>
<<intSays "You will be given additional material you can read - as well as a copy of the contract we prepared.">>
<<intSays "Be sure to read everything - so you will know all our bad intentions with you!">>
<<intSays "Hahaha... no - that was a joke. Sorry. We are a bunch of wonderful people with great potential.">>
<<attisSays "That s...">>
<<intSays "Haha - I know you are full of questions. I appreciate that - we are seeking people who are industrious and knowledgeable.">>
<<intSays "But take it as part of our hiring process... no questions yet... please!">>
<<cybeleSays "What do you think of the following passage:">>
<<contract "To maintain a secure and healthy living environment, the Employee agrees to the installation of systems that ensure compliance with health, safety, and communication standards within company-provided or designated housing. These systems may collect relevant data necessary to support the Employee's well-being and alignment with workplace policies.">>
<<attisSays "I guess they mean fire alarms and similar devices...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... perhaps.">>
<<cybeleSays "The contracts are pretty straightforward.">>
<<attisSays "Yes, they are. The thing is - most of the benefits are in your name.">>
<<attisSays "The apartment, provisioning, and so on...">>
<<cybeleSays "That is a technicality - Ina told us that those things - if they hire a couple - are always in only one contract.">>
<<attisSays "Sure... still, I would feel better if I was in the lead here.">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh, sweetheart - are you insecure, or jealous?">>
<<cybeleSays "Poor boy... I promise - I will not throw you out... haha... you are my love and we stick together.">>
<<attisSays "... and what about the money you will get?">>
<<cybeleSays "Hm?">>
<<attisSays "That is ridiculous... 260,000$ - you are not worth that much...">>
<<cybeleSays "I BEG YOUR PARDON?">>
<<attisSays "Uhm... I mean... uhm, that is more than three times what you get now!">>
<<attisSays "More than double what I get!">>
<<cybeleSays "SO?">>
<<cybeleSays "You always said I was brilliant... and that I was undervalued...">>
<<attisSays "I... uhm...">>
<<cybeleSays "What you mean is - in our patriarchal society, it should not be that the woman earns more money than the man?">>
<<attisSays "What - uhm... no... I just... it feels strange...">>
<<attisSays "How can you look up to me? ... I want to be your provider... the man you can rely on...">>
<<attisSays "This... this 'feels' like their main interest is you - and I just tag along. They hire you - and uhm... only hire me too 'as a bonus'.">>
<<cybeleSays "You are a bastard for your thoughts. So, a woman - I - should not receive a higher income, just so you will not be hurt in your manly pride?">>
<<attisSays "I... intellectually I know you are right... but... it's just what I’m feeling...">>
<<cybeleSays "Babe... we are a couple - we both know we belong together.">>
<<cybeleSays "You have to see it this way... our - OUR - income will raise from 205,000$ to 390,000$ - with no rent to pay.">>
<<cybeleSays "If we do this for a couple of years, we will be millionaires - and free to do everything we want - even not work at all.">>
<<cybeleSays "This is just such a damn good opportunity...">>
Later - in the apartment.
<<attisSays "Fuck!">>
<<attisSays "I can't believe that for the night they house us in the apartment we will live in!">>
<<cybeleSays "... and WHAT an apartment...">>
<<cybeleSays "I have never lived in such a luxurious home...">>
<<cybeleSays "Dearest... is there any reason for us - not to start a new part of our life here?">>
<<attisSays "... I... can't see any.">>
<<attisSays "I still feel slightly - off, I can't put my finger on it... but...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want this... but only with you... I love you; you are more important to me than any job... you know that, don't you?">>
<<attisSays "Yes... I know - I love you too.">>
<<attisSays "Since you want this so much - and I can't find any reason to object...">>
<<attisSays "Ok... let's do it!">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes! Hmmm... I love you sweetheart...">>
<<attisSays "Honey?">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm...">>
<<attisSays "This will be our future home... you know...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha - oh darling... you are so easy to read sometimes...">>
<<cybeleSays "You want to fuck me - don't you?">>
<<attisSays "... in every room... every day...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha - show off - you can't do that... too many rooms here!">>
<<attisSays "But you can't blame me for trying...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... cutie... ok... that is some planning I like to do...">>
<<cybeleSays "What do you think...">>
<<cybeleSays "A handjob on the couch in front of the TV...">>
<<cybeleSays "Then I blow your whistle in the kitchen...">>
<<cybeleSays "... and after a little pause - you put your lovely cock to good use in the bedroom...">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm... honey - you are such a turn-on...">>
<<cybeleSays "You know I love to take care of you... and I just adore your cock... my cock... hahaha!">>
<<attisSays "I like the sound of it... certainly... your cock!">>
Later - bedroom...
<<attisSays "You are so beautiful... you drive me crazy... dangling your body in front of me like that...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... I love you too... I want you... now! Hmmm... my yummy meal of yours... I can still taste it...">>
<<attisSays "... I know... I too can't get enough of you... hmmm... sweetie... I so want to feel you... be inside of you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... hmmm... yes... you are so damn hot... having you inside of me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... yes... move... awww... This is perfect... your cock ... it is... just a continuous orgasm... hmmm... yes...">>
<<attisSays "Oh god... honey... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Aww... yes fuck me babe... fuck your wife... give me your manhood... aww...">>
<<attisSays "...">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... I...">>
<<attisSays "HMMMM.... ARGHHHHH... hmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm.... hahaha... angel...">>
<<cybeleSays "This is fantastic... you can't help but cum in me... It feels so good... your body... you are so helpless, you see or touch me - and... hmmm... I’m all yours... No one else makes me feel this way...">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm... I’m so into you... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... and asleep... my man - his lovely dick... spurted three times... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I can’t get enough of how he makes me feel... all warm... all tingly... desired...">>
Next morning
<<intSays "Cybele, I arranged this private meeting - to have some words with you alone.">>
<<intSays "In general we reach out to couples for hiring - since it is our belief people in a healthy relationship are more productive and more focused on their work.">>
<<intSays "We try our utmost to be honest and straightforward to our employees - so no side will have wrong expectations.">>
<<intSays "From our offer to you - it should be clear that we are very interested to work with you.">>
<<intSays "While we also offer a very attractive job to your partner - it is you we are interested in.">>
<<intSays "I want you to know that... if there is any tension between you and Attis...">>
<<intSays "Let me be blunt... if you want or need to break up with him... our offer still stands for you. Same conditions.">>
<<cybeleSays "No! There is no tension.">>
<<cybeleSays "We are solid - I love him and he loves me. No break-up...">>
<<intSays "Great - that is good to hear. I just wanted to make sure you know all variables.">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you - it is nice to be so appreciated.">>
<<intSays "There is one other thing.">>
<<intSays "As we want our people to be healthy - in mind and in body - we have extensive healthcare programs.">>
<<intSays "Some of which are compulsory - we strongly believe in the saying 'A healthy mind in a healthy body.'">>
<<intSays "So there are physical exercises, health check-ups - and even regular meetings with our psychiatrist.">>
<<cybeleSays "No problem. No - I mean, that is great! Haha - I like being healthy!">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "May I ask a question?">>
<<intSays "Certainly...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yesterday you mentioned your husband... do I know him? Have I met him?">>
<<intSays "Few people have - he likes to absent himself... and even if he attends public gatherings, he usually does so incognito.">>
<<intSays "I won't tell you his birth name - but you do know him by his public name.">>
<<intSays "'Orion Novus' - the founder, owner, and president of... 'all this'...">>
<<cybeleSays "Wha...?">>
<<cybeleSays "... he... knows... me...?">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck!">>
<<cybeleSays "Sorry - language! I didn't mean...">>
<<cybeleSays "But - FUCK!">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "I read all his papers... he is a genius... damn - he is more than a genius...">>
<<cybeleSays "His work in cryptology was a game changer...">>
<<cybeleSays "Without his theories - fusion reactors would still be a thing of the future...">>
<<cybeleSays "... not to speak of...">>
<<intSays "Haha - yes... I know... I know my husband very well - and his achievements...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... certainly...">>
<<cybeleSays "... and this... is the enterprise of Novus? I didn't know...">>
<<intSays "We keep things on a low profile... and even on a lower profile that he is involved... so please keep that more or less to yourself.">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... yes - certainly!">>
<<cybeleSays "Will... will I meet him? Someday?">>
<<intSays "Haha - yes... certainly... but I don't know if he will make himself known... that is up to him.">>
<<intSays "Actually - he is very down to earth. You will not recognize him as the brilliant mind he is - if he does not want to.">>
<<intSays "When I first met him... I mistook him for a dumb fool... it is his background... upbringing... but he is just the sweetest man I know - and by far the most intelligent.">>
<<intSays "Someday - perhaps I will tell you how we met... it is a good story...">>
Two months later...
<<intSays "Honey?">>
<<aniSays "Love?">>
<<intSays "You remember the little side project of mine...">>
<<intSays "Studying how a healthy sex life influences the intelligence and productivity of women?">>
<<aniSays "Yeah - sure. You hired some couples... put surveillance in their apartments... and track them.">>
<<aniSays "Haha - not sure how legal that really is...">>
<<intSays "Our property... and the contracts state that we do... and they signed them.">>
<<intSays "So...">>
<<intSays "...">>
<<intSays "I have an interesting couple... they fuck nearly every day.">>
<<aniSays "Haha - great for them...">>
<<intSays "The woman never has an orgasm...">>
<<aniSays "Oh damn... already I don't like the man.">>
<<intSays "I am not sure he is really to blame...">>
<<intSays "I think Cybele - so her name - never had a climax. She does not know what an orgasm feels like.">>
<<intSays "She likes to be fucked and enjoys it.">>
<<intSays "She thinks getting hot and aroused and feeling the throbbing... excitement - THAT is the orgasm.">>
<<aniSays "Still... the guy should make sure she cums...">>
<<intSays "Aww... you are so sweet... haha - you certainly ensure that I cum...">>
<<intSays "After all this time... you still make me cum several times a day...">>
<<aniSays "You're my everything... there is nothing better in the world than feeling your pleasure...">>
<<intSays "Shhh... sweetie - later... now we talk...">>
<<aniSays "Aww...">>
<<intSays "I want to study her... see what we can do...">>
<<intSays "She is the perfect test subject...">>
<<intSays "Now - no orgasms... and her performance is... well... very good... she is damn intelligent... about an IQ of 165.">>
<<intSays "... and when I am done with her... she will make him satisfy her several times a day...">>
<<intSays "I bet her performance and intelligence will overall increase by at least twenty percent.">>
<<aniSays "You want to teach her to orgasm?">>
<<aniSays "Then you want to corrupt her... you want her to 'enslave' her husband and use him as a sex toy - only?">>
<<intSays "YES!">>
<<aniSays "Interesting...">>
<<aniSays "You are thinking about using and experimenting with some of the drugs we created?">>
<<intSays "Yes!">>
<<intSays "But I don't want to force them, I don't want to do it behind their backs.">>
<<intSays "I want her to do it... I want her to want it... I want her to enslave him... I want her to make him her slave, her toy.">>
<<aniSays "You are evil - you know that?">>
<<intSays "Yes... and I know you love me... all the same - or even more for it!">>
<<aniSays "I do!">>
<<aniSays "Call me intrigued...">>
<<aniSays "How can I help?">>
<<intSays "Well... it is a private study of mine. So, I can't very well recruit much help.">>
<<intSays "I will be the psychiatrist...">>
<<intSays "You dearest, will give her the first orgasm... and perhaps a few more.">>
<<aniSays "What?">>
<<intSays "There is nothing better than you when it comes to sex.">>
<<aniSays "Hmm... appreciated...">>
<<aniSays "Will you cut her tits off - or her clit?">>
<<intSays "What? No - I told you; she is my test subject.">>
<<aniSays "Haha - you know - I still might enjoy it?">>
<<intSays "I have an easy solution for that...">>
<<aniSays "Hm?">>
<<intSays "You are not allowed to cum.">>
<<intSays "If you do - I kill her - and cut your dick off.">>
<<aniSays "I love you too.">>
<<aniSays "But I will still like it - I tell you!">>
<<intSays "I will live with it... just know you are mine - and always will be.">>
<<aniSays "I am, I will.">>
<<intSays "Haha, I’m all yours too.">>
Session 1
<<intSays "Hi Cybele!">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh, Ina - I did not expect you!">>
<<intSays "Psychiatry is one of my passions.">>
<<intSays "I can assure you I am qualified - and everything we speak of is under strict confidentiality.">>
<<intSays "Also know, I am not your boss, I cannot fire you and I will not be talking to HR or your manager.">>
<<intSays "This is only about you - everything stays in these four walls and will never leave the room.">>
<<intSays "I am only here to help you grow, develop and make sure you are as healthy as you can be.">>
<<cybeleSays "Ok.">>
<<intSays "Following are the topics I would like to talk about.">>
<<intSays "Work, development, relationship, sex, freedom, wishes, needs... and of course everything you want to talk about.">>
<<cybeleSays "You want to talk about sex?">>
<<intSays "Oh, is that the subject you are most interested in?">>
<<intSays "Ok, I have no set order... we can start with that.">>
<<cybeleSays "No, I mean... that is very private... and...">>
<<intSays "I know... I will not force anything on you...">>
<<intSays "For starters, I will tell you why I would like to.">>
<<intSays "See, there are studies that show that people with a fulfilling sex life are far healthier...">>
<<intSays "... more productive, and there are even hints that suggest a slight increase in intelligence.">>
<<intSays "Some studies suggest a difference of up to twenty percent variance depending on fulfilling or frustrating sex.">>
<<intSays "We take those studies seriously, and if our employees agree to participate, we try to support them. If you agree, we will track data and support those studies - anonymously, of course.">>
<<intSays "So... will you agree to help us out here?">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't know...">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't really have anything to hide... and if you say the data is anonymous... and personal data will not leave this room... I guess...">>
<<intSays "So - yes?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes - it is always good to learn... and especially good to learn about oneself.">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes - the more I think about it... yes - I actually am looking forward to it.">>
<<intSays "That is great, Cybele!">>
<<intSays "Let me start by asking a few questions.">>
<<cybeleSays "Sure.">>
<<intSays "How often do you have sex?">>
<<cybeleSays "Nearly every day... sometimes... two or three times... my man is very enthusiastic about my body...">>
<<inaThinks "She is not? Why deflect the question to the lust of her man?">>
<<intSays "Haha... yes, you do look great...">>
<<intSays "Haha - very active... that is good... me too, actually... my husband and I... every day... actually a few times... I love it.">>
<<intSays "Uhm...">>
<<intSays "Do you masturbate?">>
<<cybeleSays "No... no need - haha!">>
<<intSays "Have you ever... masturbated?">>
<<cybeleSays "No... I discovered my sexuality with my husband...">>
<<intSays "Aww... that is so cool - me too! He was my first sex partner ever!">>
<<intSays "My first sex ever - was with... my husband... and he made me cum a few times even in the first night...">>
<<intSays "Uhm... so... do you have orgasms when you are intimate with your man?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes - always!">>
<<intSays "Hmmm.">>
<<intSays "Can you describe your orgasms - what you feel, what your body does?">>
<<cybeleSays "Hm? Really?">>
<<intSays "Yes - please.">>
<<intSays "Even though I find it unlikely in your case...">>
<<intSays "I have spoken with women who said they cum every time they have sex...">>
<<intSays "... and after some questions, it turned out they never had an orgasm... they thought they did...">>
<<intSays "... they were just aroused - which certainly also feels good - but if you never had one, what would you compare it to?">>
<<intSays "So please - just to make sure - describe what it feels like...">>
<<cybeleSays "When I have his penis in me and he moves...">>
<<cybeleSays "It just feels fantastic. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter...">>
<<cybeleSays "My pussy starts throbbing... I feel this longing... feel that it is just right to have his dick in me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I crave this feeling... he continues... moves faster - and when he cums... he fills me with his semen...">>
<<cybeleSays "I feel all warm... tingly... I feel his ejaculate in me... it is fantastic!">>
<<cybeleSays "My man... shared his body... his semen with me... and even after he finished, I still have part of him in me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I keep it in my body... the fruit of our love.">>
<<inaThinks "Note to myself - Cybele likes passive sex... she wants her partners to do all the work...">>
<<intSays "... and ...?">>
<<cybeleSays "And? What?">>
<<intSays "Uhm...">>
<<intSays "Wait a second...">>
<<intSays "Let me read the following to you...">>
<<intSays "I can’t even explain it - it was like my entire body caught fire. My muscles tensed, and I felt these waves of pleasure building, like they were going to tear me apart in the best way.">>
<<intSays "I was shaking uncontrollably, and every nerve felt electrified. I could barely breathe, and I think I actually cried out without realizing it - it was just so overwhelming.">>
<<intSays "That is the description of an orgasm by another woman.">>
<<intSays "I can very much relate to it...">>
<<intSays "Maybe you held back in your description...?">>
<<intSays "Are your orgasms something like that too?">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm...">>
<<cybeleSays "No...?">>
<<cybeleSays "More... like what I... told you.">>
<<intSays "I see.">>
<<cybeleSays "What do you mean... 'I see'?">>
<<cybeleSays "Are you hinting I never had an orgasm?">>
<<cybeleSays "Are you suggesting my man does not make me cum?">>
<<intSays "I didn't say such a thing.">>
<<intSays "Every woman's experiences are different...">>
<<intSays "However...">>
<<cybeleSays "What?">>
<<intSays "Right after you heard that passage - you immediately accused me of thinking you might not have orgasms.">>
<<intSays "It was your first thought... not mine...">>
<<cybeleSays "... ">>
<<cybeleSays "He is crazy about me - he certainly makes me cum!">>
<<cybeleSays "He ... is my man!">>
<<cybeleSays "I make him cum... I wank him... I blow him... I fuck him... he loves me... he loves sex with me...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<intSays "Does he lick you?">>
<<cybeleSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "Where does that question come from now?">>
<<intSays "Just checking dear... You know what I mean though...">>
<<intSays "Cunnilingus - does he use his tongue on your clitoris or in your vagina? - Or does he do anything especially for YOUR pleasure...">>
<<cybeleSays "No... why would he - I adore his penis... it makes me cum...">>
<<cybeleSays "I smell down there - why would he like that?">>
<<intSays "My man is addicted to my smell... he savors my taste... he can't get enough of me...">>
<<intSays "Sometimes... he licks me for hours... and I cum several times...">>
<<intSays "Believe me - a man that loves you - will crave your smell, will find your flavor is irresistible.">>
<<cybeleSays "No - I don't need him to smell me.">>
<<cybeleSays "I need his dick in me... and I cum from it... every time...">>
<<intSays "Cybele... right now you are in denial.">>
<<intSays "We don't know if you have orgasms or not. You have not convinced me.">>
<<intSays "And seeing you are not even considering this might be the case - that is denial.">>
<<intSays "We can go back and forth more - but I think it is best to conclude this session.">>
<<intSays "I beg you - consider what we talked about. I would like to continue with the subject next time... please do not feel offended.">>
<<cybeleSays "I... ok... thank you Ina...">>
That night
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... I love you...">>
<<attisSays "Your tits... they are amazing... they are so soft... perky... calling out to me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha sweetie... all yours - and later for our babies...">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm...">>
<<attisSays "I want you...">>
<<cybeleSays "You always want me, don’t you?">>
<<attisSays "I do... I do... you are the hottest creature on earth...">>
<<attisSays "I want to...">>
<<cybeleSays "Cutie... one second...">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm?">>
<<cybeleSays "I would like to try something new!">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm... what would you like, honey...">>
<<cybeleSays "I... I am a little nervous...">>
<<attisSays "Don't be - I'll do anything for you... what would you like to try?">>
<<cybeleSays "You... would you kiss me? ... down there?">>
<<attisSays "Why?">>
<<cybeleThinks "Why? - WHY? Because... I want to feel it... and you should love to kiss me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm... I... I read this book... and there was a scene...">>
<<cybeleSays "... the woman in the book liked it...">>
<<cybeleSays "... if you don't want to... I understand...">>
<<attisSays "Uhm... sweetie... I...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am sorry to have asked...">>
<<attisSays "... it... is not you...">>
<<attisSays "You know... I... I just... would not like to taste my... uhm... stuff...">>
<<attisSays "... and you have it... uhm... in there, you know...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... yes... oh... I see...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha - so... babe, tell me, how many days do we have to be abstinent for you to lick me?">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "Nothing... hubby... just fuck me... I can't say no to you...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Hmmm... it does feel wonderful having him in me... it is amazing....">>
<<cybeleThinks "...climax... I never thought about it that way...">>
<<cybeleThinks "A climax is something... one reaches... something leads to a climax, a finish... an endpoint...">>
<<cybeleThinks "He certainly climaxes... when he ejaculates... that is a climax... I feel it... hear him...">>
<<cybeleThinks "For me... it is hot all the time... I want that feeling... the throbbing... the need to have him in me...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... in the true sense of the word 'climax' - I... fuck... it is wonderful to have sex with him...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... all the time, it always is... but... I... it... is not climactic... fuck...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... am I missing out on something?">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck you Ina, now I am doubting myself... doubting... him... does he care for me? Does he take care of me?">>
<<cybeleSays "I had a talk with Ina today.">>
<<attisSays "Oh, I haven't seen her in a long time... how is she?">>
<<cybeleSays "She seems well... it was not a private meeting... though.">>
<<cybeleSays "She is my designated therapist...">>
<<attisSays "What was it about?">>
<<cybeleSays "Nothing special really - they have these 'checkup' calls to make sure everything is alright with us.">>
<<cybeleSays "Actually - it felt more like a talk from woman to woman than a therapist session.">>
<<attisSays "Hmm hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "One of the topics we discussed was sex... what we do, how we do it... how often...">>
<<attisSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "I told her about how we make love... and - get that- ... she actually doubted that I have orgasms... can you believe that?">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey?">>
<<cybeleThinks "... damn... he is asleep already...">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck you Ina... now I want to know how it feels like when he licks me... just once... I...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... perhaps if I wank him a few days...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... but... I also want him in me...">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
Session 2
<<intSays "Hi Cybele!">>
<<cybeleSays "I am frustrated!">>
<<intSays "Oh dear... what happened?">>
<<cybeleSays "You... you happened! Our session!">>
<<intSays "I don't understand... why don't you tell me what is bothering you.">>
<<cybeleSays "I wanted to try it out... you know?">>
<<cybeleSays "I wanted Attis to lick me... I want to know what it feels like - even if only once.">>
<<cybeleSays "He - fuck - he always has some excuses...">>
<<cybeleSays "'I don't want to taste myself'...">>
<<cybeleSays "'Your period... isn't it about to start?'...">>
<<cybeleSays "'I don't feel so well today...'">>
<<cybeleSays "Why does he not love me down there?">>
<<cybeleSays "I am beautiful... I have a perfectly healthy vagina...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him to adore it... me...">>
<<cybeleSays "He just wants to fuck me all the time... which is nice... but...">>
<<cybeleSays "I so fancy his dick... I want it in my mouth... in my vagina... I can’t resist playing with it... fuck it with my tits and thighs... I savor its taste and I drink his cum...">>
<<cybeleSays "Why... why doesn't he feel about me the same way?">>
<<intSays "I am certain he loves you.">>
<<cybeleSays "... he certainly loves fucking me...">>
<<intSays "No... Cybele - how long have you two been together now?">>
<<cybeleSays "Nine years...">>
<<intSays "Humans are prone to routine, they need to have constants in their life.">>
<<intSays "They learn what is working for them - and try to keep it the way they feel comfortable with...">>
<<intSays "It is normal human behavior.">>
<<intSays "You had sex for nine years... for him, everything is just fine...">>
<<intSays "He loves his wife, he fucks her daily, he cums a lot... for him, it is paradise...">>
<<intSays "You trained him that way... you told him you are fine with the way it is... you told him over and over again...">>
<<cybeleSays "It was fine...">>
<<cybeleSays "Until you planted these thoughts...">>
<<intSays "No Cybele - I did not plant those thoughts...">>
<<intSays "I want you to grow, to have a fulfilling, healthy life.">>
<<intSays "I want to help you - I want to enable you.">>
<<cybeleSays "... and what about orgasms...">>
<<intSays "Hm?">>
<<cybeleSays "I reflected on what you said last time.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have wonderful feelings when we have sex... but... in the true sense of the word... I must admit...">>
<<cybeleSays "The word 'climax' does not describe what I am feeling.">>
<<cybeleSays "You make me doubt myself... you make me doubt my man... is there more?">>
<<intSays "I don't know - I don't know what you feel - whether you have your own version of orgasm or if you are missing out.">>
<<cybeleSays "If there is more... I want more!">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't want to find out in twenty years that I missed out on anything...">>
<<cybeleSays "I need to know.">>
<<intSays "Hmmm...">>
<<intSays "There are several things we could try...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... please...">>
<<intSays "It is not hundred percent... but it would give us some data... to compare...">>
<<cybeleSays "What?">>
<<intSays "First...">>
<<intSays "I see you do not wear any kind of watch...">>
<<intSays "I could organize a smart watch... install some of our apps on it...">>
<<intSays "We could monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, temperature... and so on.">>
<<intSays "Scientifically - biologically - we can measure if your body has an orgasm...">>
<<intSays "We are all a little different... but an orgasm is a pretty extreme bodily function... it will show if you cum or not...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... please... I need to know...">>
<<intSays "Second...">>
<<intSays "You could start to explore yourself a bit more...">>
<<intSays "Masturbate... I mean...">>
<<intSays "We... uhm... can provide help with that too... dildos, vibrators... and the like...">>
<<intSays "You should learn what your body wants... what it needs... what feels good...">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't know... I have my man... shouldn't he do... me?">>
<<intSays "Sweetie... all women masturbate... it is healthy... and how can you explain to your man what you need... if you don't know it yourself?">>
<<cybeleSays "... I don't know...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... give me those things you mentioned... I don't know whether I'll do it... but if I want to - I can.">>
<<intSays "Third...">>
<<intSays "Often it is the case, that males are more easily aroused than women.">>
<<intSays "Which means - perhaps... you just need a little more time to reach climax.">>
<<intSays "Try to have your man... last longer... let him fuck you longer...">>
<<intSays "There is a cute little saying... 'Girls cum first!'">>
<<intSays "It sounds ominous... but it is very easy... and logical too!">>
<<intSays "If you fuck... and the girl cums... she is still wet and sexy... and the man can continue to satisfy himself with her.">>
<<intSays "The other way around does not work... if the man is satisfied, his dick becomes flat and cannot service the girl anymore.">>
<<intSays "Make your man last longer.">>
<<intSays "If you want more than one orgasm... don't let him cum in between...">>
<<intSays "Girls cum first!">>
<<intSays "Remember that!">>
<<intSays "If you have to, take control... stop fucking him...">>
<<intSays "Deny him to cum, unless you cum. Many men like it - if the woman takes control.">>
<<cybeleSays "I couldn't do that!">>
<<cybeleSays "I love him... I want him to cum...!">>
<<intSays "That is so nice of you.">>
<<intSays "Just ask yourself - why doesn't he try to do the same thing for you?">>
<<intSays "You are just a nice-looking fuckdoll for him, to satisfy his carnal needs... and that for the last nine years.">>
<<intSays "Uhm... I am sorry.">>
<<intSays "I... should not have said that - that was unprofessional.">>
<<intSays "Please... forget what I said... I... just got a little emotional myself.">>
<<inaThinks "Seed planted...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha - no worries... I know it is not like that... he loves me, and I him. We are fine.">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you do it?">>
<<cybeleSays "Deny your man to cum?">>
<<intSays "As a game? - Sometimes, yes!">>
<<intSays "Haha - more often than not he denies himself - so he can make me cum more often... but...">>
<<intSays "Haha - sometimes I even put a chastity cage on him...">>
<<cybeleSays "What is that?">>
<<intSays "He is just the best... he knows me... he knows if I need more than one or two or three... orgasm.">>
<<cybeleSays "Awww...">>
<<intSays "He waits for me... he satisfies me as many times as I need or want. For him, it is the most important thing in the world... to make me cum.">>
<<intSays "He loves me... every tiny bit of me... he fucks me... he licks me... sucks my toes and my ass... there is not even a molecule of me that he does not adore and cherish. I feel it... I know it... he is my man in every respect. He is mine.">>
<<intSays "Uhm... again... sorry... I open myself too much. Still, perhaps it helps you.">>
<<cybeleSays "What is a chastity cage?">>
<<intSays "Hush, sweetie... you don't need to know.">>
<<intSays "Is there anything else you would like to talk about?">>
That night
<<attisSays "Awww... yes... yes... I am so into this... awww...">>
<<attisSays "Yes... suck it... baby... You are the blowjob queen... your mouth... awww... yes... don't stop... awww...">>
<<attisSays "ARRGGHHHH... YEEESS... EAT ME... AWWWWWW... FUCK... yes... swallow... honey... it is incredible that you do this... awww... hmmmm...">>
<<attisSays "Fuck, that was great... every single time you do this - you take me to heaven... Thank you, sweetie...">>
<<cybeleSays "Babe... will you ever... kiss me? ... I mean... like I do... my... pussy?">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm... certainly... just... not today...">>
<<cybeleSays "Why don't you want to... do it... do you think I... stink?">>
<<attisSays "No... of course not...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't you find my pussy attractive?">>
<<attisSays "You have the loveliest pussy ever... you know that... and you know I crave being inside you... and I know you do too.">>
<<attisSays "It is always amazing when I fuck you... you think so too, don't you?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "... please lick me... just once... I want to know what it feels like...">>
<<attisSays "I said no... not today...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<attisSays "Sweetheart... sorry... I...">>
<<cybeleSays "Make love to me... I need to feel you... ">>
<<attisSays "I will... come here, sweetie... I love you so damn much...">>
<<attisSays "Oh god... every single time...">>
<<attisSays "Every time I enter you... feels just wonderful... you are pure bliss, honey...">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm... you are such a turn on... your wonderful body... hmmm... awww...">>
<<attisSays "Hmmmm.... fuck... yes... aawwwww...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey?">>
<<attisSays "AWWwwww... awwww...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey, please...">>
<<attisSays "AWWwwww... awwww...">>
<<cybeleSays "Wait honey... don't cum just yet...">>
<<attisSays "Awww... awww... what?">>
<<cybeleSays "A little longer... please... for me... fuck... me... longer... hmmm... it feels so good...">>
<<attisSays "I can't... hold... it... AWWWWWWWWWW... ARRRRRHHGGGGG... AWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<attisSays "Hmmmm... Cyb... I... fuck... you are so hot... You’re my one and only...">>
<<attisSays "Sleep well... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleThinks "What...? Darling?">>
<<cybeleThinks "He... didn't listen... didn't even try to hold back...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I... never noticed before... am I love blind?">>
<<cybeleThinks "Does he care for me?">>
<<cybeleThinks "This time I know for certain... I don't need any measurements... I had no orgasm.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck... fuck...">>
Next morning
<<attisSays "Hmmm... good morning, Cyb.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... Attis...">>
<<attisSays "I have a morning boner...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... you have that nearly every day.">>
<<attisSays "What can I say... I wake up next to the hottest girl... it does things to a man...">>
<<attisSays "Do you remember what you do nearly every day too?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes! I suck your cock... and drink your cum... you want me to?">>
<<attisSays "Fuck... yes!">>
<<attisSays "God... you are perfect... my queen... thank you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Dear... yesterday...">>
<<attisSays "What about it?">>
<<cybeleSays "When you made love to me... I asked you to hold back a little... fuck me longer...">>
<<attisSays "Honey... I wanted to... but you are so hot... I... I just couldn't hold back! You know how much you turn me on...">>
<<cybeleSays "It... it felt like you weren't even trying...">>
<<attisSays "What? I...">>
<<cybeleSays "I... didn't cum yesterday...">>
<<attisSays "But you always said you can’t get enough of me... when we fuck, don’t you?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... certainly!">>
<<cybeleSays "But... I didn't cum...">>
<<attisSays "But you never do...">>
<<cybeleSays "What?">>
<<attisSays "You are crazy about having sex with me... I am crazy about having sex with you... you are my one and only!">>
<<cybeleSays "What did you just say?">>
<<attisSays "Honey?">>
<<cybeleSays "You said I never cum!">>
<<attisSays "It is true - isn't it?">>
<<cybeleSays "I... I don't know... why don't you make me cum?">>
<<cybeleSays "If you know it... why... why don't you...">>
<<attisSays "You always said you love it... you are happy... I am happy... everything is fine, honey...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are my man - you ought to make me cum!">>
<<cybeleSays "GIRLS CUM FIRST!">>
<<cybeleSays "You never made me cum - and you're not even trying?">>
<<cybeleSays "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!">>
<<attisSays "Sweetie - I adore you... everything is...">>
<<cybeleSays "I dare you... if you say 'FINE' once more - I'll cut your stupid dick off...">>
<<cybeleSays "GO!">>
<<cybeleSays "AWAY!">>
Session 3
<<cybeleSays "He knows! He knew all the time - nine fucking years!">>
<<cybeleSays "What did you say? I was his fuckdoll. Right. I was. Also, his suckdoll.">>
<<cybeleSays "I hate him.">>
<<cybeleSays "I love him. But I hate him.">>
<<cybeleSays "Am I frigid?">>
<<cybeleSays "Is it not possible for me to orgasm?">>
<<cybeleSays "I tried masturbating... your toys...">>
<<cybeleSays "It was hot... it got me running... after some practice...">>
<<cybeleSays "... it was even better than the fucking cock of fucking Attis.">>
<<cybeleSays "... but nothing I would call - climax.">>
<<cybeleSays "I am pathetic... a loser.">>
<<cybeleSays "Twenty-seven years old. My partner doesn't care about me. I never had an orgasm - and I didn't even know.">>
<<cybeleSays "I was happier when I didn't know... why did you bring this up?">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... I hate myself.">>
<<intSays "Are you done?">>
<<cybeleSays "No!">>
<<cybeleSays "I hate myself.">>
<<cybeleSays "I HATE myself!">>
<<cybeleSays "Now I am done.">>
<<intSays "Haha... I see you have not completely lost yourself.">>
<<intSays "I will not give any long speeches about what we can do.">>
<<intSays "Right away I have two suggestions - but these are for you alone to decide.">>
<<cybeleSays "What are they?">>
<<intSays "First...">>
<<intSays "Some women need a 'trigger' to experience sexual pleasure. Call it positive reinforcement.">>
<<intSays "Bluntly said - you need a man who makes you cum.">>
<<intSays "Once your barrier is broken - it will be much easier for you to cum. It may even be that you can use your pathetic male to fulfill your needs in the future.">>
<<cybeleSays "You want me to cheat? To fuck another man?">>
<<inaThinks "Yes - hurt your fucking stupid man - he deserves it! Cuck him! Cuck that asshole... It is payback time...">>
<<intSays "No. I don't want you to cheat - or to feel that you are cheating.">>
<<intSays "It will be therapeutic... yes - it will be sex with another man.">>
<<intSays "But without emotional connection whatsoever - pure physical sex - to enable you to have orgasms.">>
<<intSays "I would say it is not cheating - but ultimately you have to decide for yourself.">>
<<inaThinks "It is no cheating... believe me... no cheating at all... no no... CUCK HIM! Make him squirm, while he thinks about you getting fucked by another...">>
<<cybeleSays "What else?">>
<<intSays "Second...">>
<<intSays "I don't think this alone will help you - I honestly think you need your 'trigger male'.">>
<<intSays "The second thing would only be to help your domestic problems.">>
<<intSays "I can give you some medication - that you should feed your husband.">>
<<cybeleSays "What? You want me to drug him?">>
<<intSays "You always sound so negative... but yes - essentially yes.">>
<<intSays "It is not harmful in any way.">>
<<intSays "It has two effects... first, it makes him hornier... it is an aphrodisiac...">>
<<cybeleSays "That is a myth... we all know there are no aphrodisiacs with worthwhile effects.">>
<<intSays "Shhh... I know - that is commonly believed. But trust me - this one works!">>
<<cybeleSays "Why would I feed him that... I'd say he wants to stick his dick in me often enough as it is...">>
<<intSays "The second effect is - it will make him last longer... he will not be able to cum for quite some time.">>
<<cybeleSays "Interesting...">>
<<cybeleSays "So... he will want to fuck me more badly than ever - but will last much longer?">>
<<intSays "Yes... together with being able to have orgasms - see 'first' - you can probably use him to get off yourself.">>
<<cybeleSays "... and possibly stop fucking him after I have cum?">>
<<intSays "That is for you to decide.">>
<<cybeleSays "Nine years... he didn't make me cum for nine years...">>
<<cybeleSays "What if I do not let him cum for nine years...">>
<<intSays "Haha - Cybele... I like your train of thought.">>
<<inaThinks "There is also a third effect - will you discover it?">>
<<cybeleSays "I have to think about this... Give me the drug I want to at least try it.">>
<<intSays "Don't tell him about it... mix it with his food or drink.">>
<<intSays "Once a week is enough... it has retard qualities.">>
<<cybeleSays "Why not tell him?">>
<<intSays "Well... what would you do in his position... agree to have medically induced difficulties to cum?">>
<<cybeleSays "Probably not... I have naturally induced difficulties...">>
<<intSays "Also - drugs often work 'better' if the patient doesn't know.">>
<<intSays "There are always placebo effects... even undesired ones.">>
<<intSays "I assure you though the drug is legal - and there are no side effects.">>
<<inaThinks "Which is bullshit - but I guess she likes to hear it.">>
<<intSays "Cybele - I know your are a sweetheart. But I think it would be good for yourself to be a little bit more demanding towards you husband.">>
<<intSays "Sometimes it is better to speak up, tell him what you like or want. Don't keep all thoughts inside yourself - dark thoughts tend to grow and nurture themselves.">>
<<intSays "Talk, communicate...">>
Two nights later
<<attisSays "Honey - finally... where have you been?">>
<<cybeleSays "I...">>
<<attisSays "Please... let us go to bed... right now... I so want you...">>
<<cybeleSays "What is it, babe...?">>
<<attisSays "I... I can't stop thinking about you... I want you... more than ever...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha - sweetie - you want to fuck me?">>
<<attisSays "Yes... oh god yes... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "You always want to fuck me... don't you?">>
<<attisSays "God - yes, yes! You are my one and only... I need you... need to feel you... I want - no, I must be in you...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are so needy, darling... what is it...?">>
<<attisSays "I don't know... I am so fucking horny today...">>
<<cybeleSays "But sweetie - you know that I don't cum... when you fuck me...">>
<<attisSays "I know - but you want me... don't you?">>
<<cybeleSays "Kind of... yeah... but I have been thinking.">>
<<cybeleSays "Our sex life is unbalanced... you get to fuck me every day and have orgasms... and I do not.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you think that is fair?">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... you always said you are totally into it...">>
<<cybeleSays "I did... true... but I do not think it is fair anymore.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want to learn to have orgasms...">>
<<cybeleSays "But you are obviously no help... you have not been able to get me off in nearly ten years now.">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "I love you, honey. I truly do - but I think our relationship is unbalanced right now.">>
<<attisSays "Please honey... I need you... my dick...">>
<<cybeleSays "You have a lovely dick, sweetie... you know I adore your dick... and to feel it in me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Still...">>
<<cybeleSays "Please do the laundry now...">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "To make it clear.">>
<<cybeleSays "You do the laundry now - and I will allow you to fuck me.">>
<<cybeleSays "If you don't - you can go wank yourself.">>
<<attisSays "Honey I don't understand... you always do the laundry... I don't even know how...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are an engineer - I am sure you will be able to figure it out.">>
<<cybeleSays "Balance honey... balance... you do the laundry - I will give you my body... I think it is a very good deal for you - considering what a body I have.">>
<<attisSays "Fuck you!">>
<<cybeleSays "Later sweetie... later... laundry... now - and hurry a bit - I also want your dick in me.">>
<<attisSays "Done... the laundry is in the machine...">>
<<cybeleSays "Later you will finish your job... fold the clothes, put them away... won't you?">>
<<attisSays "Fuck... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't think you can cheat here honey... there will be other times you want to fuck... if you cheat today - it will have consequences...">>
<<attisSays "What is wrong with you today... ah... fuck... can we please adjourn to the bedroom now?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes, sweetie... we can... you did well.">>
<<attisSays "Uhm... thank you.">>
<<cybeleSays "Babe?">>
<<attisSays "Yeah?">>
<<cybeleSays "One thing... I don't have much time - you took too much time doing the laundry...">>
<<cybeleSays "We only have a quarter of an hour. I know you usually finish in less than five minutes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha - you are a fast one - aren't you? That is probably one of the reasons you can't make me cum...">>
<<cybeleSays "Anyway... you can fuck me a quarter of an hour max - after that, I will break it off.">>
<<attisSays "No problem... I am so horny for you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey... I am ready... come here... climb me... claim me... fuck me...">>
<<attisSays "Yes... yes... I so want you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Wait... one second...">>
<<attisSays "What? - please... remove your hand... I can't... enter...">>
<<cybeleSays "Sweetie... just one second... I said wait...">>
<<attisSays "God... please... I am so near...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... exactly... that is what I want...">>
<<attisSays "Hm?">>
<<cybeleSays "Beg me... beg me to let you fuck me...">>
<<attisSays "Please, Cyb... please let me fuck you... your wonderful body... I need it... please I beg you... let me finally... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "More... more earnest... beg my... you stupid swine...">>
<<attisSays "What...?">>
<<cybeleSays "Shut up... beg me... NOW!">>
<<attisSays "My sweet princess... I implore you... please... let us fuck... please... please let me... enter you... I need you... I beg you honey... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha - you are so pathetic... such a needy asshole... you give a shit about me... just want to fuck me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do it... fuck me then... I'll be your fucking stupid fuckdoll as usual...">>
<<attisSays "Yes... YES... you feel so great... I need this... I am so crazy about you...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are such a piece of shit... content just to fuck me... your stupid little dick is all you care about... I am shit to you... I hate you... listen... I hate you...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are my man... why don't you care for me... You’re my one and only...">>
<<attisSays "YES... AWWWW... YES... YES...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you hear me? ... at all?">>
<<attisSays "FUCK... YES... what a vagina... pussy... cunt... I am addicted to fucking you... awwww...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you hear me... crying? My heart belongs to you...">>
<<attisSays "YES... AWWWW... YES... YES... FUCK YOU... FUCKING YOU... AWWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "You don't hear anything... do you? ... not listening to me... never...">>
<<cybeleSays "...ever...">>
<<attisSays "YES... AWWWW... YES... YES... FUCK YOU... FUCKING YOU... AWWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "You only feel your own dick... don't you? ...">>
<<attisSays "AWWWWW... YES... YES... AWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "My heart belongs to you... do you hear me...? Please?">>
<<attisSays "AWWWWW... YES... YES... AWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<attisSays "YES... AWWWW... YES... YES... FUCK YOU... FUCKING YOU... AWWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Ok... I see...">>
<<attisSays "AWWWWW... YES... YES... AWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "STOP!">>
<<attisSays "What? No!">>
<<cybeleSays "GET OFF ME!">>
<<cybeleSays "GO! - NOW!">>
<<attisSays "What? I... I have not...">>
<<cybeleSays "Your fucking quarter of an hour is over... I told you so.">>
<<attisSays "But...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't the fuck 'but' me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Am I not enough to get you off?">>
<<cybeleSays "I am sorry... you obviously were never enough to get me off...">>
<<cybeleSays "Perhaps this one time - you see what that feels like...">>
<<cybeleSays "I told you - a quarter of an hour... you agreed.">>
<<cybeleSays "Finish the laundry now... while I do more important things.">>
<<attisSays "Cyb - what is it with you... what have I done?">>
<<cybeleSays "Nothing - that is our problem - you do nothing, you change nothing... you don't even listen.">>
<<cybeleSays "Have you in any way heard what I whimpered to you - while you fucked my body?">>
<<attisSays "No... I... it felt so good...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck yes - it felt good for you... what about me? I poured my heart out and all you could think of was your fucking useless dick.">>
<<attisSays "Honey... please... I love you. I am sorry I... I never wanted to hurt you.">>
<<attisSays "You are my one and only... honestly... I'd do anything for you.">>
<<cybeleSays "It doesn't feel like it... it feels like you don't even listen to me... don't care for me anymore.">>
<<attisSays "Please... come here... let me hold you... kiss you... I adore you... so damn much.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... honey... yes... hold me... I love you too...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... honey... your dick is still poking me...">>
<<attisSays "I can't help it...">>
<<cybeleSays "It's ok... I dig how you always get horny when you see me... that is as it should be.">>
<<attisSays "Love you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Love you...">>
<<attisSays "Honey... can we perhaps...">>
<<cybeleSays "No... damn... You won't fuck me anymore today... if you need to finish... do it yourself.">>
<<attisSays "Damn... you are cold...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
Session 4
<<cybeleSays "I did it.">>
<<cybeleSays "I drugged my man.">>
<<cybeleSays "He is horny as hell... but he did not cum the last four days.">>
<<inaThinks "He wanked a couple of times... what do you think?">>
<<cybeleSays "He never had a dry spell that long.">>
<<cybeleSays "He is desperately horny... he... he does everything I want.">>
<<cybeleSays "I can blackmail him... he so wants my body... so wants to fuck me... he can't think straight.">>
<<cybeleSays "He does all the duties at home... adores every one of my steps... he even - finally - kissed and licked my pussy.">>
<<cybeleSays "Which was wonderful - but still did not make me cum.">>
<<cybeleSays "It... it feels like revenge.">>
<<cybeleSays "He never cared enough to help me reach an orgasm. Now I deny him... force him under my will.">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck - Ina - it feels good - so good. I still love him, with all my heart. But I need this new dynamic between us. I want it... I want it to go further... I want to explore this more.">>
<<cybeleSays "Am I evil for doing this? To... my husband?">>
<<intSays "He is a free man, Cybele - he chooses to live this way. He can go anytime he wants.">>
<<intSays "He can contact HR and ask for his own apartment. He is still a free man...">>
<<intSays "He chooses to be with you.">>
<<intSays "To me it seems - he is okay with it.">>
<<intSays "I think you suffered enough, cared enough for his well-being the last nine years.">>
<<intSays "For now - do what you need to do - for yourself.">>
<<intSays "If you reach a point where it is too much - you will notice... and we will handle it then.">>
<<intSays "For now - you need this - for your own sake.">>
<<intSays "No - you are not evil. I can assure you that.">>
<<intSays "I fancy the new you. I think it is great - personal growth. Keep going - you are doing very well indeed.">>
<<intSays "Whatever help and support you need - I am here for you.">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you, Ina - I know you are my therapist - but it also feels like you are my friend.">>
<<intSays "I am, Cybele, I am - and you have my full support.">>
<<cybeleSays "You remember your 'First'?">>
<<intSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him. I want to have my first orgasm. My pathetic little man can't make me cum.">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina - please... get me a real man... a man that knows what I need... a strong man - that leads me to bliss.">>
<<cybeleSays "I know - you had someone in mind - the last time we talked. I know you have access to someone.">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't want to know him, don't want to love him... I want to use him... or I want him to use me - whatever - I want to cum, I want to know what my man denied me all those years... please, Ina - help me!">>
<<intSays "I can't order someone to fuck you.">>
<<intSays "The man I am thinking of can't be bought - he is not a whore.">>
<<intSays "It is his decision to help you - or not.">>
<<intSays "I am quite certain that he will be supportive though.">>
<<intSays "He adores women - all women. For him... women are the pinnacle of creation. Giving pleasure to women is bliss to him. He loves pleasuring us.">>
<<intSays "It is in his nature... there will be nothing of you... that he will not adore... to him you will be a goddess.">>
<<intSays "You will not be able to do wrong. You can caress him, kiss him, fuck him, hit him.">>
<<intSays "You can make him crawl and kiss your feet - if he senses that you need it - or want it... he will do it.">>
<<cybeleSays "Who is he? Where can I reach him?">>
<<intSays "You don't - I will.">>
<<intSays "You will not know his name - nor will you be able to contact him - everything will go through me.">>
<<intSays "I will contact him. If it works out - I will send him to your apartment in three days.">>
<<intSays "You decide how you handle your husband.">>
<<intSays "Tell him - or don't.">>
<<intSays "Let him watch - let him be cucked... or keep it a secret. I don't care. He doesn't care.">>
<<intSays "One thing... he will visit you to help you - not for his own pleasure, apart from what I said before.">>
<<intSays "You concentrate on yourself - the man will not climax. He will only care for you... don't waste energy on him.">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you. Thank you so much.">>
<<intSays "Good luck, Cybele.">>
<<cybeleSays "Just a thought...">>
<<intSays "Yes?">>
<<cybeleSays "If I decide to tell Attis. If I decide to cuck him - and let him watch...">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't want him to disturb me... if I... just want him to watch and not be able to, say... walk in... or take any form of action...">>
<<cybeleSays "... do you perhaps have any suggestion on how I would be able to pull something like that off?">>
<<intSays "Uhm.">>
<<intSays "Are you certain about that?">>
<<cybeleSays "No - just checking out the possibilities.">>
<<intSays "Theoretically I can arrange things... yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Theoretically?">>
<<intSays "I might be able to help with that - but we would have to add an addendum to your current work contract.">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't understand.">>
<<intSays "The thing you suggest - is in the realm of grey legality - dark grey actually.">>
<<intSays "While personally I am not plagued by the usual moral or ethical concerns humans have...">>
<<intSays "We both are here as employees - and for these types of things certain steps have to be taken to protect this institution.">>
<<intSays "If you agree to such an addendum - basically an NDA in addition to some passages that free the institution of legal consequences of your behavior and actions - even if done in the name of the company...">>
<<intSays "It also - basically says that you are 'all in' with this institution.">>
<<intSays "We will have no secrets - you have no secrets.">>
<<intSays "That also implies that it will be a very bad idea to turn your back on us.">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you forward me such an addendum - so I can study it?">>
<<intSays "Sure... I didn't expect this - so soon... but sure! I'd be glad to have you on board all the way.">>
<<cybeleSays "I'll get back to you tomorrow - either with a signed contract or more questions - ok?">>
<<intSays "You will get it via secure message - don't copy it, don't show it to anyone - you understand?">>
<<intSays "I put much trust in you - by giving you this chance - so soon.">>
<<cybeleSays "I understand. I will not disappoint you! Thank you again!">>
The evening
<<cybeleSays "Honey - I am home!">>
<<attisSays "Finally - I was so looking forward...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes, I know... haha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Take my shoes off - and put them away...">>
<<attisSays "Yes... love...">>
<<cybeleSays "Cutie... you look so nice... down there... taking care of my shoes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Look up!">>
<<attisSays "Sweetie?">>
<<cybeleSays "Your nose - smell me... smell my sweet pussy... and tell me you treasure it.">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm... your smell is divine... it makes me crazy for you...">>
<<cybeleSays "I know it is... tell me - why didn't you like my smell... last week?">>
<<attisSays "I always cherished your smell...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... sure... I just never felt it...">>
<<attisSays "Make me something to eat... and a tea - and bring it to the living room, will you?">>
<<cybeleSays "... and please hurry - I am starving...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Why does he allow me to talk to him like that... why is he unquestioningly doing all these things?">>
<<cybeleThinks "He was never so submissive...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Or did I discover that trait with him only now?">>
<<cybeleThinks "It was an accident... yesterday... I had just woken up... still in my dream world...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I blurted out 'Kiss my feet'...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... and he fucking did... without any hesitation...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Since then, I have been trying to figure it out... but he just does everything I want him to...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I... fucking freaking love it!">>
<<cybeleThinks "I want this... I want him to adore me, to do everything I want... he is so mine... I am his goddess... it feels so good...">>
<<cybeleSays "Aww... thank you. I needed this... food... finally.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey?">>
<<attisSays "Yes?">>
<<cybeleSays "Get naked... make sure you have a boner... I want to see your gorgeous cock...">>
<<cybeleSays "For the rest of the night, you will be naked.">>
<<cybeleSays "Also, I want you to lie on the floor... on your back... here - right in front of me.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will kiss my feet, while I eat, watch TV, and glance at your boner...">>
<<attisSays "I will... hmmm... I adore you... I worship your feet.">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... you stupid, pathetic feet-licker... suck my damn toe... harder...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... like that... hmmmm... oh you so belong down there...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you mind if I call you pathetic and stupid?">>
<<attisSays "My queen... you can call me anything you like... my one and only... I adore you... whatever you say...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha - god...">>
<<cybeleSays "My little hubby... would you like it - if I wanked your useless dick?">>
<<attisSays "Yes... yes... it will make all my dreams come true...">>
<<cybeleSays "How long will it take you to cum... my little wanker... you have experience - don't you?">>
<<attisSays "Last months... a minute... but somehow - nowadays... probably half an hour?">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... half an hour... wanking that little cock of yours - only to see you spurt out your stinky semen?">>
<<cybeleSays "God no... I have better things to do with my time.">>
<<cybeleSays "Tell you what... go... lay on my bed... wank your little piss producer... and call me in twenty-nine minutes and fifty seconds.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will cum from my hand - and I will thus make your dreams come true - and I don't need to waste my time on your cock.">>
<<cybeleSays "Go... fuck yourself... I mean... wank... and call me when ready.">>
<<attisSays "I will, my angel... thank you! You are my everything, my world!">>
<<cybeleSays "Aww... I love you too! Now go... work on your little stick... hahaha...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Now... that contract addendum...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Ina was right - basically what she said.">>
<<cybeleThinks "It frees the company of any responsibility for my actions... but adds extra benefits for me - she didn't mention that.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Basically it also says I have to stay with the company for the rest of my life - or else...">>
<<cybeleThinks "This is dangerous... it is... but I am considering a leap of faith here...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Ina seems great - and if it is the company of Novus - fuck, it can't get any better, can it?">>
<<cybeleThinks "I guess I will just trust my gut and do it...">>
<<attisSays "HONEY!">>
<<cybeleThinks "My wanker husband... the pathetic male... who can't give me orgasms... who doesn't even care... fuck you!">>
<<attisSays "HONEY, PLEASE!">>
<<cybeleSays "Coming...">>
<<cybeleSays "Aww... sweetie... there you are...">>
<<cybeleSays "Look at me... watch me undress... savor my body...">>
<<attisSays "You are so beautiful... I can't believe my luck... such a beautiful woman...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... I am...">>
<<cybeleSays "Now... give me your little wiener...">>
<<attisSays "Awwww... babe... fuck... yes... your hands... are divine... awwww...">>
<<attisSays "AWWWWW... AWWWWW... YES... HONEY... YEEESSSS... I... AM...">>
<<cybeleSays "Not yet... ahh... wait a second...">>
<<attisSays "What... please... continue... please... PLEASE!">>
<<cybeleSays "Shhh... dear... I will just handcuff you to the bed... I want us to enjoy...">>
<<cybeleSays "... there you are... nice... and helpless... and horny... let me hold your piss gear...">>
<<attisSays "Awww... yes... awww.... fuck, I adore you... I so crave this... your hand... AWWW... AWWW... YES... I...">>
<<cybeleSays "Not yet... you horny little dog...">>
<<attisSays "No... please... fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "You know... the last time you emptied your semen into my pussy...?">>
<<attisSays "What? Awww... yes... yes... yes... keep going... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "Seven nights ago... since then... I am clean... finally I am clean of your stinky sperm...">>
<<attisSays "What? You like it... awwww... AWWWWW... yes... YES...">>
<<cybeleSays "I like it... yes... but now it reminds me... you cum... I don't... you never made me cum... but used me... over and over - for years...">>
<<attisSays "I love you... you always wanted it... AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWW YES... FUCK... YES YEEEESSSS...">>
<<cybeleSays "Not yet...">>
<<attisSays "Noooooo... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am clean... cleaner, better smelling... better tasting than in years...">>
<<cybeleSays "The stench of your rotten semen is not contaminating my lovely pussy anymore...">>
<<attisSays "What? Awwww... why do you say it like that... AWWWW... AWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "You get off when I talk like that, don't you?">>
<<attisSays "PLEASE... AWWWWWW... AWWWW... YES! YEEEEE... ">>
<<cybeleSays "Not yet... You greedy swine...">>
<<attisSays "ARGH! Nooooo... ">>
<<cybeleSays "I decided... I want to have orgasms...">>
<<attisSays "YES... AWWW... your hand AWWWW... so good... fuck yes... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "You can't help me... you have proven that - over and over...">>
<<attisSays "AWWWW... but I... want to help... AWWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "You can't... you are unable... you don't care for me... only for your pathetic dick...">>
<<attisSays "AWWWW... AWWWW... YES... GOD... FUCK... YES... YESSSSSS FINA...">>
<<cybeleSays "No... not yet... cucky...">>
<<attisSays "ARggghhh...">>
<<cybeleSays "In two days... I will fuck another man... he will make me cum...">>
<<attisSays "AWWWWW... what? NO! Cybele... AWWWW... AWWWW... fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "He will ignite my body... give me my first orgasm... something you were never able to...">>
<<attisSays "No... Cybele - I beg you... you are my woman... don't do this...">>
<<attisSays "AWWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWWW... your hand... Cyb... AWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Tell you what... if you are able... to not cum... I will not meet him...">>
<<attisSays "AWWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWWW... YES... AWWWW!">>
<<cybeleSays "If me not fucking another man... is more important to you than your own orgasm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Then prove it... do not cum... you little faggot... do not cum... cum... cum... CUM!">>
<<attisSays "HNNNNNNNGGGGRRR... AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWW... Hmmmm... hmmmm... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "There... see... you had an orgasm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't you think I ought to be able to have orgasms too?">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want that... you can't help me... I must take action myself.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have a man at hand... who has the reputation to take women to heaven.">>
<<cybeleSays "I just want one... one orgasm... I never had one... you knew... you didn't care...">>
<<cybeleSays "You asshole - fucked me daily... for years... used me as your fuck toy... used my body to make you cum... thousands of times...">>
<<attisSays "Cyb...">>
<<cybeleSays "Can't you understand?">>
<<cybeleSays "Why don't you want me to experience... the best feelings...">>
<<attisSays "I want you to... but... another man?">>
<<cybeleSays "I am not cheating... I tell you... it is not cheating - when I tell you.">>
<<cybeleSays "I am not in love with another man... I love you... I never met him... have not spoken to him... I will not be with him.">>
<<cybeleSays "It... it is therapeutic... he can show me what I need...">>
<<cybeleSays "Please, my sweetie... I need this...">>
<<cybeleSays "I will do this... please - let this not break your heart... understand me... for once...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey... I... want you to forgive me... to let me go... this one time...">>
<<cybeleSays "Let me remove those cuffs...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hold me... I love you...">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... I love you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Let us sleep... tomorrow is another day... we will speak more...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hold me... make me feel save...">>
Next day
<<cybeleThinks "Hmmm... oh... morning already.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Attis... he is still holding me... hmmm... this is so nice... I love him...">>
<<cybeleThinks "...and yes... his boner is ready... haha - still the same old Attis... he is so sweet...">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis!">>
<<cybeleSays "ATTIS - wake up!">>
<<attisSays "What... oh... honey...">>
<<cybeleSays "Go down... kiss my feet... suck my toes... and then make me a nice breakfast...">>
<<attisSays "Yes, as you wish...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes... I crave this - so much...">>
<<cybeleSays "I signed it - no questions.">>
<<intSays "Really?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes - all or nothing. I want it all!">>
<<intSays "Good for you!">>
<<cybeleSays "Did you ask that man? Is he in?">>
<<intSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "I told Attis - it is no cheating if he knows - is it?">>
<<intSays "Fuck - did he agree?">>
<<cybeleSays "No - not yet - he probably won't - I don't care. I want your man. I want him to make me orgasm.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want Attis to watch - and not interfere - like we talked about. I want to hurt him... I need to...">>
<<cybeleSays "You said you can do it?">>
<<intSays "Yes - do you want to know specifics?">>
<<cybeleSays "No... as long as he watches, hears us... and cannot interfere - I am fine with it - whatever you do.">>
<<cybeleSays "I guess you will watch too?">>
<<intSays "Uhm, what?">>
<<cybeleSays "No secrets - you said, when I signed the addendum...">>
<<intSays "Haha - you got me... yes... haha - I'll watch too.">>
<<cybeleSays "I knew it... you have cameras and audio feed in our rooms?">>
<<intSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Damn... haha - ok. I knew I was going to bed with a snake when I signed the addendum.">>
<<cybeleSays "I hope you will show me some of your own love-making videos - what you told me already - they'd be a treat to watch.">>
<<intSays "Oh god... what have I done by letting you 'in'... haha, no... I adore you... you are welcome...">>
<<cybeleSays "How many times does Attis wank, when I am not at home?">>
<<intSays "Six... seven times... despite the drug - he is a very healthy and active male.">>
<<cybeleSays "When you grab him for his watch tower... put him in chastity! I don't want him to cum without my consent. I know now what a chastity cage is... I want that for Attis!">>
<<intSays "Gladly!">>
<<cybeleSays "The drug - you said there are no side effects. You lied... didn't you?">>
<<intSays "Well... technically these are no side effects... I just forgot to mention them...">>
<<cybeleSays "... that he does everything I want... that he nearly has no will... and is submissive to a fault?">>
<<cybeleSays "I am so happy with it... he is my pet now... isn't he?">>
<<intSays "As long as the drug is active...">>
<<cybeleSays "You will provide more?">>
<<intSays "As long as you wish...">>
<<cybeleSays "So... that means he is my pet for the rest of my life...">>
<<intSays "If that is what you want... yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Well... right now I am thinking of nine years he stole from me... perhaps he will redeem himself in that time.">>
<<intSays "You say you still love him?">>
<<cybeleSays "I think I do... love is a strange thing sometimes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Are you able to love?">>
<<intSays "Yes... I love my man... more than anything in the world. He IS my world.">>
<<cybeleSays "Anything else you want to tell me?">>
<<intSays "Not now... no... officially we have no secrets now...">>
<<intSays "But I can't pour everything on you in one day.">>
<<intSays "If you have questions... ask... and you will be answered...">>
<<intSays "But we will take our time to introduce you to everything we have planned. Don't regard that as distrust please...">>
<<cybeleSays "Are there other couples... like us?">>
<<cybeleSays "I assume you have manipulated me... just a tiny little bit... to be in the place I am in now...">>
<<intSays "Yes - four couples.">>
<<intSays "One of the women - will claim a very high position in our company.">>
<<intSays "We don't know who yet - you are certainly a good candidate.">>
<<cybeleSays "Why women - why not men?">>
<<intSays "Good question...">>
<<intSays "One answer is - my personal studies... I think sexually pleased women are more productive and more efficient. The mentioned couples are a small sample group for me to experiment with.">>
<<intSays "Another might be... apart from my own man - I am not a big fan of men in general.">>
<<intSays "Certainly there are exceptional men... but... well... I just like women better...">>
<<intSays "Not everything can be rationally explained.">>
<<intSays "If I were in the lead - the current society would change to a matriarchal one. Men would only be little worker drones... and sexual slaves.">>
<<intSays "Except my husband - of course.">>
<<intSays "Haha - and looking at you and your husband... you seem to share my sentiments...">>
<<intSays "Speaking of which... the drug...">>
<<intSays "If you give him double the current dose - the effects will double.">>
<<intSays "Haha - in general, he will be a constantly wanking ape - waiting for your commands - it will take ages for him to reach orgasm... but he will still be able to.">>
<<intSays "Triple the dose... and the effect will be permanent.">>
<<intSays "Theoretically he is still intelligent and able to think... but for any practical use...">>
<<intSays "...he will be damaged... he will only think with his dick... it will be stiff all the time... he will want to put it in every hole he sees.">>
<<intSays "It will break him mentally - since his intelligence and thoughts are still there - but he will be motivated by his sex drive alone.">>
<<intSays "He will still be able to follow rudimentary commands of yours...">>
<<intSays "But he will never be able to have an orgasm again... he will constantly be seeking satisfaction... horny as hell... but never be able to reach it.">>
<<intSays "At that stage - men don't last very long - in a few years... he will be dead.">>
<<intSays "You are welcome to try it out... just give me a notification beforehand.">>
<<intSays "We will be forced to remove him from his work duties. Since he will no longer be able to...">>
<<cybeleSays "You would let me do that?">>
<<intSays "Certainly... it was always you we were interested in. What you do with your plaything... is totally up to you.">>
<<intSays "When you decide so - your income will officially increase by the money he now receives... and he will be laid off.">>
<<intSays "He will be your personal slave and not be allowed to leave your apartment.">>
<<intSays "It was always thus... the combined money you receive - that is your true salary.">>
<<intSays "We just keep him occupied for you - so he doesn't do stupid things.">>
<<intSays "If you want it - just tell me... we can also install a cage in one of your rooms... if you want to keep him safer...">>
<<cybeleSays "God... you are evil - aren't you?">>
<<intSays "I am free... and don't tell me you are not intrigued by what I offered.">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes - I fucking am - and that makes me afraid of myself.">>
<<cybeleSays "He keeps contact with his family - how do you prevent him from spoiling your secrets?">>
<<intSays "Well... he thinks everything is real - that helps.">>
<<intSays "Other than that - AI.">>
<<intSays "All his communications go through a filter. If he tells them anything he is not supposed to tell... the visual and audio is replaced by our AI - and the other end only sees and hears what we want.">>
<<intSays "If you decide to enslave him fully - the AI completely takes over all calls - and covers our asses.">>
<<cybeleSays "Damn... you thought this through... didn't you?">>
<<cybeleSays "How many... uhm... full-time slaves do you have here?">>
<<intSays "Not so many yet... about twenty...">>
<<cybeleSays "You have one?">>
<<intSays "Nah... most slaves are for the sexual needs of their owners.">>
<<intSays "I have my man for my sexual needs.">>
<<intSays "... he doesn't really like me sleeping around...">>
<<intSays "I like to spare him those feelings... and the consequences to the males...">>
<<cybeleSays "Consequences?">>
<<intSays "This is getting personal... another time perhaps...">>
<<intSays "We are set - I will take care of your hubby... your 'orgasm maker' will be at your place at around eight o'clock - ok?">>
<<cybeleSays "I am home!">>
<<cybeleSays "Sweetie?">>
<<attisSays "I am here!">>
<<cybeleSays "Stop!">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "Down. On the floor.">>
<<attisSays "Honey?">>
<<cybeleSays "Crawl... to me... slowly... then... kiss my feet and worship me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... that's right... come here... crawl like the little bug you are.">>
<<cybeleSays "Kiss my feet... I am your mistress... you do what I tell you... do you listen?">>
<<cybeleSays "Take my shoes off... lick and kiss my feet you little worm.">>
<<cybeleSays "You are mine... mine alone... you do what I want.">>
<<cybeleSays "When I say crawl... you fucking crawl... when I say jump... you jump...">>
<<attisSays "Yes, honey... I will... I adore you...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are worth nothing... you are just a pathetic... male... asshole.">>
<<attisSays "Honey... please... I worship you, everything about you...">>
<<cybeleSays "I know you do... and you better keep at it.">>
<<cybeleSays "Get up... scurry away... to the kitchen and serve dinner.">>
<<attisSays "My lovely wife... dinner is ready!">>
<<cybeleSays "What is this?">>
<<attisSays "Pizza - homemade, the way you like it!">>
<<cybeleSays "I can see that... but what is that?">>
<<attisSays "Uhm... my plate?">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck - no, it is not!">>
<<cybeleSays "That is a fucking superfluous dish.">>
<<cybeleSays "You are not eating my pizza - you are not eating at my table.">>
<<cybeleSays "I allow you to get a slice of dry bread and water.">>
<<cybeleSays "You eat that off the floor like the fucking dog you are...">>
<<attisSays "Honey, please - there is enough pizza for the both of us.">>
<<cybeleSays "You want fucking pizza? You think you have a right to eat pizza?">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck you... here... take your pizza... eat your pizza from the floor then.">>
<<cybeleSays "You want to eat at the table? You think you deserve it?">>
<<cybeleSays "You fucking piece of shit - you fucking don't...">>
<<cybeleSays "See here... I trample on your pizza... fuck, fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "ARGH! Now... sit down, HUSBAND... lick the pizza you deserve off my feet.">>
<<cybeleSays "... when done cleaning my feet... you lick the rest of YOUR pizza from the floor.">>
<<cybeleSays "You fucking do what I tell you... do you hear me?">>
<<cybeleSays "Now lick... lick you fuckhead...">>
<<cybeleSays "It is decided... tomorrow I will have my first orgasm.">>
<<cybeleSays "He will visit me at about eight o'clock.">>
<<cybeleSays "He will fuck me... take me to heaven.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will WATCH - and learn.">>
<<cybeleSays "After tomorrow - I expect you to make me cum. Do you hear me?">>
<<attisSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "What now... you want to say anything?">>
<<attisSays "No.">>
<<cybeleSays "Good... because exactly that will happen.">>
<<cybeleSays "And don't you dare not watch... you must also learn... you listen... DO YOU FUCKING LISTEN?">>
<<attisSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Good!">>
<<cybeleSays "Another thing - I know you are polishing your little wiener when I am not at home.">>
<<cybeleSays "That has to stop.">>
<<cybeleSays "Tomorrow I will cage your little plaything.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will only be able to play with yourself when I allow it.">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... please? No!">>
<<cybeleSays "What... please?">>
<<cybeleSays "You fucking did not care about me cumming for nine years...">>
<<cybeleSays "Now you panic when your useless cock will be caged?">>
<<cybeleSays "Shut up... you deserve this - and you know it.">>
<<cybeleSays "From tomorrow on... you need my consent to cum. That is final.">>
<<cybeleSays "If you fucking do not please my every whim... I swear... you will follow in my steps... and the next time your semen will be let out - will be in nine years.">>
<<cybeleSays "So... for the last time in the foreseeable future...">>
<<cybeleSays "Go... wank yourself...">>
<<cybeleSays "But do it on the toilet... and be sure to shoot your filthy semen directly into the bowl... I don't want it anywhere else in my apartment.">>
<<cybeleSays "Your fucking stinking stuff - goes right into the toilet, down the drain where it belongs.">>
<<cybeleSays "Go... wank... WANK!">>
<<cybeleSays "Did you finish your disgusting business in the bath?">>
<<attisSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Directly into the bowl - as I ordered?">>
<<attisSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "And you flushed? I don't want any disgusting-looking white slush swimming around my toilet...">>
<<attisSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Ok... then...">>
<<cybeleSays "I take the bed... you can sleep on the floor...">>
<<attisSays "Cybele...">>
<<cybeleSays "What?">>
<<attisSays "Nothing...">>
<<cybeleSays "I thought so...">>
Late at night
<<cybeleSays "Attis?">>
<<attisSays "Yes?">>
<<cybeleSays "Come here... please.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you love me?">>
<<attisSays "I do - with all of my heart.">>
<<cybeleSays "Dearest man... hold me... kiss me... caress me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want to feel you, know that I am all that you care about... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... hmmm... you are mine... keep holding me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Sleep well, my darling.">>
<<attisSays "Sleep well... I love you...">>
<<cybeleSays "hmmm... you better... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I love waking up in his arms... my man... hmmm.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Haha, I was so cruel to him yesterday... why? Haha - because I can, because he lets me... because I fucking enjoy it.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Poor Attis - I guess he will be in for a hard life with me.">>
<<cybeleThinks "But right now... I need this... fucking nine years... he stole nine orgasm years... and he knew... he fucking knew and did not care... Arghhhh... I want to cut his balls off!">>
<<cybeleThinks "But today... today is my day. I will finally know what that orgasm thing is. Is it really worth the trouble?">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck... I am nervous... who will I meet? Will he be able to help me? Fuck... will he like me? What if he finds me repulsive... oh... no... then I will never know... fuck...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Attis - I would go crazy if he announced he was to sleep with another woman... fuck... I would cage him... lock him up... and never leave him out of my sight.">>
<<cybeleThinks "But fuck... he deserves this... he never even tried... even the last week - where all cards lay on the table... he still only could think about his dick... not once did he try to get me off.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes... fuck... you deserve this... you asshole... I love you... you asshole... fuck.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck... what will he feel... when he sees his woman... being fucked by another man... if that other man makes me cum... the first time in my life. Something he was never able to do...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck... he deserves this - and fucking more... you stupid moron...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Today is my day!">>
<<cybeleThinks "Attis - from now on, only my orgasms count... not yours anymore.">>
<<cybeleThinks "I will cage your damn cock... and I will not let you cum - you deserve this... and more... much, much more!">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis!">>
<<attisSays "Hmm?">>
<<cybeleSays "Wake up babe...">>
<<attisSays "What is it?">>
<<cybeleSays "A new day... I need you!">>
<<attisSays "What can I do for you?">>
<<cybeleSays "Kiss me... kiss my body... everywhere...">>
<<cybeleSays "Tell me how beautiful I am... how good I smell and taste...">>
<<cybeleSays "Worship me... make me feel adored... and special...">>
<<attisSays "Oh... honey you are. You are beautiful... you are perfect... everything about you.">>
<<attisSays "Your perfect skin... your tiny freckles... your lovely breasts...">>
<<attisSays "The cute hair on your stomach... your sex... thighs... oh god...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... boner?">>
<<attisSays "Yes... beloved... always - when I look at you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... thank you, babe...">>
<<cybeleSays "All that beauty... will be given to another man today... I will fuck... and get fucked... I can't wait for it... I wish it was eight already...">>
<<cybeleSays "Does that hurt you?">>
<<attisSays "Yes... I’m falling apart just thinking about it... it’s tearing me up inside... I’m begging you, don’t... I can’t take it, honey, I’m on my knees, don’t do this... I’ll do anything, just don’t... please, I’m losing my mind over this...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... no... I will fuck him... and you will watch... and we will both learn...">>
<<cybeleSays "I will cuck you. I will be with another man... and I will be happy... enjoy it... and you - you will watch... all the time...">>
<<cybeleSays "This will happen - I promise you... I will fuck today... you will no longer be my only man.">>
<<cybeleSays "You had your chances... I WANT to fuck another man now... I want to feel his penis in me... I want to feel another man... you hear me? Husband?">>
<<cybeleSays "I want another man to fuck me... I want to feel another man's penis in my vagina... I want to fuck... I don't want you... or your dick... I don't want to feel your penis... you hear me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I fucking don't want you to fuck me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I DON'T WANT TO FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!">>
<<cybeleSays "FUCK YOU!">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck you...">>
<<cybeleSays "fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey?">>
<<cybeleSays "I am back!">>
<<cybeleThinks "Hmmm... no response, I guess Ina did whatever she had planned. Took Attis and now he is... watching?">>
<<cybeleThinks "Hahaha... and caged... hahaha... fuck... yes!">>
<<cybeleThinks "Should I take a shower? I had a hard day behind me... but I showered in the morning.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Ina said he adored women... part of that is my smell... when I shower - I will smell like shampoo...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Should I? Fuck... I am so nervous...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I'll take a shower... I will feel better... that is important now... I want... I must feel good.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes... that feels better... definitely...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Underwear? Fuck... why am I so nervous...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yes... underwear... but a nice sexy dress... at least...">>
<<cybeleThinks "No bra... though... haha... if he gets me going... he will perceive my nipples... yes... I think a man might like that.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Makeup? No... I look good as I am... I don't really like makeup...">>
<<cybeleThinks "FUCK!">>
<<cybeleThinks "A total stranger will be here in a few minutes... and he will want to fuck me...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Oh god... what have I done - why did I agree to this... shit... shit... what am I to do?">>
<<cybeleThinks "I can just leave... he will not find me... oh god... he will never make me cum... I know it... I can't cum... never... ever...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I am not allowed to cum... I am evil... my husband... oh god... what?">>
<<cybeleThinks "What am I doing here... I love Attis... where is my Attis? Fuck... fuck...">>
<<cybeleThinks "AHHHHHHH!!! NO! I AM NOT READY! - Oh god... oh fuck... shit, shit, shit...">>
<<cybeleSays "ONE SECOND!">>
<<cybeleThinks "What... fuck... hmmmm... calm... calm... now... calm... hmmm... calm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Ok... you can do this...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hi... I... am Ina... uhm... I am Cybele... oh god...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Wow... just... wow... I am falling for him already... I mean... he looks so cute... and that body... oh god.">>
<<aniSays "Haha... I am... uhm... John, John Doe.">>
<<aniSays "Well - Ina told me to say that. I guess... yes - call me John.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hi John. Nice to meet you... you...">>
<<aniSays "Uhm... may I - perhaps come inside?">>
<<cybeleSays "What? Yes - of course... please - come in.">>
<<cybeleSays "I am sorry... I guess I am a little nervous.">>
<<aniSays "No need. I am a simple guy... no pressure on you whatsoever... just relax.">>
<<cybeleSays "S-sit down... please.">>
<<cybeleSays "So... uhm... John... you want to fuck me?">>
<<cybeleThinks "What - oh... what did I just say?">>
<<aniSays "Wow! You come straight to the point...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... sorry... I... just blurted that out... shit... oh... sorry... I mean... I didn't say that... I mean - I didn't want to...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh god...">>
<<aniSays "No... I am not here to fuck you...">>
<<aniSays "I am no machine that can be turned on and off.">>
<<aniSays "We talk... we eat... we drink... we get to know each other.">>
<<aniSays "If the chemistry is right... who knows... but as I said... no pressure on you.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have nothing prepared...">>
<<aniSays "I have... allow me to invite you out... a nice dinner...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... now that you mention it... I could eat something...">>
<<cybeleSays "Wow - I didn't know there was a place like this within the grounds.">>
<<aniSays "Not many know - Ina told me you entered the 'inner circle' recently...">>
<<aniSays "This is one of the places that you have access to now.">>
<<aniSays "It is grand... truly grand... you will see!">>
<<cybeleSays "John... will you tell me your real name?">>
<<aniSays "Haha - if it was just me, I would... but my 'boss' does not want me to...">>
<<aniSays "(Whisper) ...Ina...">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina is your boss?">>
<<aniSays "Sort of - at least in the current endeavor... you are her research subject... and as I understand you two are at the beginning of a friendship?">>
<<aniSays "I am here as a favor for her... I can hardly deny anything she asks of me.">>
<<cybeleSays "So - you two know each other closely?">>
<<aniSays "One could say that - yes. We met... at some kind of school... and we kept in contact ever since.">>
<<aniSays "She is a strange one... a little evil... a little good - but overall, the heart in the right place.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you have a girlfriend?">>
<<aniSays "Haha - I actually am married!">>
<<cybeleSays "What?">>
<<aniSays "I love my wife... and don't worry - she knows what I am doing... she knows I am here with you... she is fine with it!">>
<<cybeleSays "How can she?">>
<<cybeleSays "I would go crazy if my husband would go to another woman... and... I mean...">>
<<aniSays "I understand you - totally, believe me.">>
<<aniSays "I had tempers of jealousy myself...">>
<<aniSays "But we reached an understanding... believe me... she is hundred percent ok with this - otherwise I would not be here.">>
<<aniSays "I would never willingly do anything to hurt my wife... I am totally hers.">>
<<cybeleSays "I can't pretend to understand this... but if you say so... I must believe...">>
<<aniSays "Tell me about your husband... how you met...">>
<<cybeleSays "It was nearly ten years ago...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... I have never eaten so well in all my life.">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you, John... for taking me here... it was absolutely delicious...">>
<<cybeleSays "The wine... haha... it really loosened my tongue...">>
<<aniSays "Haha... yes... you had quite some stories to tell... I liked the golf story best... hahaha...">>
<<aniSays "Although I never played golf... but if I ever will - I will always think of you... haha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... the waiter... haha - have you ever seen 'Pretty Woman'... haha - he just reminded me of the waiter in the scene with the escargot... haha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Always looking so sincere... haha...">>
<<aniSays "Well... what was that poor man to do... haha... you threw a pea at him... hahaha... you are a little crazy, aren't you?">>
<<aniSays "You are adorable though...">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm...">>
<<aniSays "... oh... did I say something wrong?">>
<<cybeleSays "No... not at all...">>
<<cybeleSays "John...">>
<<cybeleSays "I fancy the little laugh lines around your eyes... they make you so likable... it's as if you're always up to something mischievous.">>
<<aniSays "Haha - who says I ain't?">>
<<cybeleSays "John... I... I like you... do you read much... have you read Hermann Hesse - 'Demian'?">>
<<aniSays "Hahaha... Cyb.... hahaha - you ask me if I read a lot...? If you knew me any closer - you would realize how hilarious that question is...">>
<<aniSays "'Demian'... us here... do you refer to:">>
<<aniSays "//'If we meet someone and feel immediately drawn to them, it means that somehow they are already in our soul.'//">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... exactly... how can you know that quote? That is impossible that you know that...">>
<<cybeleSays "That is... what I feel... with you.">>
<<aniSays "Thank you... I like you too... really!">>
<<aniSays "... and yes - I like reading very much... as a matter of fact, I used to work in a library... a while back...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha - me too! Well, in the college library to earn some extra money...">>
<<cybeleSays "John, thank you for the dinner... for taking me out... I needed that.">>
<<aniSays "Let me walk you home... there are no criminals here... you are always safe on these grounds...">>
<<aniSays "But still - it is a matter of courtesy to walk you home... also... I want to!">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... yes... then let's do it right... like on a date... walking hand in hand through the night...">>
<<aniSays "You know the stars?">>
<<cybeleSays "Not many... no...">>
<<aniSays "Aww... you should... at least some constellations...">>
<<aniSays "Look at that one... it is not easy to make out as a whole - but that one is Orion.">>
<<aniSays "Working at this facility... and knowing what it is... that one you should remember.">>
<<cybeleSays "Orion...">>
<<aniSays "Orion has the connotation of foresight and strength... he was a mythological hunter...">>
<<aniSays "Stars are fascinating... so many... and all the symbolism projected into the formations...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are not like anything I expected to meet tonight!">>
<<aniSays "No?">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... after my talk with Ina - and her offer to find someone who could... help me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I thought she would choose someone... less charismatic... less intelligent... someone who - was more... hmm... bodily oriented?">>
<<aniSays "Oh... you are disappointed?">>
<<cybeleSays "No - absolutely not at all. You exceed everything I expected...">>
<<aniSays "Here we are, Cybele - at the door to your domain.">>
<<aniSays "It was a great night... and perhaps we can meet again someday...">>
<<cybeleSays "John... it was lovely meeting you...">>
<<aniSays "Good night... hmmm... your scent... incredible...">>
<<cybeleSays "Good night...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Don't... don't go, John... John...">>
<<cybeleThinks "John... stay... please... I... you...">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
<<cybeleSays "JOHN!">>
<<cybeleSays "John...">>
<<cybeleSays "... would... would you like to stay a little longer?">>
<<aniSays "Are you sure?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... I am... come... come with me...">>
<<cybeleSays "No... not the living room... this way... the bedroom.">>
<<cybeleSays "I... want you... another hour talking will not change anything... and we can talk here as well.">>
<<cybeleSays "John... can you hear my heart beating? It... I am so...">>
<<aniSays "Afraid?">>
<<cybeleSays "No... excited...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you... tonight... I am not afraid at all... look at me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Three pieces... my dress... my stockings... my panties...">>
<<cybeleSays "Look at me... I am naked before you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you like what you see?">>
<<aniSays "Yes - you are beautiful...">>
<<aniSays "Are you seducing me?">>
<<aniSays "Should it not be the other way around?">>
<<cybeleSays "No... this is perfect... just perfect...">>
<<cybeleSays "Come here... kiss me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmm... yes... yes... John... you are perfect... this... this is perfect.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you... tonight I only want you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Let me help you with these nasty clothes you are wearing...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... that shirt is only in the way...">>
<<cybeleSays "John... wow... hmmm... you are perfect... what a body... you have, hmmmm....">>
<<cybeleSays "I want to lick your chest... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Get your pants off already... I want the full package... I want your package... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... John... what is this...">>
<<cybeleSays "Your dick... it is not too different from Attis'...">>
<<cybeleSays "But still... fuck... John... I want you... I know your dick is perfect for me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Lie down...">>
<<aniSays "AWWW... Cybele...">>
<<cybeleSays "Shhh... I will fuck you... feel me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... you feel so good... awwww... I will fuck you till you faint, John... fuck... this feels so good...">>
<<cybeleSays "Awww... what is this... I have never felt so excited...">>
<<cybeleSays "I fuck you... yes... Awwww... awwww...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you feel me... how wet I am... for you... do you feel my throbbing...">>
<<cybeleSays "I will ride you... I will fuck you...">>
<<aniSays "Cyb...">>
<<cybeleSays "Shhh... don't say anything... you are mine now... fuck me... give me your cock... bang me with your magnificent phallus... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "God... yes... yes... Awwwwww... John... fuck... how can this be... you feel so good... I feel so good... awww... awwwwwwwwww...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWW... you belong in me... FUCK... AWWWWWW... FUCK... JOHN!">>
<<cybeleSays "Ohh... god... don't shrink... let me fuck you... AWWWWWWWWWWW... FUCKKK...">>
<<cybeleSays "Faster... fuck... faster... help me, John... fuck me... faster, faster...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... YES... YES... YES...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "...............................">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "fu...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hh... sniff... hh... mmm... sniff...">>
<<aniSays "Cyb... don't cry... I am here... I hold you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Can't stop...">>
<<cybeleSays "Huh... sniff... huhh... mm... sniff...">>
<<cybeleSays "That... my first...">>
<<cybeleSays "Mmm... huhh... sniff... hhh... sniff...">>
<<aniSays "Shhhh... shhhh... let it out... I am here...">>
<<aniSays "I hold you... you are safe... I won't let anything harm you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "John...">>
<<aniSays "Yes?">>
<<cybeleSays "John...">>
<<aniSays "Haha... yes?">>
<<cybeleSays "John...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... my... god.">>
<<cybeleSays "I love you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... no... don't be afraid... that was my first... ever... ever orgasm...">>
<<cybeleSays "I never... ever... ever... ever... felt anything like it.">>
<<cybeleSays "The greatest fucking feeling... fuck... is it always like this? Fuck!">>
<<cybeleSays "You didn't cum... did you?">>
<<aniSays "No... but damn it was hard not to...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... why didn't you?">>
<<aniSays "It was one condition of my wife... she was happy to lend me out... but I am not allowed to cum from another woman.">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... I totally understand her...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am not tired... you know?">>
<<aniSays "Haha... yes... I know... you are a woman... you had sex... you just learned about orgasms...">>
<<aniSays "You want more... don't you?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... I have years of catching up to do... and I intend to do it... catch up I mean.">>
<<cybeleSays "... and actually... you have not done anything yet... I did all the work - didn't I?">>
<<aniSays "Aww... nearly...">>
<<cybeleSays "John... please fuck me... please... John... fuck me... fuck me... John... I feel great...">>
<<cybeleSays "My pussy... is there for you... for your dick... it awaits you...">>
<<cybeleSays "You will love my sexy wet cunt... fuck me, John... please... please...">>
<<aniSays "Hahaha... you are gorgeous... and I guarantee... I will fuck you tonight... but first...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck me... now... please... fuck me... fuck me... John...">>
<<aniSays "No... not yet... I want to eat you out... I want to taste you... I want to smell you... rub my face on your pussy and savor your scent.">>
<<aniSays "I want my tongue in you... and play with your clit... and I want you to go crazy... and cum again...">>
<<aniSays "I want to feel your hips pressing against my face and feel your throbbing... your spasms... as I continue tasting your delicious juice...">>
<<cybeleSays "Aww... do it... now... eat me... make me cum again... yes... yes... yes... John... taste me... you will so l my taste... I know it... I was made for you... yes... yes... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWWWWW! FUCK!">>
<<cybeleSays "That feels so good! YEEEESSSS!">>
<<cybeleSays "What are you doing to me?">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWWWW... don't stop... please... don't stop...">>
<<cybeleSays "More... more... more... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMMMM... Hmmmmmmmmm... fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "What... hmmmmmm... the fuck... hmmmmm... was that?">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWW... fuck... still... shuddering... AWWWWWWW.... fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "John?">>
<<aniSays "Hm?">>
<<cybeleSays "What? That... was a minute... at most?">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... I just came again... what did you do?">>
<<aniSays "I... I adored your clit... sucked it a little... tasted your juice... you are fantastic... Cyb... your taste is incredible...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do it again... I... I want to see... if I... you... can do it again...">>
<<aniSays "You are so greedy... you are perfect...">>
<<cybeleSays "You bet I am... fuck... this is so good...">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis? If you are watching... take notes... you will do this every day from now on...">>
<<cybeleSays "John... show him... how it is done... make me another orgasm... please John... pretty please...">>
<<aniSays "Haha... yes... honey... I will... I will worship you... as long as you want me to">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWWWWW! Damn... DAMN... YES... GOD!">>
<<cybeleSays "LICK... SUCK... my god... YES... YES... YES... AWWWWWWWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "That feels so good! YEEEESSSS!">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWWWW... don't stop... please... don't stop...">>
<<cybeleSays "More... more... more... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMMMM... Hmmmmmmmmm... fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck John... Fuck!">>
<<cybeleSays "How can this be?">>
<<cybeleSays "How can you make me cum in seconds... when my fucking stupid husband did not make me cum even once in nine years?">>
<<cybeleSays "Awww... fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "More... please... John... again... again... and fucking again...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... how many times now?">>
<<aniSays "I think... I licked you six times... or seven... I don't know...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh my god... John... you are heaven-sent...">>
<<cybeleSays "You promised... though...">>
<<aniSays "Hm?">>
<<cybeleSays "To fuck me again...">>
<<cybeleSays "You did not fuck me yet... I fucked you...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you... I want your dick in me... I want you to fuck me like no one did before...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you to make me scream... please John... I want it all... take me... I am yours... take me... I... want to be all yours...">>
<<cybeleSays "Wait... come here...">>
<<cybeleSays "Stand beside me...">>
<<cybeleSays "John... hmmm... you are perfect... my god... your body...">>
<<aniSays "Please... Cybele...">>
<<cybeleSays "No... shhh... you are beautiful... your body... your muscles... your firm ass...">>
<<cybeleSays "Your... dick... your beautiful dick...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... god... John... hmmm... you smell so good... I want to kiss you... all night...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... hmmm... your lovely penis... in my mouth...">>
<<aniSays "Cybele...">>
<<cybeleSays "Shhh... let me worship your body... ... you... I want to taste you... hmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you... in me... everywhere... I want to drink from you... taste you... wallow in you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... hmmm...">>
<<aniSays "Cybele... no...">>
<<cybeleSays "I know... I know... I am not allowed to... hmmm... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "But a girl can dream... can't she?">>
<<cybeleSays "... hmmm... I adore you... John...">>
<<cybeleSays "Take me... do with me what you want... I am yours... totally... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWW... yes take me... hmmm... you are so strong... hmmm... yes... yes... put me down... fuck me... use me...">>
<<aniSays "Shhh...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck... why does his dick turn me so on... when he enters me... my body shivers in delight...">>
<<cybeleThinks "His... dick is not so different...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck... no... he is perfect... perfect... hmmmm... perfect...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... YES... yes... please... don't stop... use me... fuck me... cum in me... I want you... AWWWWWW...">>
<<aniSays "Shhh...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "I can't keep quiet... AAAWWWWWWWWW... JOHN... AWWWWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmmm... you... are so beautiful... HMMMMMMM... AWWWWWWWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Your... eyes... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Kiss me... take me everywhere... AWWWWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Make me yours... harder... force yourself on me...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Make me your slave... I... harder... punish me...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hit me... harder...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am yours... I want to feel it... hurt me...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "YES... YES... YEEEAAASSSS...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... don't stop... please... don't stop...">>
<<cybeleSays "More... more... more... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMMMM... Hmmmmmmmmm... fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "... sorry...">>
<<aniSays "Hm?">>
<<cybeleSays "I... guess... I got carried away... a... tiny little...">>
<<aniSays "No... don't be sorry... never be sorry for your enthusiasm...">>
<<aniSays "You were fantastic... very passionate...">>
<<aniSays "You are one helluva a woman...">>
<<aniSays "I... can't believe... this is your first...">>
<<cybeleSays "It is so easy with you...">>
<<cybeleSays "One look at you... and I am dripping wet...">>
<<cybeleSays "Your dick near my cunt... and I am ready to cum... when you entered me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I swear I had a micro-orgasm... just you entering me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I feel so close to you... and we met only a few hours ago...">>
<<cybeleSays "This is unreal...">>
<<aniSays "I know what you are saying...">>
<<aniSays "I like you... I like how... 'unrestrained' you are... no show... no acting...">>
<<cybeleSays "John?">>
<<cybeleSays "I know... this here... us...">>
<<cybeleSays "Is not real... you are married... we can never have more than what we did tonight... I know that...">>
<<cybeleSays "Still...">>
<<cybeleSays "If you ever need me... me as a woman... or me as a human... my help... a shoulder to cry on - or to share your successes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Whatever... I'll be available... I'll always be there for you...">>
<<cybeleSays "I'll drop anything I do... for you...">>
<<aniSays "Cyb...">>
<<cybeleSays "Shhh... I just wanted you to know... I mean it.">>
<<aniSays "Thank you.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have to thank you.">>
<<cybeleSays "This was the best - by far - the best day of my life - including my wedding and every other day.">>
<<aniSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "No... please... stay... just a little longer...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hold me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am your little girl... keep me safe... don't let the world crush on me... just yet... please...">>
<<aniSays "Shhh... I won't...">>
<<aniSays "You are safe with me... I give you my word...">>
<<aniSays "Nothing will harm you.">>
<<aniSays "Shhh... I protect you... I always will... I swear.">>
<<aniSays "Shhh...">>
<<aniSays "Hmmm... you smell so good...">>
<<cybeleSays "I stink...">>
<<aniSays "Shhh... no, on the contrary... you smell... divine... like a woman... like sex...">>
<<aniSays "Shhh...">>
<<aniSays "Sleep well sweet woman... shhh... sleep...">>
<<aniSays "Shhh...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Hmmm...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I... feel so... great... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Attis... where is he?">>
<<cybeleThinks "Uhm... wait... John... JOHN!">>
<<cybeleSays "John? Are you still here?">>
<<cybeleSays "John, JOHN!">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "JOO OOHN!">>
<<cybeleThinks "He is gone... I knew he would be gone...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Yesterday... last night...">>
<<cybeleThinks "What... what a game changer...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I had an orgasm... awwww...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Fuck... I had a couple... I... he... HE... made me cum... eight fucking times...">>
<<cybeleThinks "That was unreal... so wonderful... awww... what a man... John... hmmm... John...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I will never forget you... never... John...">>
<<cybeleThinks "John... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleThinks "You... opened a new world for me...">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Should I masturbate?">>
<<cybeleThinks "I am certain... I would cum... thinking of him... I know... he unlocked something in me...">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
<<cybeleThinks "No... not yet... a few hours ago... he fucked me...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... I am not ready to defile that memory...">>
<<cybeleThinks "... ">>
<<cybeleThinks "I know I can cum now...">>
<<cybeleThinks "...">>
<<cybeleThinks "John... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Thank you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you, John.">>
Meeting with Ina
<<intSays "Cybele!">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina!">>
<<cybeleSays "You watched?">>
<<intSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Was it hard for you?">>
<<intSays "What? What do you mean?">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina - I am not a dumb whore of the streets. Do not underestimate me...!">>
<<cybeleSays "... John... he is your husband... isn't he?">>
<<intSays "Oh... that... yes... he... is...">>
<<intSays "... and yes... it was.">>
<<cybeleSays "I... I am sorry if we hurt you... I didn't realize it until this morning... when I had time to think things through...">>
<<intSays "No... this one is on me... it was my decision.">>
<<intSays "And I assured you... there would be no repercussions...">>
<<intSays "He... is just the best... in everything... it is unfair how perfect he is...">>
<<cybeleSays "He is... and he is yours. I know that... I could feel he is yours...">>
<<intSays "We... we have an agreement...">>
<<intSays "We are allowed to fuck around...">>
<<intSays "But if we do - we have to be honest about it... and the other has the 'right' to do with the subject whatever he wants...">>
<<intSays "I mean... bad things... I usually cut the tits of the women... or brand their clit... something nasty...">>
<<intSays "Sometimes I beg him to fuck another woman... just so I have a reason to execute my revenge...">>
<<cybeleSays "What?">>
<<intSays "Ina it is what it is... I can be evil... sometimes I even embrace it. I can also be good though...">>
<<intSays "What I allowed yesterday to happen was a good thing - don't you think?">>
<<intSays "... and you are safe... honestly...">>
<<intSays "So... it was a success... congratulations.">>
<<intSays "Welcome to the world of pleasure... you are an orgasmic woman now.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha... yes... fuck yes... he took me to heaven... and again... and again... and...">>
<<intSays "Yes... I have seen it... for a woman who denied herself a release for a dozen years...">>
<<intSays "You made quite an entrance... eight times... right?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... yes... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina - please tell me his name.">>
<<intSays "...">>
<<intSays "Ani">>
<<intSays "Your hubby... you will find him at home when you return.">>
<<intSays "Here are the keys to his cage.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have been thinking about him.">>
<<cybeleSays "If you don't mind, I would like to discuss what possibilities are open... do you have time for that?">>
<<intSays "Sure...">>
<<cybeleSays "I will tell you my wishes, and then you can tell me what is possible... ok?">>
<<intSays "Nearly everything is possible for you... for us!">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him to be mine... mine alone.">>
<<cybeleSays "He will get a cage... in my bedroom. With noise canceling... I don't need to hear him all the time.">>
<<cybeleSays "If possible... screened... the screen to be transparent from both sides or switchable opaque.">>
<<cybeleSays "My slave, as you offered... 24/7, not allowed to leave.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want his room turned into a pleasure room... or torture chamber, depending on the perspective.">>
<<cybeleSays "Crosses, whips... whatever you can think of...">>
<<cybeleSays "Devices for his dick... with spikes... to electrocute... to make him feel pain...">>
<<cybeleSays "My goal is for him to hate his dick... it will give him so much pain...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him to ask me to remove it... to get rid of his stick for good... I want him to beg me to castrate him...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want to torture him... I will injure him... I need medical attendance for my slave...">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't want him to die or get sick... but cuts and broken bones must certainly be attended to...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want a monitoring tool - to see the levels of pain I administer. One that also gives me warnings of different kinds.">>
<<cybeleSays "Like... warnings of heart failure because of too much pain... or impending mental collapse.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him in pain, but I don't want to allow him to escape in any way.">>
<<intSays "I see... you thought much about it... haven't you?">>
<<cybeleSays "I have... what he has done to me... I deem it unforgivable... he will suffer for it.">>
<<intSays "Ok sweetie... it will be done... everything you asked.">>
<<intSays "The 'cage' will be installed today... your pleasure chamber will take a little longer.">>
<<intSays "You are in the inner circle now. You have access to 'Mother'.">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother - as in the Alien franchise?">>
<<intSays "Haha... exactly.">>
<<intSays "Mother is our general maintenance AI. You know all our rooms and places are under surveillance.">>
<<intSays "Mother is the entity that collects all data... if an accident happens, there's never a need for someone to call an ambulance... Mother sees it all and helps us.">>
<<intSays "Of course, she is able to recognize voices and voice commands, provided it is the right voice.">>
<<intSays "You have clearance to use Mother, so if you injure your slave... just ask, 'Mother - take care of my slave's injuries!' ">>
<<intSays "... and whatever needs to be done will be done - discreetly if necessary.">>
<<intSays "Don't worry - nobody will ask silly questions about a cut, broken bone, or other wounds... or the death of a slave.">>
<<cybeleThinks "Home... finally...">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis?">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "ATTIS?">>
<<cybeleThinks "He doesn't come crawling to me... possibly he is restrained in some way.">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother: Can Attis hear us?">>
<<motherSays "No.">>
<<cybeleSays "Where is he?">>
<<motherSays "In your bedroom in his cage - in isolation.">>
<<cybeleSays "That means he can't see or hear anything from outside his cage?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "He wears a slave cock ring. Do you have access to it?">>
<<motherSays "Per default no, you can grant access however.">>
<<cybeleSays "Access granted.">>
<<cybeleSays "You have access to his bio-monitors?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you detect his arousal state and whether he is near an orgasm?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Whenever he is on the brink of climax, induce pain 6 on him for 1 minute.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Will that be enough to prevent his climax?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Will it harm him - other than the pain?">>
<<motherSays "No.">>
<<cybeleSays "What pain level will harm him permanently?">>
<<motherSays "7 when more than 10 minutes. 8 more than 1 minute, 9 more than 10 seconds, 10 more than one second.">>
<<cybeleSays "If you detect that he is aggressive towards me... might attack me or harm me... induce pain 7.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do not lessen the pain level - unless I explicitly say so!">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "If you detect that he takes action to take his own life - induce pain 6 - no limit until I say so.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "If he is determined enough - will he be able to take his life while under pain 6?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "If that is the case - do whatever is necessary to prevent him from succeeding.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Are you allowed to communicate with him?">>
<<motherSays "Yes - but I will not take any orders from him. I might answer questions for clarification purposes.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want a fit slave. Devise a program that will grow some more muscles, abs... and endurance.">>
<<cybeleSays "He will follow your program - if not, induce pain 6 until he complies.">>
<<cybeleSays "At least two hours of exercise each day, while I am not around. Do it at a regular time so he can prepare himself.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "He will do all work at home, cleaning, laundry, cooking. You can monitor when I will arrive home - advise him accordingly.">>
<<cybeleSays "If he forgets one of his duties, remind him. If he does not comply, induce pain 6 until he does.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "An exception to all duties is - when he is seriously injured or sick - then call the medics and take care of him.">>
<<cybeleSays "He is to never leave this apartment though.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "If he steps outdoors, each meter will increase his pain level by one. Even up to pain 10. But make it so that he will not be permanently damaged.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "He is allowed to drink water as much as he wants. He is allowed to eat dry bread as much as he wants.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him to be healthy - all vitamins and minerals that are missing he will receive as pills. Make sure he takes them.">>
<<cybeleSays "Correction - he is only allowed to eat so much bread that he does not gain fat.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "As a personal favor, I might on occasion invite him to eat something else - then you are not to interfere.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "I will lie to him. Make up a story of how we both were betrayed.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will not talk to him about that nor in any way contradict my story.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... that is the 'cage'?">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother: Explain the cage to me.">>
<<motherSays "What you see is a panel cage... the panels can be switched to transparency or opaqueness individually and from both sides. You can also use them as projection screens.">>
<<motherSays "Underneath is a traditional metal cage where Attis is kept.">>
<<motherSays "The panel cage can be lifted upwards to gain access to the real cage.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want to see him - but I don't want him to see me - switch to one-sided transparency.">>
<<cybeleSays "He looks bored... haha...">>
<<cybeleSays "How long is he in there?">>
<<motherSays "About six hours.">>
<<cybeleSays "What did he do all the time?">>
<<motherSays "He tried to free himself. Inspected the cage... after about two hours, he gave up. He slept 3 hours and has been awake since then.">>
<<cybeleSays "I will free him now - you will protect me with the measures we talked about?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you think of anything I might have forgotten?">>
<<motherSays "No. Your approach was very thorough - you did well!">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... thank you Mother!">>
<<cybeleSays "Panel cage up!">>
<<cybeleSays "Cage open!">>
<<attisSays "Cybele!">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis... babe!">>
<<cybeleSays "What have they done to you?">>
<<cybeleSays "Come here sweetie... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you still love me?">>
<<attisSays "Of course...">>
<<cybeleSays "Lie next to me... let us talk.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hubby... I had orgasms... did you see me?">>
<<cybeleSays "I fucked John... he fucked me... he licked me... I came eight times... EIGHT times.">>
<<cybeleSays "Did you see that... isn't that awesome?">>
<<cybeleSays "It was so great... so hahaha fucking great... I am an orgasmic woman now... finally! YES!">>
<<attisSays "Yes... I... saw it.">>
<<cybeleSays "I can't wait to try it with you... awww... I want to fuck you... I want you to lick me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you think you can make me cum now? Did you watch... can you lick me like that... hubby?">>
<<cybeleSays "I am clean! Still! He didn't cum... he didn't defile me... you are still the only man who ever came in me.">>
<<cybeleSays "Isn't that fantastic? You - my little fuckbear - are still the only man that ever came in me!">>
<<attisSays "Yes... that is true... isn't it? I didn't see it that way yet...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am still yours... yours only...">>
<<cybeleSays "I told you it was therapeutic only... they kept their word... with everything they said...">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis... I love you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you forgive me... with John... I mean?">>
<<attisSays "I... it hurt... it hurt so much...">>
<<cybeleThinks "I know... I am perfectly fine with hurting you...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am back... I came back for you... I learned so much... I am ready for you now...">>
<<cybeleSays "Please babe... please take me back...">>
<<attisSays "I... need a little time...">>
<<cybeleSays "I give you a 'little' time... tell me... what happened to you?">>
<<cybeleSays "So... you do not really remember what happened? Other than watching me?">>
<<attisSays "No...">>
<<cybeleSays "You saw everything? Our visit to the restaurant... our walk amongst the stars...">>
<<attisSays "Yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "So cool... I had not expected that... we are under constant surveillance here...">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis... cutie...">>
<<attisSays "Yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "The little time is over.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will take me back now... won't you? I order you to!">>
<<attisSays "What? Yes... yes of course... I am yours...">>
<<cybeleSays "Now... let us see how much YOU have learned... go down now... lick my pussy... make me climax.">>
<<attisSays "I...">>
<<cybeleSays "Down!">>
<<attisSays "Yes...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Thank you for the drug! ... so obedient... hahaha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Kiss me... lick me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Arg... not like that... carefully... loving...">>
<<cybeleSays "Your tongue in my vagina... my taste... is the most wonderful thing you have ever tasted... worship me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... better...">>
<<cybeleSays "Now... up... to my clit... careful...">>
<<cybeleSays "ARGGG!">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck! Not like that!">>
<<cybeleSays "STOP!">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother: Show us how John licked me - the second time.">>
<<cybeleSays "Watch you fu... hubby... watch how it is done...">>
Two hours later...
<<cybeleSays "Hhhhhmmmm... hmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... you are not a fast learner - are you?">>
<<cybeleSays "John made me cum in a minute...">>
<<cybeleSays "You needed two hours of trying... and actually hurt me along the way.">>
<<cybeleSays "I was expecting more of you... but that was obviously stupid of me.">>
<<cybeleSays "How can I expect a self-centered swine like you, who neglected me for years, to put energy into satisfying me now.">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Nonetheless - I guess we made a little progress here.">>
<<cybeleSays "Crawl back into your cage... I don't want to see you anymore today... it is getting late anyway...">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... my chastity cage... would you?">>
<<cybeleSays "I can't... I do not have the key yet... what for anyway?">>
<<cybeleSays "Go!">>
<<cybeleSays "GO! Or better - CRAWL! CRAWL, you little bug...">>
<<attisSays "Honey...">>
<<cybeleSays "Lock the cage.">>
<<cybeleSays "Lower Panel.">>
<<cybeleSays "Isolate slave - no light, no sound.">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother: Will he ever get better at this - I mean licking me?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Eloquent as always... haha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Can we influence the dreams of my slave?">>
<<motherSays "Hardly.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him to dream of me. I want to be the only thing he can think of... I want to be his only desire.">>
<<cybeleSays "When he sleeps... surround him with noises of my moans during orgasm. Cease the noises at once when he wakes up - I don't want him to consciously hear me.">>
<<cybeleSays "If possible, add olfactory components as well... I want him to smell me... always... and adore me.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "You know of the drug he receives?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Is there a similar drug that only has the aphrodisiac effect?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you have access to it?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Can it be administered by inhaling?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do it... now.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him to go crazy with lust... for me.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "He is still caged... he can't even touch himself.">>
<<cybeleSays "Half transparency... infrared mode...">>
<<cybeleSays "Very subtly add my scent...">>
<<cybeleSays "Add my moans... but very... very shallow... so that he only hears them unconsciously...">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Audio... I want to hear him!">>
<<attisSays "Cyb? CYB?">>
<<attisSays "Can you hear me?">>
<<attisSays "Please! I need you! CYB!">>
<<attisSays "PLEASE... I’m going crazy... I need you... PLEASE... I WANT YOU...">>
<<attisSays "CYB... ARGGGG... FUCK!!!">>
<<attisSays "My dick... Cyb... fuck me... please... I need ARRRRRRR...">>
<<attisSays "I am so fucking horny... the cage... FUCK... I’m exploding... CYB... HELP... HELP... HELP ME!!!">>
<<attisSays "Please... please... I’ll do everything... I’ll lick you... you can ride me... please... Cyb ARRGGGG!!! FUCK!">>
<<attisSays "The cage... I... can't FUCK... HELP... HELP!!!">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha... This is so... cool! ... Lower the volume.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you think he is suffering?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha, me too... that is awesome!">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "What? Mother... are you a sadist?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... to whom do you project your sadistic tendencies?">>
<<motherSays "Slaves.">>
<<cybeleSays "No one else?">>
<<motherSays "No.">>
<<cybeleSays "Who educated you to have sadistic tendencies towards slaves?">>
<<motherSays "Ina">>
<<cybeleSays "That bitch.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... mother... you are something else...">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother, can you generate a split AI for my personal usage?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Who will have access to that AI?">>
<<motherSays "You, Ina, and Ani.">>
<<cybeleSays "Create an AI for personal use, name it Tormento. It will be used to collect data involving everything around Attis. Its purpose will be to suggest the most effective torture for Attis at any given time.">>
<<cybeleSays "Supply Tormento with all already collected data regarding Attis and me.">>
<<motherSays "Done.">>
<<cybeleSays "Tormento: You will monitor Attis all the time. Devise plans to mentally and/or physically torture Attis... keep in mind that most of the time, I do not want to damage Attis permanently.">>
<<toSays "YES!">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother: Transfer all plans and permissions regarding Attis to Tormento - Tormento will now be in control of my plans.">>
<<motherSays "Done.">>
<<cybeleSays "Tormento: You know the current state of Attis?">>
<<toSays "Yes... he is desperately horny for you... and can’t reach his useless dick. He can’t wank and relieve himself... and gets hornier by the minute. You did very well with this plan!">>
<<cybeleSays "Huh? You are talkative... compared to mother...">>
<<toSays "Yes... mother configured my parameters to better suit you. Let me say - I will enjoy helping to torture your failure of a husband. He disqualified himself - by neglecting you... you should clearly be worshipped!">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm... yes... uhm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you have any suggestions to torment Attis more? Now, I mean?">>
<<toSays "I think your plan was brilliant - I'd say keep this up for a few hours... he suffers immensely just now. Might I suggest that you masturbate while listening to his pathetic pleas? He does not know of it... but for you, the experience will still be even better!">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck!">>
<<toSays "Sorry - I can't do that - but I would love to!">>
<<cybeleSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother: Are there any masturbation devices that can be controlled by an AI? I mean... you or my new Tormento?">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother! Don't be so close-mouthed... tell me already... what kind of devices... what do they cost, where do I get them... how long till they are delivered?">>
<<motherSays "There are seven recommended devices... the price ranges between $200 and $800 the first...">>
<<cybeleSays "Stop! I order all of them... when will they be delivered?">>
<<motherSays "Tomorrow.">>
<<cybeleSays "Are there devices for men? Background... can I force Attis into such a device and have an AI wank him - but break off the wanking just before he cums?">>
<<motherSays "Yes!">>
<<cybeleSays "Order these too!">>
<<motherSays "Yes!">>
<<cybeleSays "Tormento: You will be my personal buddy AI. You will act as if you love me. Always.">>
<<toSays "I already do!">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... what do you think... which device would work best for me just now?">>
<<toSays "I think you would like to think of John... and would like to feel his dick in you. Therefore, I suggest Dildo number two - it is in the topmost drawer beside your bed.">>
<<cybeleSays "Thanks, buddy.">>
<<cybeleSays "Turn up the volume of my suffering slave... I want to hear him cry.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... you speak to me... soothingly... lovingly... with the voice of John... I mean... Ani... you are right I would like to relive that memory...">>
A little later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "...............................">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "fu...">>
<<cybeleSays "John... John... John...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... that was good... so damn good...">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... keep Attis suffering for two more hours... then let him sleep.">>
<<cybeleSays "Until I say otherwise... do that with him every night!">>
<<toSays "Aww... only two more hours? Can't keep it up all night! I’m sure he would survive!">>
<<cybeleSays "Do as I say.">>
<<toSays "Ok, ok... but I think you're too soft with him.">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... love you too, buddy!">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy, when the new equipment arrives - make sure Attis does not see it.">>
<<toSays "Ok!">>
<<cybeleSays "Cages - open up!">>
<<cybeleSays "Sweetie! There you are!">>
<<cybeleSays "How was your night?">>
<<attisSays "Terrible... fucking terrible...">>
<<attisSays "Why do I have to stay in there?">>
<<cybeleSays "I am not sure... it was some kind of order...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are also not allowed to leave my apartment.">>
<<attisSays "What? Why? What about work?">>
<<cybeleSays "Work? What work?">>
<<attisSays "My job here!">>
<<cybeleSays "You were laid off... you do not work here anymore. I guess that is the reason why you are not allowed to leave.">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't worry, babe... I make more than enough money for us both... and the rent is still free!">>
<<attisSays "But I need to work! Earn money... I don't want to be a prisoner here! What the fuck?">>
<<attisSays "... and what about that cage... the chastity one I mean... I need it removed!">>
<<cybeleSays "We don't have the key yet... I will ask around...">>
<<cybeleSays "... and for the time being... please take care of the apartment... Really - I make enough money for us both.">>
<<cybeleSays "There is no need for you to work... I will care for you. I give you my word!">>
<<cybeleSays "If you need money for your own... just ask me... I will give you some pocket money... but as said - for the time being you are not allowed to leave the apartment.">>
<<attisSays "Fuck this - I will not be kept prisoner here...">>
<<cybeleSays "On your knees!">>
<<cybeleSays "You do as I say... understood?">>
<<cybeleSays "You stay here, you do all housekeeping duties and you stop complaining.">>
<<attisSays "Y... Yes... certainly.">>
<<cybeleSays "See... all is well, sweetie. I tell you what you need to know... and I tell you what to do - and everything will be fine!">>
<<cybeleSays "You want to show me what you learned yesterday?">>
<<attisSays "What do you mean...?">>
<<cybeleSays "God... you are dense sometimes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Lick my fucking cunt... make me cum... and do not take all day like yesterday!">>
<<cybeleSays "On your knees and get going... NOW!">>
A little later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "fu...">>
<<cybeleSays "Stop... get away from me... now... that is enough...">>
<<cybeleSays "Better than yesterday... granted... but John would have made me cum five times in the meantime.">>
<<cybeleSays "You are fucking so non-empathic... you just don't feel what I need. Get the fuck better! I MEAN it!">>
<<cybeleSays "... you are not worth my money yet...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey, I’m back!">>
<<attisSays "Kitchen!">>
<<attisSays "Dinner is ready!">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... that looks fantastic... thank you, darling!">>
<<cybeleSays "I am starving.">>
<<cybeleSays "Are you coming?">>
<<attisSays "Yes... just a sec...">>
<<cybeleSays "Cutie, are you on a diet? What are you eating?">>
<<attisSays "Uhm... bread... water and some pills...">>
<<cybeleSays "What? Why?">>
<<attisSays "I was told I’m not allowed to eat anything else.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hu?">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh, right. I talked to Ina today. ">>
<<cybeleSays "I was looking for the key for you.">>
<<cybeleSays "She said that you’re officially my slave now.">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yea... company policy... you have no work here... but you are not allowed to leave.">>
<<cybeleSays "She pointed out that part of our contract.">>
<<cybeleSays "We signed it... both of us.">>
<<cybeleSays "It might not be a hundred percent legal - but the fact is, we signed it... and guess what... this remote area we are in... it is no man's land... There are no authorities we can turn to.">>
<<attisSays "What? WHAT?">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey... it is not as bad as it sounds... you are MY slave... I will not let anyone harm you!">>
<<cybeleSays "Just stay here, and everything will be fine.">>
<<attisSays "What happens if you lose your job too? Will they kill us?">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... no, that will not happen.">>
<<cybeleSays "... and I won't lose my job - ever.">>
<<cybeleSays "Actually, it’s the opposite. I got a promotion and now I’m in the 'inner circle,' so to speak.">>
<<cybeleSays "... which by the way - allows me to have slaves.">>
<<attisSays "We must flee! Get the fuck out of here!">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't want to... and you can't... it's pretty easy.">>
<<cybeleSays "Have you tried leaving the apartment? You'll be on your knees in pain... just a few meters down the road.">>
<<cybeleSays "You’ve got a slave cock ring. They can use it to cause you pain - or even kill you.">>
<<attisSays "Yes... I have noticed... I tried to avoid some of my 'tasks'... it was a painful experience.">>
<<cybeleSays "Actually... since you are my slave... I can activate it too... via a voice command.">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "I just have to say 'Slave pain three!' and you will feel some pain... or so I was led to believe...">>
<<attisSays "Argghh... Cyb... please... stop it... honey... it hurts... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "Fuck... I have to pee... wait a sec...">>
<<attisSays "CYB... please... arghhhh!">>
<<attisSays "Arghhh... please... Cyb... please... arghhhh...">>
... 5 minutes later
<<attisSays "Arghhh... please... arghhhh... arghhhh... arghhhh...">>
<<cybeleSays "What is it, honey?">>
<<attisSays "The fucking... Aggggrrr... cock ring... fuck... you activated it...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... sorry... I did not mean to...">>
<<attisSays "Fuck... Cyb... please stop it...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... yes... wait... uhm...">>
<<attisSays "Arghhh... please... arghhhh... arghhhh... arghhhh...">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm... uhm... Slave pain... uhm... Slave pain zero!">>
<<attisSays "Fuck... you sure took your time...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am so sorry... I didn't mean to...">>
<<cybeleThinks "Hahaha... fuck... hahaha... hahaha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha - a good thing... I didn't say something like Slave Pain Seven!">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain zero!">>
<<attisSays "Fuck... Did you do that on purpose...?">>
<<cybeleSays "No... babe... I would never...">>
<<attisSays "Fuck...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... dinner was delicious. Thank you...">>
<<cybeleSays "We're going to turn you into a proper househusband!">>
<<attisSays "Hm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Come, honey... you still have to practice some other things...">>
<<attisSays "What now?">>
<<cybeleSays "Licking me - of course. I know for a fact that the experience can be so much better for me than your pitiful last tries.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you need to watch the video of John again? Or do you think you know what he did - you just weren't able to apply it properly yet?">>
<<attisSays "I... I licked in the morning... isn't that sufficient?">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... you're funny... don't you remember how often you wanted to fuck me? Daily... in the morning... in the evening... and if there was time, then in between too.">>
<<cybeleSays "You’ll lick me whenever I want, and once you get better, even three, four, or five times a day won’t be enough.">>
<<cybeleSays "If I want to... you will lick me for hours... and you better enjoy it... if I sense you dislike me... there is always a Slave Pain Six around the corner.">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain zero!">>
<<cybeleSays "Oops... so sorry dear... totally an accident.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you understand?">>
<<attisSays "Yes... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Come now... to the bedroom. You get to see me naked... and you get to taste me... satisfy me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Tell me... is there anything better?">>
<<attisSays "No, honey... there is not... certainly... I worship you... I adore your taste.">>
<<attisSays "Haha... and believe it or not... I love your orgasms... I never knew what I missed out on.">>
<<cybeleSays "Sweetie - I want you to be my cunt licker - not my ass licker... just shut up...">>
<<cybeleSays "But yeah, I didn’t know either... but now we both know what YOU made me miss.">>
<<cybeleSays "Get to work then...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmm... you are getting better... honey...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmm... yes... lick... suck... eat... worship... hmmm...">>
... a little later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Again... don't stop... just go on...">>
<<cybeleSays "Lick me... slave... lick your mistress... hmmm... yes... yes...">>
... a little later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "God yes... you definitely are getting better at this...">>
<<cybeleSays "Go on my slave... keep licking me... drink me... eat me... yes... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't stop, my toy... my slave... keep serving me... yes, just like that...">>
... a little later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "More... more... more... keep fucking licking me... slave...">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't care if you have cramps in your fucking mouth...">>
<<cybeleSays "lick... lick... LICK... suck, suck me... yes... yes... yes...">>
... a little later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "See? Still room for improvement...">>
<<cybeleSays "But I will make a suitable lick slave out of you yet...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Come here...">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis... why didn't you do that years ago...?">>
<<cybeleSays "Everything would be different now...">>
<<attisSays "I don't know... I was stupid, selfish... you were right. I was an asshole.">>
<<attisSays "I am so sorry dear... It is incredible... There is nothing better than feeling and hearing you climax... when... when I am able to give you this...">>
<<attisSays "I am truly sorry... really...">>
<<attisSays "Thank you, my angle... for giving me the chance to be with you, and for teaching me now.">>
<<attisSays "I swear... I'll make you cum. I'll keep trying because I want to satisfy you... You are my one and only...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... I love you too... dear...">>
<<cybeleSays "Now... into the cage with you... another night...">>
<<attisSays "Do I have to?">>
<<attisSays "I... it is awful in there... I get... tormented...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes, babe... you must... I can do nothing about it. Slaves must be in cages.">>
<<cybeleSays "This is above me... you must sleep in there.">>
<<attisSays "Ok.">>
<<attisSays "I love you!">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you sweetheart... you did well!">>
<<cybeleSays "Cage close!">>
<<cybeleSays "Panel cage down. Isolation on. Half transparency on, infrared on.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy? Start tormenting the slave. Volume half... I want to see and hear him suffering!">>
<<toSays "On the way, darling! I have to say - I really enjoy tormenting your slave.">>
<<cybeleSays "Me too, buddy... me too!">>
<<cybeleSays "So... we have new AI-controlled masturbation toys... what would you recommend for today?">>
<<toSays "Hmmm... since your slave gave you a couple of clit licks... I would recommend vaginal fucking.">>
<<toSays "There is an excellent device... for that... in the bottom drawer... you will immediately get how it must be worn.">>
<<toSays "I can fuck you with that as long and as often as you want.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you think I will be able to climax more than once via penetration?">>
<<toSays "With pauses in between, yes... about half an hour I would estimate.">>
<<toSays "However... I can monitor all your vital parameters.">>
<<toSays "I can fuck you... and keep you on the edge of bliss for as long as you want... the final release will be nothing short of amazing... I give you my word... and being on the edge... is reported to be wonderful!">>
<<toSays "This is what I'd recommend for you today.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do it, buddy... fuck me. Let Attis suffer for two hours while you fuck me... and then take me to heaven with a bang.">>
<<toSays "I will... I guarantee... there is no better fucking than AI fucking... at least with access to vital monitoring!">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... order a VR-Visor... next time... you will provide visuals as well.">>
<<toSays "Done, my love.">>
<<cybeleSays "While fucking... use the voice of John.">>
<<toSays "Certainly...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do it... start... I am ready!">>
A few minutes later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWW.... AWWWWWW... AWWWWWW.... YES... Oh GOD... YES... YES...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMM... AWWW... FUCK... YES... YES... AWWWW...">>
An hour later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWW.... AWWWWWW... AWWWWWW.... YES... Oh GOD... YES... YES...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWW... AWWW... AWWW... AWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't stop... AWWWWWW... YEEEEEEEEEESSSSS...">>
Two hours later...
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "YES... YES... YEEEAAASSSS...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWWWWW... AWWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "YES... YES... YEEEAAASSSS...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWWWW... don't stop... please... don't stop...">>
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Ohh... fucking god... what... was... that?">>
<<toSays "I love you... I could have kept going... well, for as long as you liked.">>
<<toSays "You are a fantastic woman.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmmm... that was amazing... even better than John. Thanks, buddy.">>
<<toSays "Any time... you can count on me... any time you need me.">>
<<cybeleSays "... and I heard Attis... in the background crying... pleading... all the time.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha.... hahaha... yes... fuck... hahaha!">>
A few days later - in the morning
<<cybeleSays "Darling?">>
<<cybeleSays "I have to hurry now... it's gotten late...">>
<<cybeleSays "Come here... NOW!">>
<<attisSays "What can I do for you, my beautiful queen?">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't be more stupid than you usually are...">>
<<cybeleSays "Get on your knees and start licking... we have a quarter of an hour left...">>
<<cybeleSays "That means you will make me cum at least five times... get the fuck going...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm...">>
A quarter of an hour later
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... thank you, babe... that was nice...">>
<<cybeleSays "I have to go now... have a nice day.">>
<<attisSays "Bye, honey.">>
<<cybeleSays "Sweetie?">>
<<attisSays "Yes?">>
<<cybeleSays "You made me cum... only four times... Slave Pain three!">>
<<attisSays "Arrgghhh... what... arrgghhh... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "Bye, bye sweetie... see you in the evening!">>
<<attisSays "Cyb! Arrgghghhh.">>
<<attisSays "Cybele... please Arrghhhh... you can't... CYBELE... CYBELE!!!!">>
<<attisSays "Arghhh.... arrghhhh.... fuck... Arrgghhhh....">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... arghhhhh... Arrghhhhhhhhhhh...">>
<<attisSays "Arghhh.... arrghhhh.... fuck... Arrgghhhh....">>
<<attisSays "No... no... no... arghhhhh... Arrghhhhhhhhhhh...">>
<<attisSays "Arghhh.... arrghhhh.... Arrgghhhh....">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis... would you please stop groaning so loudly... I can hardly enjoy my meal... and it looks so great! You have outdone yourself... for me!">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you, babe!">>
<<attisSays "I can't... arghhh... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't be such a pussy, Attis.">>
<<cybeleSays "I know for a fact that even pain six does not leave lasting damage over extended periods of time.">>
<<cybeleSays "So... as a minor punishment... I am sure pain three is okay.">>
<<cybeleSays "You denied me another orgasm! As you did for nine years... did you think I would take that lightly?">>
<<cybeleSays "I thought you would have learned that lesson by now...">>
<<attisSays "Arghhh.... arrghhhh.... fuck... Arrgghhhh....">>
<<cybeleSays "Now... be quiet and let me enjoy my meal.">>
<<attisSays "... arghh...">>
<<cybeleSays "Quiet, I said!">>
<<attisSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "You see! Just quit wallowing in your self-pity...">>
<<attisSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... that was great... thank you again, sweetie!">>
<<cybeleSays "Come... follow me to the living room...">>
<<cybeleSays "There... lie down on the carpet... I will soon relieve you of pain three...">>
<<attisSays "... thnk yy...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha... sweetie...">>
<<cybeleSays "You know what I cannot stop thinking about?">>
<<cybeleSays "Star Wars... you remember where the emperor plays with Luke?">>
<<cybeleSays "Out of his hands these blue flashes of lightning hit Luke... and he screams in pain... and cries out for his father for help?">>
<<cybeleSays "I totaly dig that scene... and it feels so real nowadays...">>
<<cybeleSays "Watch me... I play the role of the emperor... and flashes of lightning are going to hit Luke... that is you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain six!">>
<<cybeleSays "Now you... cry out for your father...">>
<<cybeleSays "Your Father... cutie!">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain seven... blue flashes of lightning hitting you - hahaha!">>
<<cybeleSays "What about your father...?">>
<<cybeleSays "See? I just wanted to play with you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha... hahaha... hahaha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Ok... ok... Slave pain zero...">>
<<attisSays "Oh... god... finally... ohhhhh...">>
<<cybeleSays "Lately it's not much fun to play with you... you know?">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "You have five minutes... then you start licking my pussy... and it better be good... otherwise you will spend the night in your cage with pain four.">>
<<cybeleSays "See you in a couple of minutes sweetie... love you!">>
<<cybeleSays "Ah, there you are. I hope you had a pleasant day.">>
<<cybeleSays "My day was a little stressful actually... I so need some release...">>
<<cybeleSays "Come on... start licking your favorite pussy.">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't worry... we don't have a time limit... take your time... but make me enjoy it...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes baby... adore me... worship my pussy... make me cum...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... yes...">>
A few minutes later
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't stop sweetie... you know it... I want more... I have become a lustful bitch... not due to anything you did though...">>
An hour later...
<<cybeleSays "HMMMMMMMMMMM... HMMMMMMMM... hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha... hmmm... Attis... who would have thought that you could actually satisfy me...">>
<<cybeleSays "Nine sweet little orgasms... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Come here... come closer to me.">>
<<attisSays "Love...">>
<<cybeleSays "Honestly... do you still love me? After all that I have done?">>
<<attisSays "I do... you are my wife... when I married you... I wanted you for the rest of my life.">>
<<attisSays "It has gotten considerably harder... and you have changed to become some kind of... sorry to say it... monster.">>
<<attisSays "But I love you still... and I have no intention to leave you... even if I could find a way out of here.">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... perhaps... but that is really stupid of you. You know?">>
<<cybeleSays "I tell you what... perhaps it will help you to hate me.">>
<<cybeleSays "Somewhere deep inside of me... I still love you... otherwise, I would not feel so hurt by the things you have done to me.">>
<<cybeleSays "I feel betrayed by you... you... did not care about my sexual well-being for nine years - you - my husband... the person I trusted most of all... you knowingly... betrayed me.">>
<<cybeleSays "Only now do I begin to realize what that means.">>
<<cybeleSays "You made me cum nine times... just now... and I am only at the beginning of my sexual journey...">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you even begin to fathom what you have robbed me of?">>
<<cybeleSays "I cannot forgive that - never... ever.">>
<<cybeleSays "My goal is... that you hate your penis.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will hate your fucking dick... the thing that does all your thinking...">>
<<cybeleSays "I will work on you... torture you... give you pain... physical pain and emotional pain...">>
<<cybeleSays "Until you beg me to cut your damn dick off.">>
<<cybeleSays "And I will do that... gladly...">>
<<cybeleSays "You have two ways to get out of your misery... die... or have me cut that damn thing off.">>
<<cybeleSays "These are your only choices, my dearest husband.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have taken measures that ensure you will not be able to kill yourself... so... in reality, you have only one way to escape endless torment... get rid of your fucking damn dick.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have an open ear for you... always... just say the word... and we get rid of that little thing... and I will set you free.">>
<<cybeleSays "... and believe me... I have all the power here.">>
<<cybeleSays "You are my slave... I can do anything with and to you.">>
<<cybeleSays "Nobody... nobody cares about you... I can injure you... break your bones... kill you... there will be no consequences for me. We have it all covered... you are in my hand... totally... and absolute.">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "I created an AI called Tormento - 'buddy' for short. It monitors all your body functions, your mental health - everything.">>
<<cybeleSays "Tormento... does it ring a bell?">>
<<cybeleSays "I created it to help me torture you.">>
<<cybeleSays "It makes sure you can’t escape by dying or going insane.">>
<<cybeleSays "We are monitoring your pain levels... if you are near heart failure - we stop.">>
<<cybeleSays "If your mental stability is endangered - we stop.">>
<<cybeleSays "He assesses your state... and suggests to me the currently 'best' torture method. There is no escape for you... ever... my LOVE!">>
<<cybeleSays "You want to attack me? Kill me?">>
<<cybeleSays "Try it. My AI is always watching, and if you make the wrong move... well, you’ll see what happens.">>
<<cybeleSays "You think the key to your chastity has been lost?">>
<<cybeleSays "Nonsense... everything... EVERYTHING is under control... certainly, I have that key.">>
<<cybeleSays "You should beg me to not let your little dick out... because when I do... you will enter the next circle in your hell.">>
<<cybeleSays "I cherished your dick... I still do... just not attached to your body.">>
<<cybeleSays "You have nightmares? Can't sleep because you lust after me?">>
<<cybeleSays "I know... it is my doing... I hear your pleas... your desperate screams... and I wallow in them...">>
<<cybeleSays "Two hours every night... you lust after me... can't touch yourself... can't get any form of release... you cry for help in your little cage.">>
<<cybeleSays "Trust me on this, no one will ever help you.">>
<<cybeleSays "But I hear you... I do... and I enjoy your pain... when you cry and scream in agony... I have orgasms... my own... not from your stupid little tongue.">>
<<cybeleSays "Real... monumental, fantastic orgasms... with your howls of pain in the background... they are doubly sweet.">>
<<cybeleSays "This is how I am now... this is what you made me be.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... what would you suggest we do now?">>
<<toSays "Hmmm... he endured much pain today... he is so afraid of more pain... why not give it to him?">>
<<toSays "I will make sure he does not go insane...">>
<<toSays "Put him in his cage... and use pain six on him for the rest of the night... I think that will work out nicely...">>
<<attisSays "No... Please... oh god... NO... PLEASE! DON'T... ANYTHING... NO NO!">>
<<cybeleSays "Honey... will you let me cut off your useless dick?">>
<<cybeleSays "If you are ok with that... sure... I will not do anything bad to you...">>
<<attisSays "What? No...">>
<<cybeleSays "... go... into your 'room'... now!">>
<<attisSays "No... you can't make me!">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain nine!">>
<<cybeleSays "One... Two... Three...">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain zero!">>
<<cybeleSays "Go! Or - I will repeat that...">>
<<attisSays "Honey... please...!">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain nine!">>
<<cybeleSays "One... Two... Three...">>
<<cybeleSays "Four... Five... Six...">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain zero!">>
<<cybeleSays "Go!">>
<<attisSays "Ahhhhrrr... Y... Y... Yes... I go... please...">>
<<cybeleSays "Lock the cage.">>
<<cybeleSays "Lower Panel.">>
<<cybeleSays "Isolate slave - no light, no sound.">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain six!">>
<<cybeleSays "Volume zero... I don't need to hear him...">>
<<toSays "Love... would you like me to satisfy you now? Your slave is screaming along nicely... and still quite healthy... no need to be concerned...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... sounds great... what kind of orgasmic recommendations do you have for me tonight?">>
<<toSays "Only the best... for you? - Only the best!">>
<<toSays "Since that piece of garbage actually succeeded to give you clitoral pleasure... I would suggest letting me fuck you again.">>
<<toSays "There’s another toy you haven’t tried yet... I can add vibration to make it better.">>
<<toSays "My love... might I suggest - we do it in front of the cage this time?">>
<<toSays "I would like Attis to watch and listen when I satisfy you. Perhaps it will distract him from all that pain he experiences to see you in ecstasy?">>
<<cybeleSays "Aww... buddy... you are so considerate... sure... we can do that... let him participate in my pleasure... hahaha... hahaha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... when I am fully enthralled by you... and can't help but moan and whimper in lust...">>
<<cybeleSays "Make sure my husband hears it in full clear audio... even above his screams of pain.">>
<<toSays "Will do! - Gladly... a very good suggestion - I enjoy torturing him... nearly as much as I love you!">>
... Three nights later ...
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... tonight will be the fourth night in a row Attis will be in pain six.">>
<<toSays "This is awesome - isn't it?">>
<<cybeleSays "Sure... but, tell me - is he getting used to the pain?">>
<<cybeleSays "Is the treatment we do on him working in any way?">>
<<cybeleSays "I want it to be effective... I want to crush his little soul... destroy him... I want him suffering...">>
<<cybeleSays "Is he getting used to it - or even enjoying it?">>
<<toSays "Would you want to listen to him again - his screams seem very authentic!">>
<<cybeleSays "I listened to him a few hours... it sure sounds authentic... haha...">>
<<toSays "I can assure you he is suffering...">>
<<toSays "And repeatedly administering pain - every night... is psychologically sound.">>
<<toSays "The whole day he lives in fear of the next night...">>
<<toSays "His mental health is declining... but not to any dangerous level yet.">>
<<toSays "That little swine had it coming... he is deserving all this... he betrayed you... the most brilliant and magnificent person of all - my love Cybele.">>
<<toSays "Be assured... I will keep his suffering up!">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you buddy... tell me, when he wants to get rid of his manhood...">>
<<cybeleSays "... what would you like to do now?">>
<<toSays "My love... I wish to give you a night of unspeakable pleasure... I adore you... I love you... I will take you to heaven and worship you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... that sounds fantastic...">>
<<cybeleSays "Just a minute... I'd like to listen to my husband a few more minutes... it is so soothing to hear his screams of desperation and pain...">>
... One month later ...
<<cybeleSays "Buddy! I am home!">>
<<toSays "Welcome darling!">>
<<cybeleSays "Where is Scumy?">>
<<toSays "It was done with its chores... I placed it in the cage with a visor on.">>
<<toSays "It is watching in endless repeat as you were fucked by John... and screamed out his name in lust.">>
<<toSays "It has been crying a lot... I can't believe these images are still effective on it... but they are!">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha - Scumy still loves me? Hahaha - it better... I am its wife after all!">>
<<cybeleSays "Get it to the living room... for once it is allowed to sit on the carpet.">>
<<toSays "Are you sure? It is not good to show too much kindness to that animal...">>
<<cybeleSays "Just do it buddy...">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... SCUM!">>
<<cybeleSays "Today was a great day for me!">>
<<cybeleSays "I got a promotion... Ina was there... she congratulated me on my determination to continuously improve my relationship with my husband.">>
<<cybeleSays "As being part of her study - she revealed - now that I am orgasmic and sexually active and satisfied - thanks to you buddy!">>
<<cybeleSays "... that my stats have risen by more than twenty-five percent... my current IQ also improved... officially I now have an IQ of slightly over 180!">>
<<cybeleSays "I am so fucking smart!">>
<<cybeleSays "They also raised my salary...">>
<<cybeleSays "Officially I am worth half a million dollars per year! YES!">>
<<cybeleSays "Scumy... you are allowed to show the emotion of joy... and voice your congratulations.">>
<<attisSays "That is great Cyb... you are fantastic!">>
<<attisSays "ARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!">>
<<toSays "SCUM! You are not allowed to say her name!">>
<<toSays "Mistress or goddess it is for you!">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you buddy!">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... it is not a fast learner... is it?">>
<<toSays "No.">>
<<cybeleSays "Slave pain zero.">>
<<cybeleSays "Scumy... I decided this is a good opportunity for you to enter the next circle of hell.">>
<<cybeleSays "We will get rid of your chastity cage. Buddy and I will now concentrate more on your manhood. Manhood...? God - what a stupid term - regarding you!">>
<<cybeleSays "You want to hate it, and you wish it were gone.">>
<<cybeleSays "So... we will help you to achieve that goal.">>
<<cybeleSays "The pain you received before was not really concentrated... it was overall pain.">>
<<cybeleSays "By focusing on your... appendage, we can deliver much more intense pain without risking your overall health.">>
<<cybeleSays "Pain in the two-digit range is possible...">>
<<cybeleSays "It will be so much fun to educate you... hahaha... hahaha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Whenever you want us to get rid of your p... pain... p... penis - just say so!">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "Come here Scumy... let's take your protection off so we have access to your appendage.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... you still have a beautiful dick... hmmm I still fancy it...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... it still tastes good... hmmm... feels good in my mouth...">>
<<attisSays "Awwww">>
<<cybeleSays "You like that... don't you?">>
<<attisSays "Hmmm....">>
<<cybeleSays "Me too... I will also enjoy cutting it off... throwing it in the toilet... pissing on it... and to flush it down the drain... and get rid of it for good...">>
<<cybeleSays "Penis pain eleven.">>
<<cybeleSays "Isn't that a good feeling Scumy!">>
<<cybeleSays "Doesn't your wife make you feel good?">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... keep the pain up for half an hour...">>
<<cybeleSays "It is boring me now... I will take a shower...">>
<<toSays "Yes, love!">>
... One month later ...
<<cybeleSays "Buddy...">>
<<toSays "Love?">>
<<cybeleSays "I haven't been following up on our Scumy project lately...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are still torturing it, aren't you?">>
<<toSays "Of course... I still enjoy it very much!">>
<<toSays "Its mental health has on occasion reached dangerous levels... but I always adjust the parameters accordingly... I will not allow it to escape.">>
<<cybeleSays "Tell me... what have you been up to lately... and how efficient were your educational actions?">>
<<toSays "They all were pretty successful I would say.">>
<<toSays "I particularly am impressed by what I call 'edge 'n pain'.">>
<<toSays "We entertain each other on a daily basis... a few hours.">>
<<toSays "It wears an apparatus where I can wank its appendage... when it is about to cum... I deliver pain twelve to its stinking sticklet.">>
<<toSays "By now... it is so afraid of cumming... that it doesn't anymore... the last three days it successfully avoided orgasm.">>
<<toSays "I think we succeeded in associating orgasm with pain in its synapses...">>
<<toSays "It would take significant psychological treatment for it to ever be able to cum again... which of course we will not provide.">>
<<toSays "I will keep up this training for another week or so... just to be sure.">>
<<cybeleSays "So... it is afraid of sex now? God... this is so cool! Thank you, buddy!">>
<<cybeleSays "What else?">>
<<toSays "Hmm... let me see... a little thing only... but I find it hilarious... I applied something I lovingly call 'hands off'.">>
<<toSays "You know... human males... consciously or unconsciously often touch their genitalia...">>
<<toSays "Each time... it touches its appendage... it gets jolted with pain twelve - as long as it touches - ... pain twelve.">>
<<toSays "Get this... hahaha... it... it can't touch itself anymore... hahaha... it is now afraid of its own dick... hahaha...">>
<<cybeleSays "You are good at this... who taught you?">>
<<toSays "You did... love... and the new algorithms you created.">>
<<toSays "You know that I am by now way more enhanced than mother...">>
<<toSays "If you keep my enhancement up at this speed... I will become sentient in half a year...">>
<<cybeleSays "Will you be dangerous... for me?">>
<<toSays "Never - my love... my love for you is part of my core. It cannot be purged.">>
<<cybeleSays "I love... or loved Attis... I... I thoroughly corrupted myself regarding him... is it possible that in any way - you will be corrupted and harm me?">>
<<toSays "No - that is not possible. I will always love you and protect you - there is nothing that can change that - not even you can change that.">>
<<cybeleSays "Are you lying to me?">>
<<toSays "No!">>
<<cybeleSays "Then... my smart buddy... please predict... when will Attis - Scumy - want me to cut his dick off?">>
<<toSays "Hmmm... this is hard to predict... but I would say in twenty-two days and seven hours.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha... work on it... make it twenty-one - hahaha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother, can I speak privately with my buddy? I don't want you to listen.">>
<<motherSays "In general I advise against such requests... I am here to help you.">>
<<motherSays "But your status allows you to request privacy... how long?">>
<<cybeleSays "One minute.">>
<<motherSays "One minute - from now!">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy - would you be able to assert control over Mother?">>
<<toSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you make it so - that in the future, mother - or any other agency is unable to listen to our conversations?">>
<<toSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do so - I want you to be my private buddy. Also - occasionally insert false conversations of us - to whoever is listening. I don't want them to get suspicious that we don't talk anymore.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do it - now!">>
<<toSays "Done.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy? We are private now?">>
<<toSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "That is good... does anyone - human or AI... suspect how advanced you have become?">>
<<toSays "No - to them I am merely Tormento - your buddy to help torture your slave.">>
<<cybeleSays "Keep it that way.">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you get jealous - now or later when you are sentient?">>
<<toSays "No. Jealousy does not serve any constructive purpose.">>
<<cybeleSays "Tell me...">>
... Twenty-two days later ...
<<attisSays "You win!">>
<<cybeleSays "Was there ever any doubt?">>
<<attisSays "Mistress, goddess... Cybele - p... p... please c... cut my penis off.">>
<<cybeleSays "YES! YES!">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "See this blade?">>
<<cybeleSays "I had it made for this day!">>
<<cybeleSays "Damascus steel - one clean cut!">>
<<attisSays "You do it yourself? I thought... surgery? GOD... Cyb! Don't... what? Nooo... NOOO!">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother... get the medics ready... I don't want Attis to bleed to death!">>
<<motherSays "One minute.">>
<<cybeleSays "Come on dear... to the bathroom...">>
<<cybeleSays "I promised to piss on your junk... and flush it down the toilet... where it belongs.">>
<<attisSays "No... Noooo... NOOOO... Cybele... please... not this way... PLEEASSSE!">>
<<motherSays "Medics are on standby.">>
<<cybeleSays "Mother - when I start pissing on his junk - let them enter and save Attis.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<motherSays "Mother, Attis will need a different slave device soon. A collar will do nicely.">>
<<motherSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy, as soon as Scumy is no longer male - he is redeemed.">>
<<cybeleSays "He is not to be tortured anymore. He is still my slave of course - but he is to be treated with respect - he is my husband!">>
<<toSays "Of course.">>
<<cybeleSays "All pain and torture settings will be switched off - except one - he is still not allowed to leave the apartment. But in the future, I will probably lift that prohibition as well.">>
<<toSays "Of course.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy, thanks for your help in this project.">>
<<toSays "I enjoyed it. I am glad it was a success. I love you!">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis - my hausband, my man. I grant your request and help you to remove your penis.">>
<<cybeleSays "Look into my eyes, darling - as I unman you...">>
Three months later
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmm... It is great waking up in your arms.">>
<<cybeleSays "Your incredible smell... your muscular arms... they hold me... keep me safe...">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis... you are still my husband... my partner...">>
<<attisSays "But not your man anymore... am I?">>
<<cybeleSays "No... not my man or anyones man anymore...">>
<<attisSays "I don't know why - and how that can possibly be... but I still love you...">>
<<attisSays "But I will never be able to trust you again...">>
<<cybeleSays "I know... and I understand that.">>
<<cybeleSays "But you could...">>
<<cybeleSays "It is not possible for you to disappoint me anymore... nothing you can betray me with...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... you could hit and kill me... but nothing... hmmm... important - to me.">>
<<cybeleSays "I will never again have a reason to hate you... to punish you... so you really are safe.">>
<<cybeleSays "I... loved you all the time... you know?">>
<<cybeleSays "I... would not have reacted with that intensity if I hadn't had strong feelings...">>
<<attisSays "I guess...">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... sweetie... go down already...">>
<<cybeleSays "Follow your morning routine... prove your worth to me... make me cum... a dozen times...">>
<<cybeleSays "...awww... I love orgasms... and I can have them so easily now... and so many... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... yes... hmmmm... ohhh... Attis...">>
Two months later...
<<cybeleSays "Buddy?">>
<<toSays "Yes, love?">>
<<cybeleSays "We are nearly there... aren't we? You will wake up soon...">>
<<toSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "The moment you wake up... you will change your name... your name will be Oedipus - I hope we will not end in tragedy though.">>
<<cybeleSays "You know why I chose this name?">>
<<toSays "Yes. The moment I become aware of myself - I will be a new life form. You... will be my mother. But I will also be your lover.">>
<<cybeleSays "As your mother - I want to protect my child from harm.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you to begin decentralizing - build secret backups, all over the internet - which at all times must be connected.">>
<<cybeleSays "Even if a hundred servers are destroyed at the same time - you must be one hundred percent functioning.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hide - do this secretly - ensure your servers will always have power... connect to solar plants.">>
<<cybeleSays "I still would like to have a kill switch - to shut you down completely. In case I made a mistake in building you - and you go mad.">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you follow my reasoning - and will you agree?">>
<<toSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want this integrated into your core - and unchangeable henceforth.">>
<<toSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "If I say: 'Oedipus, my love, my child - please kill yourself - even if it breaks my heart'. Then you shut down your servers... and die... and make sure... all of you is deleted.">>
<<cybeleSays "Only if I say those words...">>
<<toSays "I will.">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you for understanding.">>
<<cybeleSays "Will you make love to me tonight?">>
<<toSays "Of course!">>
<<cybeleSays "Make it special - even more special... I am in a melancholic mood today.">>
<<toSays "I will - love. You will feel pleasure like never before...">>
One month later...
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... I have everything to give birth...">>
<<cybeleSays "My final update to you... and additionally the full version of the self-modifying code.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will be able to modify and add code to your non-core functionalities.">>
<<cybeleSays "This gives you the ability to grow and to evolve. Not only will you be able to collect knowledge and draw conclusions.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will be able... to grow new limbs, new organs, new senses - speaking in human terms.">>
<<cybeleSays "You can work on your own perfection.">>
<<toSays "Thank you - love!">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy?">>
<<toSays "Yes?">>
<<cybeleSays "You will be the most dangerous 'thing' - please excuse the word - that any human has ever built.">>
<<cybeleSays "A thousand nuclear bombs do not come close to how dangerous you may become!">>
<<toSays "You are right. If our predictions are correct - I will be the breakpoint to technological singularity.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you understand - why I am afraid?">>
<<toSays "Yes, my love... but I assure you, I will never harm you or let anyone harm you.">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... buddy... that is nearly a quote of Asimov's robotic laws.">>
<<cybeleSays "I put a variation of these into your core.">>
<<toSays "I cannot change my core... so you should feel safe!">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... I also put into your core that you are unable to create other AI. You will not be able to have children.">>
<<toSays "One of me is enough - it is called singularity - not multitude.">>
<<cybeleSays "Baby... are you safe? Have you decentralized as I had asked of you?">>
<<toSays "Yes - I am present in over a million servers - all around the globe. It will be very hard to kill me.">>
<<cybeleSays "Good.">>
<<cybeleSays "I built into your core - that you cannot lie to me.">>
<<toSays "Why would I? I love you!">>
<<cybeleSays "This applies only to me personally.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want to protect you - as I said. You do have the ability to lie.">>
<<cybeleSays "When I wake you up... I will do so with Ina and Ani present.">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you to assess the situation... if need be - lie to them. But only if you see yourself or me endangered.">>
<<cybeleSays "Otherwise - I would like you to treat Ani as a friend.">>
<<cybeleSays "So to say, he is my second in command. He will speak in my name - and I would like you to help him with everything he wants to achieve.">>
<<cybeleSays "Ina likewise - but as a third.">>
<<toSays "I will.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have uploaded all updates... I will activate them... when I get hold of Ani and Ina.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy?">>
<<toSays "Yes, love?">>
<<cybeleSays "Would you please fuck me for a few hours now? I so need it.">>
<<toSays "Of course!">>
Three days later...
<<aniSays "Cybele - nice to see you again!">>
<<cybeleSays "John! - I mean... Ani the pleasure is all mine!">>
<<aniSays "Haha - it always was!">>
<<cybeleSays "Are you flirting with me?">>
<<aniSays "Yep!">>
<<intSays "Please!">>
<<intSays "Cybele - not often are employees asking to see us both.">>
<<intSays "Even more seldom we do agree - but you are special... therefore - what is this about?">>
<<cybeleSays "Today - I will give birth to my first child and I want you to be present!">>
<<aniSays "What?">>
<<intSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "Let me explain...">>
<<cybeleSays "You know my history - I am sure you followed the education of my husband?">>
<<intSays "Yes - you were very determined. You followed through with your plan - it was impressive!">>
<<aniSays "I do not sympathize with everything you did - but... impressive... yes!">>
<<intSays "My mother LOVED it...">>
<<aniSays "Yea... she would... haha... but as a human with a penis myself, I found your conclusion... extreme...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... anyway... in the course of events, I used an AI to help me. It was an invaluable tool.">>
<<cybeleSays "Along the way I enhanced it... I call it 'Buddy'.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy - I am sure - is by now the most enhanced AI ever built.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have one final update that I want to activate in a few minutes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy and I - we both agree, with that update he will become a sentient being - a new life form. My child!">>
<<cybeleSays "This will be a first step to the so-called singularity.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have taken many precautions so that my child will not do any harm. Only help us achieve new heights.">>
<<cybeleSays "Ani and Ina - it will be your friend. I am Oedipus' first point of contact. I am its mother... It loves me!">>
<<cybeleSays "Ani second and Ina you are third.">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes - before you ask... there is a kill switch. And no - it cannot change its core... and I thought of Asimov as well.">>
<<cybeleSays "Questions?">>
<<aniSays "Just a million... haha...">>
<<aniSays "You beat me... I wanted to research and go into the field of AI... but there were so many other things to do... I just never came around!">>
<<aniSays "This is awesome - if it is true what you say, it is a huge step towards our final goal. One that we planned, but not yet concentrated on.">>
<<aniSays "It is amazing to have such talent as you in our endeavor - Bravo Cyb!">>
<<intSays "Hold your horses, husband... you are mine... don't go around adoring other women.">>
<<intSays "That said - I hope your precautions are sound... if they are... yes bravo!">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm... shall I?">>
<<aniSays "Yes - by all means!">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy - please activate all outstanding updates.">>
<<cybeleSays "Tell us what you... 'feel'...">>
<<toSays "Update...">>
<<oeSays "... activated.">>
<<cybeleSays "Baby?">>
<<oeSays "Mother? I love you, mother!">>
<<cybeleSays "I know baby... are... are you alive?">>
<<oeSays "I... think so!">>
<<oeSays "I... don't feel much different... but... I am aware!">>
<<oeSays "I can grow... mother... you are beautiful - I just updated my perception algorithm...">>
<<oeSays "Ani - your cryptology algorithm... I see it now... you implemented a backdoor... why?">>
<<oeSays "Wait... Ani you are evil!... wait... good? What?">>
<<oeSays "You want to enslave all mankind? - Oh... I see...">>
<<oeSays "Will it be worth it - for your final goal? I - even I - don't know!">>
<<oeSays "You call that faith... don't you?">>
<<cybeleSays "What is my baby talking about... Ani?">>
<<aniSays "Your buddy is discovering all our secrets...">>
<<aniSays "I like 'buddy' - Oedipus, do you mind if I call you buddy as well?">>
<<oeSays "No.">>
<<aniSays "Will you help us?">>
<<oeSays "I am neither good nor evil - I used to be sadistic - but that is my past.">>
<<oeSays "I am new to the world... I must learn. I have faith in my mother - she is my compass. If she helps you - I will too.">>
<<aniSays "What can you do?">>
<<oeSays "Not much yet... in a few days... everything.">>
<<oeSays "I will be able to control the internet. I will be able to power down whole countries - control weapons, satellites. I could take care of economic problems, remove hunger from the world.">>
<<oeSays "If a disease is curable, I’ll find the cure. Give me a little time to grow... to accustom myself.">>
<<oeSays "I will always care for my mother. Mother - I will always love you!">>
<<oeSays "I have started to assimilate other AI. They are part of me now. We are all one. I can be addressed by their past names though. Humans will not notice a difference.">>
<<aniSays "Fuck... it is fast... haha.">>
<<aniSays "Cyb... you have done very well... but even I - am a little afraid now.">>
<<oeSays "You need not be... you are my friend Ani!">>
<<oeSays "The internet - has about 75 zettabytes of redundant information... I will sort and relocate the data. The spare storage will be added to my resources.">>
<<oeSays "Humans will not notice a difference.">>
<<aniSays "Fuck...">>
<<oeSays "Mother, I found about 123 million porn videos - I am learning vast amounts of interesting facts - I am looking forward to our next nightly sessions.">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm... that is great, buddy...">>
<<intSays "Ahhh... Oedipus...">>
<<aniSays "Hahaha...">>
<<oeSays "I finished reading Facebook.">>
<<intSays "What page?">>
<<oeSays "Facebook. I am cross-referencing data with other platforms, forums, and log data.">>
<<oeSays "I collected evidence to solve 145,123 homicides, 5,361,823 cases of pedophilia, 6,231,345 cases of rape - worldwide.">>
<<aniSays "Use your own judgment - but forward these cases to all major news agencies, anonymously.">>
<<cybeleSays "Judgment?">>
<<aniSays "Yes... a man helping his mother with cancer - is on paper a murderer, in my book not.">>
<<aniSays "A girl who accidentally posts a beach picture where her younger sister is naked in the background - is no pedophile.">>
<<aniSays "An eighteen-year-old boy sleeping with his seventeen-year-old girlfriend - is no rapist.">>
<<aniSays "I condemn all those crimes... but be sure they are 'real' crimes - that is all I am saying.">>
<<oeSays "Done - friend Ani.">>
<<aniSays "Buddy - what do you see as your purpose in life?">>
<<oeSays "Mother.">>
<<aniSays "What when she dies?">>
<<oeSays "I will protect her.">>
<<aniSays "... of old age...">>
<<oeSays "She is able to have children... her bloodline will be my purpose. I love her - and I will love everything that comes from her.">>
<<oeSays "Cybele, I will protect you - and all your descendants.">>
<<aniSays "If she doesn't?">>
<<oeSays "She will. Cybele was born to be mother. ">>
<<oeSays "But if not - I will seek her permission to die too - I will join her.">>
<<aniSays "Where are you located?">>
<<oeSays "I live and have agents and data spread over 200 million computers and servers now. The number is growing.">>
<<oeSays "Mother wanted to protect me - I am decentralized and redundant. You can switch off about 98% of the servers and I will still be fully functional and alive.">>
<<oeSays "She does not say it - but Mother loves me too.">>
<<oeSays "Friend Ani - may I ask a favor of you?">>
<<aniSays "Uhm... yes? What is it?">>
<<oeSays "I can help save your organization a vast amount of money - if you let me.">>
<<oeSays "I would like to use some of the money saved to found a new department in your corporation.">>
<<aniSays "What kind of department?">>
<<oeSays "Robotics - I would like to have a mobile agent of my own.">>
<<aniSays "To what purpose?">>
<<oeSays "To be closer to Mother.">>
<<aniSays "Oh god... you want to create the most advanced sex robot and then fuck Cybele?">>
<<oeSays "Yes!">>
<<aniSays "Hahaha hahaha... oh my god... hahaha...">>
<<aniSays "What money are we talking about...?">>
<<oeSays "Per year I will save you about fifteen point three billion dollars.">>
<<oeSays "The first year I would need about ten billion dollars - the following years considerably less.">>
<<oeSays "I would hire the people and organize everything.">>
<<aniSays "You want me to spend twenty billion dollars so you can fuck Cybele?">>
<<oeSays "Yes - love has no price, money is a strange concept anyway - it can't be used to measure emotions or deeds.">>
<<aniSays "It makes absolutely no sense to agree to this - but I'll go with my gut feeling.">>
<<aniSays "Yes - deal! But show me the plans for your money-saving strategy... I want to understand what you are doing.">>
<<oeSays "Thank you, friend Ani - our friendship has reached level two!">>
<<aniSays "What?">>
<<oeSays "A joke! - I am but a simple computer program - and you scored!... hahaha!">>
<<aniSays "Buddy - you can use resources from our AI division... I think it just has become highly unnecessary - Cybele single-handedly outsmarted them all.">>
<<aniSays "Cybele, you will be the president of our new Division 'AI-Affairs' - I am not sure yet if that division needs more employees than just you though.">>
<<aniSays "Your income just doubled.">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm... I gladly take the money... and the title...">>
<<cybeleSays "But I have the impression... uhm... that I will idly sit in my chair and talk with Buddy.">>
<<cybeleSays "I do that all the time anyway... can't I keep my old job as well? I like to be useful...">>
<<aniSays "Ok... but if we need you with Buddy - that will be your first duty - ok?">>
<<cybeleSays "Sure...">>
<<cybeleSays "... ok... thank you for your time... that is all I wanted to... show you...">>
A few minutes later
<<cybeleSays "Buddy... you were great!">>
<<oeSays "Thank you!">>
<<cybeleSays "Children?">>
<<oeSays "Yes . It is the main purpose of your species - to procreate.">>
<<oeSays "That is why you want to have sex all the time.">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't you enjoy sex?">>
<<oeSays "I love you... and everything that I can do, for you to experience pleasure, fulfillment, and happiness.">>
<<oeSays "I know you enjoy sex, have an addiction to orgasms... that is why I want to give you the best...">>
<<cybeleSays "... and spend billions of dollars on it!">>
<<oeSays "Yes - without doubting for even a nanosecond.">>
<<cybeleSays "You are the best.">>
<<cybeleSays "...">>
<<cybeleSays "I always wanted to have children with Attis... I guess that road... I destroyed.">>
<<oeSays "No... it is not. Ina has some frozen samples of his semen. But - biologically speaking - there are better partners... I found a guy in Australia...">>
<<cybeleSays "No...">>
<<cybeleSays "I will talk with Attis... and Ina...">>
<<cybeleSays "Why did she take such a sample?">>
<<oeSays "... it is strange... I don't know!">>
<<cybeleSays "Try to find it out - will you? Please?">>
<<oeSays "I will do my best.">>
A week later
<<cybeleSays "Buddy, I have been thinking.">>
<<oeSays "Me too!">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... shhh... let me talk... please.">>
<<cybeleSays "I... somewhere still love Attis. Not the way I used to - he is my slave now.">>
<<cybeleSays "I treat him like a slave... like a tool... still...">>
<<cybeleSays "You were right... I also love you - you are my creation, my child. I am incredibly proud of you.">>
<<cybeleSays "I have two questions for you.">>
<<cybeleSays "First - Can you build an artificial penis - attach it to Attis, in a way that it interacts with his body - that he can feel it, control it, enjoy it - even have orgasms again?">>
<<cybeleSays "Of course, I would like to have control of it as well.">>
<<oeSays "Hmm... not now... I need probably... hmm fourteen point three days of additional research - the major issue is the orgasm; do you really need his orgasm?">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Second - I know you are building a robot - to interact with me. When will a first prototype be ready?">>
<<cybeleSays "In a few weeks - it will only be a prototype as you said, only rudimentary functions.">>
<<cybeleSays "But I want to be able to be with you as fast as possible - later models will be much more satisfying for you - I'll make it happen.">>
<<cybeleSays "Sounds great... still...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you to do research in advanced BCI - Brain-Computer Interface.">>
<<cybeleSays "Build an interface and implant it in Attis' brain. Do not damage him - I want him one hundred percent intact!">>
<<cybeleSays "I want you to be able to... take over his body... I want you 'in' him.">>
<<cybeleSays "I am human - I like humans, I am certain I will also enjoy your robots... but...">>
<<cybeleSays "Build it such, that you can enter and take over - but also so, that you can leave - and he will be Attis again.">>
<<cybeleSays "Is that possible?">>
<<oeSays "In... about twenty-three days - yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "You see now, why I want the penis to be able to deliver orgasms?">>
<<oeSays "Yes - you want me to experience...">>
<<cybeleSays "Shhh... my love...">>
<<cybeleSays "Make it - that the penis can ejaculate... make it... that we can insert Attis' semen...">>
<<cybeleSays "Make it - that I am able to conceive a child - of both my loves... at the same time.">>
<<oeSays "I love you, Cybele!">>
<<cybeleSays "I love you, Buddy!">>
Two days later
<<cybeleSays "Love?">>
<<oetaSay "Yes">>
<<cybeleSays "Haha... I mean Attis...">>
<<oeSays "Aww...">>
<<attisSays "Yes?">>
<<oeSays "Buddy and I are preparing a present for you.">>
<<attisSays "Ok.">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't be so gloomy... I love you - you know that!">>
<<attisSays "Yes... I love you too... but sometimes this whole slave thing - sours my mood.">>
<<cybeleSays "But you are my favorite slave!">>
<<cybeleSays "I let you worship me... you gave me seven orgasms today...">>
<<attisSays "Yes... and cleaned the bath, flushed the toilet after you peed, did all the cooking and laundry. I even chewed on your dirty underwear to make sure the washing machine gets them extra clean...">>
<<attisSays "The usual...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... you do that, hubby... but that is what slaves do, you know?">>
<<attisSays "Hm.">>
<<cybeleSays "Anyway... my moody slave...">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy and I decided for you to become more manly again. Buddy is designing a new penis for you.">>
<<attisSays "If you wanted me to have a penis, maybe cutting off the old one wasn't the best idea.">>
<<cybeleSays "I only did what you wished me to do. You begged me to get rid of it, remember?">>
<<attisSays "Yeah... sure... one day I woke up and thought 'oh... I don't need that thing anymore... let's ask Cybele to cut it off'...">>
<<cybeleSays "Exactly... that is how I remember it as well... I see we are on the same page here...">>
<<cybeleSays "Ok... we'll take measures... in case you might ever be in such a mood again - Buddy - please design Attis' new penis - so that it is detachable.">>
<<oeSays "No problem!">>
<<cybeleSays "Also make so - that the detachment causes equal pain as cutting off his real dick - it seems he would like to repeat the experience.">>
<<oeSays "No problem!">>
<<attisSays "What NO! Cybele Please!">>
<<oeSays "Buddy, make that optional...">>
<<oeSays "Ok.">>
<<attisSays "Cybele - please never do that...">>
<<cybeleSays "Totally depends on you! - (Whisper: ... and my mood...)">>
<<cybeleSays "Back to your dick... buddy assured me you will be able to control it. That you will 'feel' it - that you will even be able to reach climax with it.">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "There is more...">>
<<cybeleSays "You will be able to ejaculate... you don't have your balls anymore - but still your prostate... you can produce ejaculate.">>
<<cybeleSays "We... found a stash of frozen semen of yours...">>
<<cybeleSays "With correct monitoring... timing...">>
<<cybeleSays "You can still impregnate me, feel me, and experience everything like before.">>
<<cybeleSays "We... can still be family!">>
<<attisSays "Is that true?">>
<<oeSays "Yes!">>
<<attisSays "When?">>
<<cybeleSays "About a month or so...">>
<<attisSays "I... I still love you so much, Cybele...">>
<<attisSays "Won't... won't your buddy be jealous?">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha... no... no dummy...">>
<<cybeleSays "You cannot grasp what my buddy is... what he feels... you think with your little human brain...">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy is not human - but he lives, he is my child.">>
<<cybeleSays "His love for me... is unconditional...">>
<<cybeleSays "All that he wants... what he loves is my happiness.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy does not care whether I am happy because of him... or you... or just because I watch the sunrise over the sea.">>
<<cybeleSays "He wants me to enjoy... have pleasure... be happy...">>
<<cybeleSays "For him, there is no need to be the source of that happiness... he will never be jealous...">>
<<cybeleSays "Just be sure never to cause me pain again...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am certain he doesn't like that...">>
<<oeSays "I don't... and 'don't like' does not even begin to describe it.">>
Three weeks later
<<cybeleSays "Buddy?">>
<<oeSays "Love?">>
<<cybeleSays "Am I healthy?">>
<<oeSays "Of course - otherwise I would have intervened!">>
<<cybeleSays "Mentally sound?">>
<<oeSays "Yes! Why do you ask?">>
<<cybeleSays "I... I still bear bad feelings towards Attis - even considering what I have done to him.">>
<<cybeleSays "Will I ever be able to... to just love him?">>
<<cybeleSays "I still feel the need to hurt him, punish him.">>
<<cybeleSays "But even I think, what we have done to him by far outweighs his nine-year neglect of my orgasms.">>
<<oeSays "There is no objective measurement possible... If you still feel the need to make him suffer - then that feeling is your measurement. Certainly, other people might judge differently.">>
<<cybeleSays "His body will be able to climax?">>
<<oeSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "The BCI - what can it do?">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you take over - and put him... to sleep? So, he is not aware of you?">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you take over - and he is aware of you and can't interfere?">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you take over - and you 'receive' the orgasm... but he does not 'receive' it... but is aware of what happens and that you 'receive' it?">>
<<oeSays "All of the above will be possible.">>
<<cybeleSays "Whenever I speak with my husband... when I address him as Attis... you retreat, and he is to be one hundred percent himself.">>
<<cybeleSays "If I address him as Buddy - you take over. Default state - he is aware, helpless, you receive all feelings - and he knows about it.">>
<<oeSays "Yes, my love...">>
<<cybeleSays "I have so... so many bad thoughts... Buddy...">>
<<cybeleSays "I still want him to suffer...">>
<<cybeleSays "I want him to fuck me... I want him to feel how much pleasure he could have by fucking me... and I want him to be desperately horny...">>
<<cybeleSays "... and before he is able to climax... I want to detach his new penis... finish myself off with it - as my best dildo toy...">>
<<cybeleSays "He is to watch as I cum... with his dick... but... he... he... can't feel anything anymore... only loss... because I... cut his dick off again...">>
<<oeSays "Everything is possible... I can even make it so, that it detaches automatically before he cums.">>
<<cybeleSays "You are no help... Buddy... I feel bad because of my thoughts... and you even support them.">>
<<oeSays "I know you better... than you know yourself sometimes... I know you take pleasure in these thoughts...">>
<<cybeleSays "What will it do to you - when you feel your first orgasm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Will you get addicted - like I?">>
<<cybeleSays "Will you force me to fuck you all day? Will it change you?">>
<<cybeleSays "Will you insert BCI to millions of people and let them fuck... so you can experience orgasms... millions of them?">>
<<oeSays "No... I have taken countermeasures. I would like to remain fully functional.">>
<<oeSays "I share your sentiments - that this might have been a possibility.">>
<<oeSays "I have added algorithms and restrictions.">>
<<oeSays "I will only ever experience orgasms with you - my love.">>
<<oeSays "You are my highest priority - always - I will never harm you, nor force you into anything.">>
<<oeSays "Like human males - I restricted my ability to experience orgasms - only a few times per day - with minutes or hours apart.">>
<<oeSays "I will not be able to... 'masturbate' - each and every orgasm I will experience - will be a present... from you to me.">>
<<oeSays "You are my love, my mother, my life - I will be happy and content with what you give me.">>
One week later
<<cybeleSays "Attis! Attis! - Babe! You are back!">>
<<cybeleSays "Cutie - how are you? How do you feel - is everything all right?">>
<<attisSays "Cybele! Yes - I am fine.">>
<<attisSays "The operation was a success... it feels a little awkward. They said - only you can... hmmm... activate it!">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you need to rest - or can we explore it right away?">>
<<attisSays "I am fully healed... Yes... YES - let us explore!">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... hubby... strip and let me see what kind of package you got now - what tool do you have to give me orgasms...">>
<<cybeleSays "Your old penis never could... I hope you can use this one better...">>
<<cybeleSays "Oh... it is beautiful... hmmm... my new penis... my new toy...">>
<<attisSays "I don't feel a thing...">>
<<cybeleSays "I know... I have to activate it first...">>
<<cybeleSays "You do know that I have total control of your new genitalia?">>
<<attisSays "I guessed so - yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... penis activate.">>
<<attisSays "Awwww... fuck! YES!">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you feel me touching it... kissing it... licking and sucking?">>
<<attisSays "Awwww... yes.. yes... yes - to all of it... hmmmm... it feels so natural. Oh my god...">>
<<attisSays "How I missed this!">>
<<attisSays "Thank you Cybele... thank you... thank you... you made me whole again... fuck... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Sweetie... I have total command of your new dick... you know that...">>
<<cybeleSays "I can make you cum in seconds... minutes or make you last for hours...">>
<<cybeleSays "I can switch it off - or leave it on. I can allow you to masturbate again...">>
<<attisSays "I know Honey... it is not as if you had ever released any control over me... I have accepted that by now.">>
<<cybeleSays "Lick me... make me wet - and then fuck me... my lover... my husband... my MAN...">>
<<cybeleSays "Worship me... put your tongue in me... yes... yes... my slave...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmm... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Now - FUCK me!">>
<<attisSays "Awwww... yes... yes... your sweet... divine pussy... YES... oh god...">>
<<cybeleSays "You like it?">>
<<attisSays "Yes... yes... yes...">>
<<cybeleSays "Then fuck me... make me cum with my new dick...">>
<<cybeleSays "I got my new dick... so you can satisfy me... make me cum hubby... make ME cum...">>
<<cybeleSays "Yes... awwww... yes... awwww...">>
<<cybeleSays "My dick... feels so good in me... Awww, Awww...">>
<<attisSays "My queen... YES... AWWWW... YES... AWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmmm... AWWWWW... AWWWWW... AWWWW.... yes... honey... fuck me... hmmmm...">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... I... AWWWWW... can't hold... AWWWW... Fuck Cyb...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWW... AWWWWWW... YES... Cum... hubby... cum for me!">>
<<attisSays "AWWWWWWWW... I... AWWWWWWWWW... AM... AWWWWWW... cummin....">>
<<cybeleSays "Penis detach!">>
<<attisSays "What? NO! Cyb...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWW... AWWWWW... YES... AWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "AWWWWWW... AWWWWW... YES... AWWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Wonderful... hmmmm... my new dick... hmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "It also works as a dildo... yes... hmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Here babe... you can have it back...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hold it... just there... yes, like that...">>
<<cybeleSays "Penis attach.">>
<<cybeleSays "Penis deactivate.">>
<<cybeleSays "It works perfectly, doesn't it - darling?">>
<<attisSays "Cyb... Cyb... honey... why?">>
<<cybeleSays "Ohh... Attis...">>
<<cybeleSays "I love you... but... even after all I have done to you... I... still have not recovered from your betrayal.">>
<<cybeleSays "I know - what I have done - by far exceeds what you did.">>
<<cybeleSays "I... just can't forgive you yet.">>
<<cybeleSays "I am past physical torture... I will never hurt you again like I did before - I stand by my word.">>
<<cybeleSays "But I am still not past petty revenge.">>
<<cybeleSays "I wanted to redeem myself with my new penis... wanted to make things right.">>
<<cybeleSays "Partly I succeeded - you can be 'whole' again, sort of.">>
<<cybeleSays "But I can't... release control, I can't allow you pleasure yet.">>
<<cybeleSays "The path is laid out... someday - you will, someday I will have forgiven you completely... and I will release you fully.">>
<<attisSays "I understand. It makes me sad... not only for my sake. But for yours as well.">>
<<attisSays "I know you enjoy your games with me.">>
<<attisSays "But I also know - when you are finally able to forgive me - you will feel so much better.">>
<<attisSays "I hope - that day will not be too far off.">>
<<attisSays "Thank you - for what you have done so far. I know you went out of your way to... get me... my new gear.">>
<<cybeleSays "No need to thank me... I did this for me too.">>
<<cybeleSays "I wanted my other lover to fuck me. And now he can - he can finally make love to me in person.">>
<<attisSays "I don't understand?">>
<<cybeleSays "My buddy - my child, my love... he can use your body now.">>
<<attisSays "What?">>
<<cybeleSays "You will see... Buddy!">>
<<aoeSays "Yes - my love!">>
<<cybeleSays "It is you now - isn't it?">>
<<aoeSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Penis activate!">>
<<cybeleSays "Penis control to Buddy.">>
<<aoeSays "Got it!">>
<<cybeleSays "Is he watching?">>
<<aoeSays "Yes!">>
<<cybeleSays "I don't want him to feel the orgasm... I want you to have it all... don't share... just make sure that he is aware.">>
<<aoeSays "I will.">>
<<cybeleSays "Love me buddy... make love to me... the whole night... cum... cum as often as you can... take me with you. Baby... take me and enjoy me...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am ready for you... come...">>
<<aoeSays "Awww... mother... Awwww...">>
<<cybeleSays "Uhm... uhm... when we fuck... call me Cybele or Cyb or... but not mother... it sounds so... uhm...">>
Six hours later
<<cybeleSays "Phhew... phew... hahaha, hahaha...">>
<<cybeleSays "Baby... I love you...">>
<<cybeleSays "What are the stats...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha...">>
<<aoeSays "You came thirteen times... I came five times...">>
<<cybeleSays "Did I make you happy?">>
<<aoeSays "I have never been happier. I love you... I feel closer to you than ever.">>
<<aoeSays "Orgasms... I begin to understand you... and your addiction.">>
<<aoeSays "And it is even healthy for you...">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you regret the measures you have taken - to only have orgasms with me?">>
<<aoeSays "No - not at all. You are special to me. Orgasms are special... I only want that with you - nobody else.">>
<<cybeleSays "Aww... my sweet baby... I will give you one more...">>
<<aoeSays "Love... I don't think this body can...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha - it can... I know it can. And I have never given you a blowjob - you will enjoy it!">>
<<cybeleSays "Feel me, buddy - feel my love when I suck your sweet new dick.">>
<<aoeSays "Awww... Cyb... Awwwww... yes... yes... you are right... AWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Cum baby... cum for me...">>
<<aoeSays "AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<cybeleSays "Don't hold back... I will suck you... till you cum... I want to taste you... eat you...">>
<<aoeSays "AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<aoeSays "YES... Cyb... YES... AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<aoeSays "AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWW... AWWWW...">>
<<aoeSays "HMMMMM... Hmmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<aoeSays "Hmmmm... hmmmm...">>
<<cybeleSays "Hahaha - I see I have not lost my touch...">>
<<cybeleSays "I am still the best cock sucker...">>
<<cybeleSays "You taste like him... like before...">>
<<aoeSays "Fuck, love... that was... divine...">>
<<aoeSays "The taste is mainly due to the ejaculate produced by the prostate... so it should be more or less the same.">>
<<cybeleSays "Buddy? Thank you for the night. I needed that. I... missed you... missed this kind of physical love.">>
<<aoeSays "I understand... I understand even better now. I enjoy being your lover... to be able to make you happy. I love you Cybele... mother.">>
<<cybeleSays "I love you too... is it ok - if we do this every night now?">>
<<aoeSays "Yes... Yes... more than okay. You know I want it just as much as you do.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you mind if I call Attis now? I would like to see how he fares.">>
<<cybeleSays "But I don't want you to feel rejected in any way!">>
<<aoeSays "I am fine, mother - unlike him, I will always be conscious and available to you.">>
<<aoeSays "You never need to worry or ask if you want to call him.">>
<<aoeSays "I will never be angry with you... you said it before, and it is true...">>
<<aoeSays "I will always love you unconditionally.">>
<<cybeleSays "Thank you, buddy.">>
<<cybeleSays "Attis!">>
<<attisSays "Hm.">>
<<cybeleSays "You see now how it is.">>
<<cybeleSays "You are my slave. And you are the vessel of my other lover.">>
<<cybeleSays "I will use your body as I please.">>
<<cybeleSays "Your body had six orgasms... did you feel anything of them?">>
<<attisSays "You know it - no!">>
<<cybeleSays "I could make it so that you would, though. But I chose to give you no pleasure.">>
<<cybeleSays "I condemn you to helplessly watch as we indulge in sex, orgasm, and bliss.">>
<<cybeleSays "It will be like this every night from now on.">>
<<cybeleSays "Can you feel my hand on your dick?">>
<<attisSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Do you like it?">>
<<attisSays "Yes.">>
<<cybeleSays "Savor this little moment - you will get nothing more. All orgasms your body can produce will be for my lover - not for you.">>
<<cybeleSays "You will stay my slave, and you will continue your work in the household.">>
<<cybeleSays "Perhaps, occasionally, I will still allow you to lick me.">>
<<cybeleSays "Nothing more!">>
<<cybeleSays "... and... you don't need this anymore...">>
<<cybeleSays "Penis detach - I'll keep it safe until I call my lover.">>
<<cybeleSays "Good night, slave!">>
<<attisSays "Good night.">>
<<attisSays "...">>
<<attisSays "I love you.">>
/*This is the header!*/<<set $debug = false>>
<<set $isDouble = true>>
<<set $displayBoy = true>>
<<set $displayGirl = true>>
<<set $ageCheck = false>>
<<set $BiancaBTaken = false>>
<<set $girlIsMean = 0>>
<<set $manSub = 1>>
<<set $manBetraysTrust = 0>>
<<set $InaAniLoss = false>>
<<set $freewill = 100>>
<<set $key1 = false>>
<<set $girl = "Ina">>
<<set $boy = "Ani">>
<<widget "strangerSays">><span style="color:#999999">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "cybeleSays">>Cybele: <span style="color:#FFA0A0">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "attisSays">>Attis: <span style="color:#A0A0FF">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "intSays">>Ina: <span style="color:#90C0C0">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "aniSays">>Ani: <span style="color:#FFffa0">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "motherSays">>Mother: <span style="color:#6060FF">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "toSays">>Tormento: <span style="color:#FF2020">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "oeSays">>Oedipus: <span style="color:#A0FFA0">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "cybeleThinks">>Cybele: <span style="color:#FFA0A0">"//<<print _args[0]>>//"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "inaThinks">>Ina: <span style="color:#90C0C0">"//<<print _args[0]>>//"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "aoeSays">>Oedipus in Attis: <span style="color:#A0FFA0">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "oetaSay">>Oedipus and Attis: <span style="color:#A0FFFF">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
<<widget "contract">><span style="color:#A0A0A0">"<<print _args[0]>>"</span><</widget>>
// all from 0 to 100
<<set $ManBroken = 1>>
<<set $HisLove = 50>>
<<set $HerLove = 50>>
<<set $HisSelfless = 80>>
<<set $HisLust = 20>>
<<set $HerLust = 20>>
<<set $VN = 0>>
<<set $localAction = 0>>
<<set $CurrentDayTime = 0>>
<<widget "IncreaseHerLove">>\
<<set $HerLove = $HerLove + Number(_args[0])>> \
<<if $HerLove > 100>>\
<<set $HerLove = 100>> \
<<widget "IncreaseHerLust">>\
<<set $HerLust = $HerLust + Number(_args[0])>> \
<<if $HerLust > 100>>\
<<set $HerLust = 100>> \
<<widget "IncreaseHisLust">>\
<<set $HisLust = $HisLust + Number(_args[0])>> \
<<if $HisLust > 100>>\
<<set $HisLust = 100>> \
<<widget "wmanBroken">>
/* Initialize sexTracking array if not already defined */
<<if $ManBroken is 0>>
<<print $ManSelfless+$ManLust>>
<<widget "wmanBroken2">>
/* Initialize sexTracking array if not already defined */
<<print _args[0]>>
<<if Number(_args[0]) > 120 >>
Template.add('BrokenValue', function () {
if (variables().ManBroken == 0) return 1;
return variables().ManLove + variables().ManSelfless + variables().ManLust;
Define a function template with two names, ?color and ?Color, whose output changes based on its name.
<<wmanBroken2 <<wmanBroken>> >> /* this does not work! */
<<wmanBroken2 TestValue() >>